Output Data Fields Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Output Data Fields sub-tab.

The common denominator for all the fields in the table part of this window is that they have been assigned the record ID shown in the field “Record ID” in the card part.

You can create, change, and delete output data fields in this window. Since all fields in the table part also exist in the window Specification of Output Data Fields, they are discussed further in the description of that window.

Field Description
Description This field contains the description of the output data field from the window Specification of Output Data Fields.
Field No. This field shows the number of the current field on the line. All fields are given a number in the window Specification of Output Data Fields. No two fields can exist with the same number, alternative number, and record ID.
Alt. Field No. This field shows the alternative field number of the current field on the line.
Type This field shows the type of the output data field.
Table Reference If the field on the current line is a reference field, this field displays to which table in the Maconomy database the field refers.
Contents This field shows the contents of the output data field. If the field is a reference field, this field will contain the reference to the database field which will populate the field. “Appendix D: Reference Fields in Format Specifications” in the Reference Manual contains a list of valid reference fields.
Contents Type This pop-up field specifies of which type the contents of the field should be.
Format This field displays how the contents of the field should be formatted.
Code Type This field displays the code type selected for the field if the field contains a reference to a pop-up field.
Fixed Length This field displays whether the field has a fixed length and if so it’s maximum length. If a value has been specified in this field, the fields “Min. Length” and “Max. Length” must contain identical values.
Min. Length This field displays whether the field contains a defined minimum length and if so its minimum length.
Max. Length This field displays whether the field contains a defined maximum length and if so it’s maximum length.
Verify Field Length If this field is marked Maconomy verifies the length of the field. When the verification takes place, depends on the contents of the field.
Modulus Principle This field displays which modulus principle that has been selected to verify the validity of the current field, if any.
Alignment This field displays how the current field should be aligned in the payment file.
Fill Character This field displays which fill character is used in the current field, if a fixed length has been specified for the field.
Multiple Descriptions If this field is marked, there are fields with the same field number, but another alternative field number.
No. of Repeats This field displays whether the current output data field should be repeated when printing to the payment file, and in that case how many times.
Conditional Expression This field contains a possible condition that needs to be fulfilled before the field is printed to the payment file.
Variable Operations If this field is marked, the variable operations specified in the fields “Operation 1-10” on the current line in the table part must be executed. If the field is not marked, the operations are not executed.
Operation 1-20 These fields contain information about the operations that need to executed with the variable of the output data format.
Field Tag, Identification These fields are used to generate XML based payment formats, for example, the EU SEPA format.
Field Tag, Attribute 1-3 Identification These fields are used to generate XML based payment formats, for example, the EU SEPA format.
Field Tag, Attribute 1-3 Value These fields are used to generate XML based payment formats, for example, the EU SEPA format.
Attention: For further information about these fields, see the description of the island Variable Operations in this window.