Contact Person Relations Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to enter relations between a given contact person and other contact persons and contact companies.

For each contact person, you can specify the other contact persons and companies with which that person is in contact. You can also enter the type of relationship that they have, such as whether it is professional or personal.

You can enter information for any contact persons (employees and customers) and contact companies. This information can prove very useful when you need to learn about a prospect or customer. You can browse the workspace to look for someone who knows the customer or has a relationship with the prospect organization.

The Contact Person Relations tab displays information about the currently selected contact person; you can change contact person information and create contact persons in the same way as you do in the Contact Persons workspace. The fields in this tab correspond to the fields in the Contact Persons workspace tab; changing the information here updates the Contact Persons workspace appropriately

In the Contact Relations sub-tab, you can view and enter information about the contact persons and companies with which the contact person in question has a relationship. Contact relationship information is bidirectional; if you select contact person A in the tab and create a line that specifies contact person B in the sub-tab, that corresponds exactly to selecting contact person B in the tab and entering contact person A in the sub-tab. This functionality also applies to relationships between contact persons and contact companies. Consequently, each relationship appears in the sub-tab of both parties.

For more information about creating contact persons, the functionality of specific fields in the tab, and the actions that you can use in this workspace, see the description of the Contact Persons workspace.