Aging Periods Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Aging Periods sub-tab.

Field Description
Title The title of the period. This field is not used in the standard print layouts but can be used in customized print layouts.
Entries to Include If Due is selected, then the period will include invoices due prior (in time) to the start date of the report. If Not Due is selected, then the period will include invoices due on or later (in time) than the start date of the report.
Interval Start The field shows the first day/month included in this period relative to the start date of the report. The field Entries to Include determines whether this field specifies days/months before or after the start date of the report.
Interval End The field shows the last day/month included in this period relative to the start date of the report. The field Entries to Include determines whether this field specifies days/months before or after the start date of the report. If the period is open ended (does not have an ending date), then this field will be 0.
Open Ended If marked, the period will be open ended, meaning that the period will not have an interval end. If not marked, then the interval end must be equal to or larger than the interval start.
First Date in Period, Example The field is closed and shows the first date of this period, based on the example start date specified in the card pane. If the period is open ended and includes due entries, then this field will be blank for the period. Note, that this date is only for setup purposes and thus not used in the report, where another start date is specified.
Last Date in Period, Example The field is closed and shows the first date of this period, based on the example start date specified in the card pane. If the period is open ended and includes not due entries, then this field will be blank for the period. Note, that this date is only for setup purposes and thus not used in the report, where another start date is specified.