Tasks API Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to approve tasks that you created in Maconomy.

You can approve a task or revoke the approval of a task in this workspace, and you can edit the description, derived activity, and blocked status of each task.

You can view tasks, one task list and task at a time. You manage tasks in the Task Lists or Job Tasks workspaces in the Job Cost module. You can create tasks in the Job Budgets workspace. For more information, see the description of the Job Tasks workspace in the Job Cost module.

Use the Task Approval field in the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module to specify whether tasks must be approved.
Note: The approval functionality in this workspace is intended for use by other Maconomy processes. For instance, you can use the information and the approval action in this workspace to build custom workflows in the Maconomy Portal using M-Script. You can also approve tasks in the Approve Tasks workspace in the Job Cost module.