Intrastat Items Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Intrastat Items sub-tab.

Field Description
Zip Code This is the number of the item entry. It cannot be changed manually.
Transact. Here you enter the transaction type of the trade. The transaction type is a two-digit code transferred from the field “EU Type”. There are more than 20 such codes, of which code 11, “Regular Purchase and Sale” is the most frequently used. When item entries are extracted automatically, the code is transferred from the relevant invoice or item purchase order.
Country Here you enter the three-digit country (member state) code of the company you are trading with. It is the same as the code in the “EU Country Code” popup field. When item entries are extracted automatically, the code is retrieved from the relevant invoice or item purchase order.
Quantity Here you enter the total quantity in sales units. The quantity is not shown in the report file, but is used to calculate the net weight and, if applicable, the quantity in supplementary units. When item entries are extracted automatically, the field shows the sum for each item line.
Unit This is the item’s sales unit. It is retrieved from the item information card and cannot be changed manually.
Weight Here you enter the net weight in kilos of the item entry. The weight will be rounded off to the nearest whole kilo, 1 kg being the smallest possible value. When you enter a new item entry, the net weight per unit is retrieved from the “Net Weight (kg.)” field in the item information card.
Item No. Here you enter the item number. Maconomy checks that the item exists and that you have entered a CN code in the item information card. The field must be completed. You cannot change the number once the entry is created.

In the System Information window you can decide whether to create a separate Intrastat entry for every item number or whether to create one for every CN code.

If you have chosen “By Item” in the “Intrastat Specification” field in the System Information window, Maconomy will create a new entry for every item number extracted using the action “Create Entries”. If you have chosen “By CN Code” Maconomy will gather items with the same CN code in the same entry.

Description This is the item’s name. It is retrieved from the “Description, Lang. 1” field in the item information card and cannot be changed here.
Value, Base This is the total value of the trade made in the period, expressed for the combination of item, direction, transport mode, transaction type and country. The amount is displayed in the company’s base currency. For automatic entries, the amount is retrieved from item movements and invoices/credit memos for imports and exports respectively.

Imports are calculated from the cost price registered for the item at the relevant warehouse, converted into the company’s base currency, and are not necessarily the same as the amount given in the vendor invoice.

Item purchases from other EU countries must be included in the tax settlement. Maconomy uses the invoice value, taken from the vendor invoices you have registered in the given period. If you have received items at a different price from the cost price registered at the warehouse in question, the amounts in the tax specification and Intrastat report will not be the same.

Value EU Reports This is the total value of the trade made in the period, expressed for the combination of item, direction, transport mode, transaction type and country. The amount is displayed in the company’s EU reporting currency. For automatic entries, the amount is retrieved from item movements and invoices/credit memos for imports and exports respectively.

Imports are calculated from the cost price registered for the item at the relevant warehouse, converted into the company’s base currency, and are not necessarily the same as the amount given in the vendor invoice.

Item purchases from other EU countries must be included in the tax settlement. Maconomy uses the invoice value, taken from the vendor invoices you have registered in the given period. If you have received items at a different price from the cost price registered at the warehouse, the amounts in the tax specification and Intrastat report will not be the same.

Exchange Rate Date This field displays the date which should be used when converting amounts into the chosen reporting currency. Maconomy uses the valid exchange rates specified in the enterprise exchange rate table selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module for conversion of currency amounts.
CN Code This is the item’s 8 or 10-digit CN code. It is retrieved from the “CN Code” field in the item information card and cannot be changed here.
CN Text This is the item’s name according to the combined nomenclature. It is retrieved from the “Item Descr.” field in the item information card and cannot be changed here.
Suppl. Unit This is the item quantity in supplementary units. For items with a conversion factor in the “Supplementary Unit” field in the item information card, the value is found by dividing the value in the “Quantity” field by the conversion factor. It cannot be changed manually.
Partial Shipment This field should be marked if the item entry is part of a delivery of a main entry. The concept is used for machines and other plant material which are sent in several deliveries but registered as one sale. If the field is marked, Maconomy enters the value 9999999999 in the “Supplementary Units” field in the report form.
Auto This field is marked if the entry is created automatically. It cannot be changed.
Internal Reference This field displays the internal reference number of the current Intrastat expedition.
Remarks Here you can enter a comment about the entry. It is not included in the printed report.