Output Data Form Fields Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Output Data Form Fields sub-tab.

Sometimes, the only difference between two output data forms may be the value of a single field. The bank may, for example, differentiate between payment files where “Remittance by Statement of Account” has been selected and where “Remittance by Letter” has been selected, as there may be a price difference between the two remittance modes. Instead of creating a separate output data form, where the only difference is the value of this remittance field, you can create one or several entries in the table part of this output data form within the payment format assigned to a payment mode in Maconomy. You can create references to the value in these fields in the records by which the output data format is built.

Field Description
Field No. The number in this field refers to the fields in the island Fields in the card part. For each line referring to the same field, an option is created in the pop-up field to which the field refers in the window Payment Modes in the Banking module.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current option. This is the text displayed in the corresponding pop-up field in the window Payment Modes.
Transfer Value The value in this field is transferred to the payment file when the file is created. The value is transferred if a reference is made from the window Specification of Output Data Fields to the field in the window Payment Modes.
Standard Value If you mark this field, the value on this line is used as the default value if nothing else is specified in the corresponding pop-up field in the window Payment Modes.