Periodic Job Budgets API Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Periodic Job Budgets tab.

Job Information Island

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the number of the job to which the current budget applies. The value cannot be changed manually.
Customer No. This field shows number of the customer associated with the job (the ship-to customer).

Properties Island

Field Description
Job Budget Follows Periodic Job Budget If you mark this field, the figures on the budget lines will be linked to the figures entered for the periods in this window; that is, the quantities, cost, and sales prices displayed on the regular budget lines will be equal to the sum of the quantities, cost, and sales prices specified for the corresponding fields in the periods in this window. In this connection you should note that Maconomy does not issue a warning before changing the amounts and quantities on the budget lines when this field is marked. Therefore, you should use this function with caution.

The mark in this field is automatically removed when a budget line is created or if a figure in a field related to the regular budget is changed.

By not marking this field, you can allocate quantities and prices to periods without having these changes reflected on the regular budget lines.

Periods Island

Field Description
Show In these fields, you can specify a range of periods to be displayed in the Budget island and in the table part of the window. If, for example, you specify the period “1/2002 – 6/2002,” the leftmost column in the Budget island will display six lines, one for each month from January to June, 2002. The periods displayed are determined by the way in which periods are set up in the Fiscal Year window in the G/L module.

Budget Type Island

Field Description
Show Budget In this field, you choose the budget that you wish to see. The budget lines are shown in the table, and the sums of the defined periods are displayed in the Budget island. When you open this window or browse through the different jobs in this window, you will see the budget of the type that you looked at last.
Current Budget In this field, you choose which budget you are currently using for the job. It can be changed as long as you have not made any purchase orders or requisitions. The budget chosen here is regarded as the job’s overall budget elsewhere in Maconomy. Budget types are created in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.
Forecast Budget In this field, you choose the budget to be used as the current job’s forecast budget. In the forecast budget you can enter, for example, activities, cost, billing prices, and dates, and use these to evaluate potential jobs. Forecast budgets can be analyzed using the Analyzer report/report template Job Forecasts.
Planning Budget In this field, you choose the budget to be used as the current job’s planning budget. The planning budget is used to register dates, employees, and items to give an overview of the expected use of these resources. Planning budgets can be analyzed using the Analyzer report/report template Planning Budgets.

If the value in this field is changed, Maconomy checks the existence of any planning lines in the Detailed Planning window in the Resource Planning module that have been created on the basis of the previous planning budget. If there are no such lines, the planning budget for the job in question will be changed. If such planning lines exist, however, Maconomy will issue a warning indicating that all planning lines assigned to the current budget will be removed from the detailed planning.

If the current planning budget belongs to a job for which one or both of the job parameter attributes “Duplicate lines (amount) on planning budget” or “Duplicate lines (time) on planning budget” have the value “No,” you can only change the budget type if the selected type does not contain more than one line with the same combination of activity and task. If you change the budget type, Maconomy will issue a warning, and any job progress entries and task progress entries are deleted for the job.

The table part of the Job Planning window shows budget lines from the planning budget of the current job.