Team Generators Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Team Generators tab.

Team Island

Field Description
Job Team Reference This field shows the team reference number to which the current generator applies. This means that if the value in this field is, for example, 3, selecting the action “Create Teams” in the workspace Timing Plans will cause the team generated from this generator to be assigned as team 3 (in the field Team 3 in the workspace Timing Plans) on the job.

Members Island

In this island you can specify which employees referenced on jobs should be included in the teams created by the current generator. The island consists of a number of rows, each representing an employee reference on jobs. For instance, you can specify whether the project manager of a given job should be a member of the team generated for the job in question, based on the current generator.

Field Description
Project Manager If you mark the field “Include,” the employee specified as project manager on the job in question will be included in the team generated as a result of selecting the action “Create Teams” in the workspace Timing Plans. If you mark the field “Required,” the action “Create Teams” will fail if no employee has been specified in the field “Project Manager” on the job. In the field “Std. Task,” you can specify the task to be assigned as standard task on the team member line created for the employee in question. This may only be relevant if all jobs are associated with identically named tasks. For further information about the standard task, see the field “Standard Task.”
Job Sales Rep. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Project Manager” above.
Job Employee 1-10 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Project Manager” above.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks In these fields, you can enter various remarks about the current team generator.

Employee Group Blocking Island

Field Description
Block Team when Unused In this field, you can specify whether the corresponding field should be marked for the teams created based on the current generator. For further information about this functionality, see the description of the field “Block Team when Unused” in the workspace Teams.
Transfer to Employee Control In this field, you can specify whether the corresponding field should be marked for the teams created based on the current generator. For further information about this functionality, see the description of the field “Transfer to Employee Control” in the workspace Teams.

Employee Group Naming Island

Field Description
Team Number In this field, you can specify how a team number should be derived or put together when a team is created from the current generator. The following options are available:
  • Number Series — If you select this value, team numbers will be picked from the number series “Team Numbers” in the workspace Number Series.
  • Initials — If you select this value, the team number will consist of the initials of the employee members, separated by a slash. If, for instance, a team is generated, consisting of the employees Hugo Rune and Martin Walkyier, the team number will be HR/MW. If a team with this number already exists, a similar number suffixed by a dash and a number will be used (for instance HR/MW-1). The initials are placed in the order in which the employee references appear in the island Members. This means that in the team number, the initials of the project manager (if included) comes before the initials of the sales rep. (if any), and so on.
  • First Name Letters — If you select this value, the team number will consist of the first letter of the first name of each member. For instance, if the members are named “Hugo Rune” and “Martin Walkyier,” the team number will be “HM.” If a team with this number already exists, a similar number suffixed by a dash and a number will be used (for example, HM-1). The letters are placed in the order in which the employee references appear in the island Members. This means that in the team number, the letter from the project manager (if included) comes before the letter from the sales rep. (if any), and so on.
  • Surname Letters — If you select this value, the team number will consist of the first letter of the last names of the employee members without separation. For instance, if the members are named “Hugo Rune” and “Martin Walkyier,” the team number will be “RW.” If a team with this number already exists, a similar number suffixed by a dash and a number will be used (for example, “RW-1”). The letters are placed in the order in which the employee references appear in the island Members. This means that in the team number, the letter from the project manager (if included) comes before the letter from the sales rep. (if any), and so on.
Team Name In this field, you can specify how a team name should be put together when a team is created from the current generator. The following options are available:
  • First Names — If you select this value, the team name will be put together from the first names of the members, separated by an ampersand. For example, if the employee names are “Hugo Rune” and “Martin Walkyier.” the generated team name will be “Hugo & Martin.”
  • Last Names — If you select this value, the team name will be put together from the last names of the members, separated by an ampersand. For example, if the employee names are “Hugo Rune” and “Martin Walkyier,” the generated team name will be "Rune & Walkyier.” If an employee name consists of more than two names, only the last name will be used. For example, if the employee names are "George L. Newman" and "Stanley K. Spadowski," the generated team name will be "Newman & Spadowski.”
  • Entire Names — If you select this value, the team name will be put together from the full names of the members, separated by an ampersand. For example, if the employee names are “Hugo Rune” and “Martin Walkyier,” the generated team name will be "Hugo Rune & Martin Walkyier.”