Selection Criterion Specification Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Selection Criterion Specification Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Outer Logical Op. In this field you can use the outer logical operator “OR” to separate criterion series in the selection criterion specification. When the sub-tab comprises several consecutive lines, it means that the criteria of all of these lines should be met in order for an entry to match the selection criterion specification. By creating a line with the outer logical operator “OR” you can define, however, that an entry needs only to meet the criteria above or below the “OR” operator to match the selection criterion specification. For further details on the functionality of this operator, see the examples in the introduction to this workspace. When this operator is used, none of the other fields on the line can be completed.
Table Section In this field you can select which table section in Maconomy’s database the current selection criterion line should use for delimitation. A table section is a section of the entries in a table in Maconomy’s database. The table Contact, for example, has an entry for each event created in Maconomy, whereas the table section Personal Contact is a section of the table Contact and only contains the events on which a contact person number has been entered.

In a table section you can delimit by exactly the same fields as the ones available in the table that forms the basis of the section in question.

Table sections provide the possibility of creating more precise selection criterion specifications because by selecting a certain table section you have already excluded part of the irrelevant entries in the table. By, for example, using the table section Personal Contact, you have already excluded all the events on which a contact person has not been entered, as mentioned in the above example.

It is predetermined within Maconomy which table sections are available for each selection criterion specification type. Below is a list of the table sections available for each of the predefined selection criterion specification types and an explanation of the function of the individual sections.

  • Contact Company — This selection criterion specification group is used for selecting contact companies that meet certain criteria. The following table sections can be used:
    • Customer — This table section comprises the entries in the table Customer that are assigned to a contact company. A contact company thus matches the selection criterion specification if it is assigned to a customer which meets the criterion of the line. A contact company only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Company Customer — This table section comprises the entries in the table CompanyCustomer which through their parent customer are assigned to a contact company. A contact company thus matches the selection criterion specification if it is assigned to a company-specific customer that meets the criteria of the line. A contact company only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactHeader, that is, all events in the workspace Events. A contact company thus matches the selection criterion specification if it is stated in one or more events that meet the criterion of the line. A contact company only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact Company — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactCompanies, that is, all contact companies in the workspace Contact Companies. A contact company thus matches the selection criterion specification if its information meets the criterion of the line. A contact company only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact Person — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactPerson, that is, all contact persons in the workspace Contact Persons. A contact company thus matches the selection criterion specification if it has a contact person assigned to it which meets the criterion of the line. A contact company only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact Text — This table section comprises all entries in the table NoteLine, that is, all lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Notes. A contact company thus matches the selection criterion specification if it is assigned to one or several events for which there is a description line that meets the criterion of the line. A contact company only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Personal Contact — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactHeader where the field “Contact Person No.” has been completed, that is, all events in the workspace Events that relate to a certain contact person. A contact company thus matches the selection criterion specification if it is assigned to one or several events that meet the criterion of the line and for which a contact person has been specified. A contact company will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Personal Contact Text — This table section comprises the entries in the table NoteLine to which a reference is made on an event where the field “Contact Person No.” has been completed. This means that the table section comprises those lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Events which are assigned to an event with a contact person number. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if it is stated in one or more contact person related events that have a description line that meets the criterion of the line. A contact company will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
  • Vendor Invoice — This selection criterion specification type is used for selecting vendor invoice allocation lines that meet certain criteria. The following table sections can be used:
    • LawyerJobInformation — This table section comprises the entries in the table LawyerJobInformation, that is, information about the committed funds of each client in the Maconomy Lawyer add-on system (only available in Danish versions). An invoice allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if the committed funds of the client to which the job specified on the allocation line pertains meet the criterion of the line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Invoice Allocation Line — This table section comprises the entries in the table InvoiceAllocationLine which have not yet been posted, that is, all allocation lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Invoice Allocation. An allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if it has not been posted and meets the criterion of the line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Vendor — This table section comprises all global vendors, that is, vendors in the workspace Vendor Information Card. An allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if it regards a vendor who meets the criterion of the line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Vendor Invoice — This table section comprises the entries in the table VendorInvoiceJournal, that is, vendor invoices entered in the sub-tab of the workspace Vendor Invoices or the tab of the workspace Invoice Allocation. An allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if it concerns a vendor invoice that meets the criterion of the line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Employee — This table section comprises the entries in the table Employee, that is, information entered in the workspace Employees. An allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if an employee that meets the criterion of the line has been specified on the allocation line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Job — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobHeader, that is, information entered in the workspace Jobs. An allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if it contains a reference to a job that meets the criterion of the line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Job Invoicing — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobInvoicing, that is, information about the cost and sales prices used in connection with the invoicing of a given job. An allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if it contains a reference to a job whose invoicing cost and sales price information meets the criterion of the line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Job Registration — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobRegistration, that is, information about the open cost and sales prices of a given job. An allocation line thus matches the selection criterion specification if it contains a reference to a job whose open cost and sales price information meets the criterion of the line. An allocation line only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
  • Job — This selection criterion specification type is used for selecting jobs that meet certain criteria. The following table sections can be used:
    • Event — This table section comprises the entries in the table ContactHeader which have been assigned to a job, that is, all events in the workspace Events for which a job number has been specified. A job thus matches the selection criterion specification if it has been assigned to an event which meets the criterion of the line. A job only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Event Line — This table section comprises all entries in the table NoteLine pertaining to notes that have been assigned to an event, that is, all lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Events. A job thus matches the selection criterion specification if there are one or several events referring to the job in question whose sub-tab contains a description line that meets the criterion of the line. A job only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Job — This table section comprises all entries in the table JobHeader, that is, jobs in the workspace Jobs. A job thus matches the selection criterion specification if its information meets the criterion of the line. A job will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • Job Invoicing — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobInvoicing, that is, information about the invoicing that has taken place for the jobs in the system. This type of information is, for example, shown in the workspace Job Card. A job thus matches the selection criterion specification if its invoicing information meets the criterion of the line. A job only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Job Registration — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobRegistration, that is, information about current open cost and sales prices of each job in the system. This type of information is, for example, shown in the workspace Job Card. A job thus matches the selection criterion specification if its open cost and sales price information meets the criterion of the line. A job only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
    • Job Text Line — This table section comprises all entries in the table NoteLine pertaining to notes that have been assigned to a job, that is, all lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Job Descriptions. A job thus matches the selection criterion specification if the job in question has one or more job description lines that meet the criterion of the line. A job only matches the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria created in the sub-tab.
    • LawyerJobInformation — This table section comprises the entries in the table LawyerJobInformation, that is, information about the committed funds of each client in the Maconomy Lawyer add-on system (only available in Danish versions). A job thus matches the selection criterion specification if the committed funds of the client to which the job pertains meet the criterion of the line. A job only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
  • Purchase Order — This selection criterion specification type is used for selecting purchase orders that meet certain criteria. The following table sections can be used:
    • Vendor — This table section comprises the vendors in the workspace Vendor Information Card for which there are non-approved purchase orders. A purchase order thus matches the selection criterion specification if it relates to a vendor whose information meets the criterion of the line. A purchase order will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Purchase Order — This table section comprises all entries in the table RequisitionHeader where the field “Approved” has not been completed, that is, all non-approved purchase orders in the workspace Purchase Orders. A purchase order thus matches the selection criterion specification if it has not been approved, and the information in the workspace Purchase Orders meets the criterion of the line. A purchase order only matches the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Job — This table section comprises all entries in the table JobHeader, that is, all jobs in the workspace Jobs. A purchase order thus matches the selection criterion specification if it relates to a job whose information meets the criterion of the line. A purchase order will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Job Invoicing — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobInvoicing, that is, information about the invoicing that has taken place for the jobs in the system. This type of information is, for example, shown in the workspace Job Card. A purchase order thus matches the selection criterion specification if it relates to a job whose invoicing information meets the criterion of the line. A purchase order will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Job Registration — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobRegistration, that is, information about current open cost and sales prices of each job in the system. This type of information is, for example, shown in the workspace Job Card. A purchase order thus matches the selection criterion specification if it relates to a job whose open cost and sales price information meets the criterion of the line. A purchase order will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • LawyerJobInformation — This table section comprises the entries in the table LawyerJobInformation, that is, information about the committed funds of each client in the Maconomy Lawyer add-on system (only available in Danish versions). A purchase order thus matches the selection criterion specification if the committed funds of the client to which the job pertains meet the criterion of the line. A purchase order only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
  • Expense Sheet — This selection criterion specification type is used for selecting expense sheets that meet certain criteria. The following table sections can be used:
    • Employee — This table section comprises all the entries in the table Employee for which expense sheets have been created. An expense sheet thus matches the selection criterion specification if relates to an employee whose information meets the criterion of the line. An expense sheet will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Job — This table section comprises all entries in the table JobHeader for which expense sheets have been created. An expense sheet thus matches the selection criterion specification if it relates to a job whose information meets the criterion of the line. An expense sheet will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Job Invoicing — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobInvoicing, that is, information about the invoicing that has taken place for the jobs in the system. This type of information is, for example, shown in the workspace Job Card. An expense sheet thus matches the selection criterion specification if it relates to a job whose invoicing information meets the criterion of the line. An expense sheet will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Job Registration — This table section comprises the entries in the table JobRegistration, that is, information about current open cost and sales prices of each job in the system. This type of information is, for example, shown in the workspace Job Card. An expense sheet thus matches the selection criterion specification if it relates to a job whose open cost and sales price information meets the criterion of the line. An expense sheet will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Expense Sheet — This table section comprises all entries in the table ExpenseSheetHeader where the field “Approved” has not been completed, that is, all non-approved expense sheets in the workspace Expense Sheets. An expense sheet thus matches the selection criterion specification if the information in the workspace Expense Sheets meets the criterion of the line. An expense sheet will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • LawyerJobInformation — This table section comprises the entries in the table LawyerJobInformation, that is, information about the committed funds of each client in the Maconomy Lawyer add-on system (only available in Danish versions). An expense sheet thus matches the selection criterion specification if the committed funds of the client to which the job pertains meet the criterion of the line. A job only matches the selection criterion specification, however, if it meets any other criteria in the sub-tab.
  • Contact Person — This selection criterion specification type is used to select contact persons that meet certain criteria. The following table sections can be used:
    • Customer — This table section comprises the entries in the table Customer assigned to a contact customer. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person is assigned to a contact company which in turn is assigned to a customer that meets the criterion of the line. A contact person will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Company Specific Customer — This table section comprises the entries in the table CompanySpecificCustomer that are assigned to a contact company through their parent customer. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person is assigned to a contact company which in turn is assigned to a company-specific customer that meets the criterion of the line. A contact person will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactHeader, that is, all events in the workspace Events. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person is assigned to a contact company stated in one or more events that meet the criterion of the line even if the contact person is not stated on the events in question. A contact person will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact Company — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactCompany, that is, all contact companies in the workspace Contact Companies. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person is assigned to a contact company whose information meets the criterion of the line. A contact person will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if this person also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact Person — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactPerson, that is, all events in the workspace Contact Persons. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person’s information meets the criterion of the line. A contact person will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Contact Text — This table section comprises all entries in the table NoteLine pertaining to notes assigned to an event for which a contact company with an assigned contact person is registered. This means that the table section comprises lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Events that relate to events for which a contact company has been registered with an assigned contact person — even if the contact person is not stated on the individual event. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person is assigned to a contact company stated in one or more events for which there is a description line that meets the criterion of the line. A contact person will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if this person also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
    • Personal Contact — This table section comprises all entries in the table ContactHeader where the field “Contact Person No.” has been completed, that is, all events in the workspace Events that relate to a certain contact person. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person is stated on one or more events that meet the criterion of the line. A contact person will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if this person also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the table.
    • Personal Contact Text — This table section comprises the entries in the table NoteLine pertaining to notes to which a reference is made on an entry in the table Contacts where the field “Contact Person No.” is completed. This means that the table section comprises the lines in the sub-tab of the workspace Events that are related to events with a contact person number. A contact person thus matches the selection criterion specification if this person is stated on one or more events for which there is a description line that meets the criterion of the line. A contact person will only match the selection criterion specification, however, if this person also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.
  • Customer — This selection criterion specification type is used for selecting customers that meet certain criteria. The following table sections can be used:
    • Customer — This table section comprises the customers in the workspace Customer Information Card. A customer thus matches the selection criterion specification if its static information meets the criterion of the line. A customer will, however, only match the selection criterion specification if it also meets any other criteria that may have been created in the sub-tab.

If you select a time/expense sheet in the filter list, the drop-down list for this field is updated with the following options:

  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Order Line
  • Subcontractor Vendor

All fields for the specified table section then become available as options in the Field Name field.

Field Name In this field you can define which field in the selected table section on which you want to make a delimitation on the current line. When the current selection criterion specification is used (for example, when contact companies for a marketing campaign are selected), Maconomy will run through the entries of the selected table section, and for each entry Maconomy will compare the value of this field with the criterion consisting of the operator of the line and the values in the field “Value 1” and “Value 2.” The entries that meet this criterion match the selection criterion specification if they also meet any other criterion of the remaining lines of the sub-tab. For further details of the correlation between criteria in several lines of the same selection criterion specification, see the introduction to this workspace.
Inner Logical Op. In this field you can define an inner logical operator if you want to make several delimitations to the same field within a given criterion series. You can choose between the operators “Or” and “And.” The functions of these two inner logical operators are described in further detail in the introduction to this workspace. When you create an inner logical operator on a line, you cannot define a table section and a field name on that line, as Maconomy will use the table section and field name which applies to the previous line.
Operator In this field you can select the operator to be used for comparing the values of the selected data base field and the values entered in the fields “Value 1” and “Value 2.” The operator could, for example, be “Less Than” which means that the criterion of the line can only be met by the entries in the table section whose value in the selected data base field is less than the value entered in the field “Value 1.”

The field type of the field selected in the field “Field Name” decides which operators are used. The operators “More Than” and “Less Than” can, for example, not be used in connection with check boxes. In short, the different field types represent the following fields in Maconomy’s workspaces:

  • Amount Value — Amount fields. Only numbers with a maximum of two decimals can be specified.
  • Boolean Value — Checkboxes. The fields can have the value “Yes” or “No.”
  • Date Value — Date fields. The date is specified as normally in Maconomy.
  • Integer Value — Fields that can only have numbers without decimals.
  • Pop-Up Value — Options in Maconomy’s pop-up fields. The value can be both text and numbers.
  • Real Value — Numbers with a maximum number of decimals which is specified in the workspace Preferences in Maconomy’s Edit menu.
  • String Values — Text fields. The value can be both text and numbers, however, the field has a maximum limit of 255 characters.
    You can choose from the following operators:
    • Less Than — The value in the specified data base field must be less than the value in the field “Value 1” to meet the criterion of the line. You cannot use this operator if you have selected a field of the type “Boolean Value” in the field “Field Name.”
    • Greater Than — The value in the specified data base field must be greater than the value in the field “Value 1” to meet the criterion of the line. You cannot use this operator if you have selected a field of the type “Boolean Value” in the field “Field Name.”
    • Equal to — The value in the specified data base field must be identical to the value in the field “Value 1” to meet the criterion of the line. By using this operator and leaving the field “Value 1” blank you can specify that the specified data base field only meets the criterion of the line if it has not been completed.
    • Different From— The value in the specified data base field only meets the criterion of the line if it is not identical to the value in the field “Value 1.”
    • Between — The value in the specified data base field only meets the criterion of the line if it is between the values defined in the fields “Value 1” and “Value 2.” You cannot use this operator if you have selected a field of the type “Boolean Value” in the field “Field Name.”
    • Contains — The value in the specified data base field only meets the criterion of the line if it contains a word starting with the value defined in “Value 1” - even though the field may contain characters after the first string. In this connection a word is considered a number of characters between two spaces or the characters which run from the beginning of the field to the first spacing.

      If, for example, “Little” has been entered in the field “Value 1,” the field values “Little John” and “James Little” will meet the criterion because the string “Little” either occurs in the beginning of the field or immediately after a spacing. But the field value “Doolittle” will not meet the criterion as in this case the string “Little” does not occur after a spacing.

      This operator can only be used if the specified data base field is of the type “String Value.”

    • Matches — When you use this operator, you must specify in the field “Value 1” a number of another selection criterion specification created in this workspace, whereas you cannot specify a table section with a relating field name.

      A purchase order, expense sheet, and so on, thus meets the criterion of the line if it matches the selection criterion specification specified.

    • Does Not Match — When you use this operator, you must specify in the field “Value 1” a number of another selection criterion specification created in this workspace, whereas you cannot specify a table section with a relating field name.

      A purchase order, expense sheet, and so on, thus meets the criterion of the line if it does not match the specified selection criterion specification.

    • Less Than or Equal to — The value in the specified data base field must be less than or equal to the value in the field “Value 1” to meet the criterion of the line. You cannot use this operator if you have selected a field of the type “Boolean Value” in the field “Field Name.” This makes it possible to, for example, have one approval hierarchy for vendor invoices where the amount of the vendor invoice is higher than the amount of the related purchase order, and another hierarchy if the amount of the vendor invoice is less than or equal to the amount of the related purchase order.
    • Greater Than or Equal to — The value in the specified data base field must be greater than or equal to the value in the field “Value 1” to meet the criterion of the line. You cannot use this operator if you have selected a field of the type “Boolean Value” in the field “Field Name.” The functionality of this line matches that of “Less than or Equal to” above.
    • Within Margin — Use this operator to check if fields are within the specified margin (either fixed value or percentage).

      If you choose this, Maconomy performs two-way validation. For example, if you select this option and specify a fixed margin of '5', the expression is evaluated as true if and only if the value resulting from applying the math operations to the specified fields falls within the (-5; 5) range.

    • Outside Margin — Use this operator to check if fields are outside the specified margin (either fixed value or percentage).

      If you choose this, Maconomy performs two-way validation. For example, if you select this option and specify a fixed margin of '5', the expression is evaluated as true if and only if the value resulting from applying the math operations to the specified fields falls outside the (-5; 5) range.

    • Above or Equal to Margin — Use this operator to check if fields are above or equal to the specified margin (either fixed value or percentage).

      If you choose this, Maconomy performs one-way validation. For example, if you select this option and specify a fixed margin of '5', the expression is evaluated as true if and only if the value resulting from applying the math operations to the specified fields is greater than or equal to 5.

    • Below or Equal to Margin — Use this operator to check if fields are below or equal to the specified margin (either fixed value or percentage).

      If you choose this, Maconomy performs one-way validation. For example, if you select this option and specify a fixed margin of '5', the expression is evaluated as true if and only if the value resulting from applying the math operations to the specified fields is lower than or equal to 5.

Value 1 In this field you can specify the value to which each entry in the selected table section should be compared in the field specified in the field “Field Name.”

When the current selection criterion specification is used (for example, when contact companies are selected for a marketing campaign), Maconomy will run through all entries in the selected table section, and for each entry Maconomy will compare the value in the specified field with the criterion consisting of the operator on the line and the values in the fields “Value 1” and “Value 2.” The entries that meet this criterion match the selection criterion specification if they meet any other criteria on the remaining lines in the sub-tab.

If you have specified the operators “Matches” or “Does Not Match,” the field “Operator” must, however, include the number of another selection criterion specification created in this workspace, and the criterion in the line is thus met by the entries that match or do not match the specified selection criterion specification.

For further details on the correlation between criteria in several lines in the same selection criterion specification, see the introduction to this workspace.

Value 2 If the operator in the current line is “Between,” you can specify in this field the upper value of the interval in which a value should range to meet the criterion of the line. When the current selection criterion specification is used (for example, when contact companies are selected for marketing campaigns), Maconomy will run through all entries in the selected table section, and for each entry Maconomy will check if the value is within the interval which is contained by the values in the fields “Value 1” and “Value 2.” The entries that are within this interval match the selection criterion specification if they meet any other criteria of the remaining lines in the sub-tab.

For further details on the correlation between criteria in more lines in the same selection criterion specification, see the introduction to this workspace.

Math Operator Select a mathematical operator from the drop-down list.

Use this field to perform addition/subtraction/multiplication/division between two or more fields.

Table Section, Operand In this field you can select a table section in Maconomy’s database. Which table section that can be used is depending of the type of the Selection Criterion Specification see the description of the field “Table Section” to see which tables that belongs to which types.

This field can be used together with the field “Field Name, Operand” to select a database value that should be used instead of Value 1. For example, it is possible to compare if the amount on the vendor invoice is less than or equal to the amount of the related purchase order.

Field Name, Operand In this field you can select a field name form the relation selected in the field “Table Section, Operand.” The field must be of same type as the field selected in the filed “Field Name.” See the description of the functionality for the field “Table Section, Operand.”