Specification of Output Data Records Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Output Data Records sub-tab.

Output Data Record Island

Field Description
Output Data Format This field shows the output data format to which the current output data record pertains. When you create an output data record, enter the name of the output data format to which the record should belong in this field. You cannot change the format assignment of existing output data records.
Output Data Form This field shows the output data form to which the current output data record belongs. When creating an output data record, you can enter the name of the output data form to which the record should belong. If you enter “#STANDARD,” this record pertains to all output data forms within the current output data format. You cannot change the form assignment of existing output data records.
Record Type This field shows the type of the current record. When you create a record, you can choose between the following types in this field:

“File Start Record”, “Sector Start Record”, “Payment Record”, “Sector End Record”, and “File End Record”.

The type cannot be changed later.

System No. If two records belong to the same output data format and form and have the same record type, the system number is used for telling them apart. Such identical records are written to the payment file sequentially by system number.
Record ID In this field, you enter a name to identify a record. This ID can be assigned to a whole group of fields which are them displayed in the table part. If the ID is changed, no fields are shown in the table part, or another group of fields are displayed. When creating a field in the window Specification of Output Data Fields, you specify the group (record ID) to which the field should belong.

There are several effects of this. It makes it possible to use the same fields in the table part of other records when the action "Copy Record" is used. It is also important to note that if you select "Delete Output Data Record" in the Index menu, and an ID is displayed in this field, all fields in the specified group are deleted. If you only want to delete the record, but not the assigned fields (which may also be assigned to other records), you must remember to remove the record ID from this field before deleting the record.

Cancellation This field is not used in the current version of Maconomy.

Variable Operations Island

Field Description
1-20 In these fields, you can enter calculation formulas for the variables defined in the window Specification of Output Data Formats for the current format. The number refers to the variable with the corresponding number in the window Specification of Output Data Formats; variable 1 = variable 1, variable 2 = variable 2, and so on.

The variable operation takes place every time the current record is written to the file. In the table part of this window, you can enter more variable operations to be performed for each field in the current record when it is written to the file.

As an example of a calculation, you can increase the variable specifying the total number of entries by one for each payment record. If it is specified in the window Specification of Output Data Formats that variable 3 is of the type “Integer Field,” you can specify the following in field no. 3 in this island:


This assigns the value of variable 3 plus 1 to variable 3.

If variable 5 has been specified as having the type “Amount Field,” you can specify the following in field no. 5 in this island:


This means that variable 5 is assigned the value of variable 5 plus the amount from the current payment record. In this way, the total payment is summed up, so it can be written, for example, in the end record of the payment file.

You can also refer to the special variable #VARIABLE.0, which contains the value currently being written to the payment file.

“Appendix D: Reference Fields in Format Specifications” in the Reference Manual contains a list of all the fields to which you can refer.

You can use the following expression operators:

+ | - | > | < | = | >= | <= | <> | * | / | %

On a Macintosh, the operators >=, <=, and <> can also be written like this:

Š | ð | ¦

The operator / means division and returns a real number, also when dividing two integers. The operator % returns a percentage

– #VARIABLE3 % VARIABLE4 thus shows variable 3 less variable 4,

divided by variable 4 and multiplied by 100. If variable 4 is 0, the result will also be 0.

Copying Island

You can copy records to save typing time. In this island, you can specify which elements should be updated when copying. The copying takes place when you select the action “Copy Record.”

Field Description
New Output Data Format In this field, you enter the name of an existing output data format. The copied record is assigned to this output data format.
New Output Data Form In this field, you enter the name of an existing output data form. The copied record is assigned to this output data form. If you do not enter an output data form in this field, the new record is assigned to the same form as the record from which you copy.
New Record Type In this pop-up field, you select the record type of the new record.
New No. Series In this field, you can enter a serial number. The copied record is assigned to this serial number.
New Record ID In this field, you can enter a record ID. The copied record is assigned to this record ID.

Print Condition Island

In this island, you can specify conditions which must be fulfilled for the current record to be written to the payment file when it is created.

A condition consists of a Boolean (logic) expression, for example:

#VARIABLE.7 > 0.00

You can enter conditions in both fields in this island or only one, or you can choose not to enter any conditions.

Field Description
Before If the expression in this field evaluates to “True,” the current record is written to the file.
After If the expression in this field evaluates to “True,” the current record is written to the file. The record is evaluated after it has been created, but before it is written to the file.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Print record The current record is only written to the file if this field is marked.
Max. Repeats In this field you can enter the number of times the current record can be repeated. Repetitions may occur with records which write remittance lines to the file. The record will (if blanket payment is used) be repeated for each remittance line which belongs to a payment order, up to the number of times specified in this field.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the date and name of the user who created the record.
Changed This field shows the date and name of the user who recently made changes to the record.
Version This field shows the latest version number of the record. The number is incremented by one each time a change is made to the record.