
This section shows the actions that are available in the Opportunity Budgets workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Copy Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the Copy Budget action in the Jobs workspace.
Print Price Overview The functionality of this action is similar to that of the Print Price Overview action in the Job Budgets workspace.
Recalculate Budget The functionality of this action is similar to that of the Recalculate Job Budget action in the Job Budgets workspace.
Require Tasks The functionality of this action is similar to that of the Require Tasks action in the Job Tasks workspace.
Disallow Tasks The functionality of this action is similar to that of the Disallow Tasks action in the Job Tasks window.
Create Budget When you use this action, Maconomy creates a job for the current opportunity, and copies budget information from the selected template job to the new job. The budget is created with the same time unit as the template job from which the budget is created.

The job is created based on the job specified in the Template Job No. field, meaning that both basic information and budget information is copied from this job. The new job is assigned a job number that corresponds to the number of the opportunity, prefixed by an underscore. If the opportunity number is 10050, the number of the new job will thus be _10050. If another job with the generated job number already exists, Maconomy adds an extra underscore to the job number, for example, resulting in the number _ _10050. This procedure is repeated until a unique job number is found.

Maconomy copies all information from all budget types. This means that even if you selected a given budget type in the Show Budget field, any budget figures that exist for the template job for other budget types are also copied.

When a budget has been created, the sales estimate in the Sales Estimate, Currency field in the Opportunities workspace can no longer be updated manually. Instead, it corresponds to the total billing price budgeted for the budget type selected as the standard opportunity budget type (see “Job Budget Types” in the Set-up module). If no budget type is selected as standard opportunity budget type, the total billing price of the baseline budget of the template job is used instead.

Delete Budget When you use this action, the job created for the opportunity is deleted, along with all lines in the sub-tab. This means that to enter budget information for the opportunity, you must specify a template job and use the Create Budget action again.
Send Opportunity to People Planner When you use this action, it sends the opportunity, including the budget, to People Planner. The budget that is sent is the type that is selected as Standard Opportunity Budget type for the Job Budget Types pop-up field.

This action is only available if the add-ons for People Planner and Custom Actions are installed, and the Enable Custom People Planner Actions system parameter is set to “True.”