Approval Line Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Line sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field displays the job number to which the current line is associated.
Level This field displays the level of the approval hierarchy that the approval object lines relate to, and thus the order in which they are to be approved. This field only applies if the Level Prioritized check box is selected in the tab of the related approval hierarchy.
Effective This field displays whether or not the actual approvals are marked as effective. In-effective approval headers and lines show the history.
Active This field displays whether or not the approval object is currently active.
Approval Status This field displays the approval status of the current line. The value in the New Approval Status field is transferred to this field when you use the Execute Approval action. This field cannot be changed manually.
New Approval Status Select the status you wish to assign to the current approval object line when you use the Execute Approval action.
The following statuses are available:
  • Blank
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Released
Remarks Enter remarks relating to the current line.
Deadline This field displays the deadline by which the approval must be completed.
Approved or Rejected by If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field displays the name of the user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Approval Date If the approval object has been approved, this field displays the date on which the current line was approved.
Approval Time If the approval object has been approved, this field displays the time that the current line was approved.
Approver This field displays the employee name and number of the designated approver who approved the approval object.
Substitute This field displays the employee name and number of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver This field displays the employee name and number of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated approver who can approve the approval object.
Approver Reference This field displays the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Name Enter or select the name of the designated substitute approver who can approve the approval object.
Substitute Reference This field displays the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver Name Enter or select the name of the designated super approver who can approve the approval object.
Super Approver Reference This field displays the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver This field displays the employee number of the employee who approved the current approval object.
Approver Employee Type This field displays the designated employee type that can approve approval objects.

Any approval object, such as time sheet lines, falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute This field displays the name of the designated substitute approver who approved the approval object.
Approver Reference This field displays the reference type of the approval object approver. For more information on this field, refer to the description for the Approver Reference in the Approval Hierarchies workspace.
Substitute Employee Type This field displays the designated employee type that can act as substitute approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Substitute Reference This field displays the reference type of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Approver Reference, Field This field displays the internal field name that the Approver Reference relates to.
Approver Reference, Employee This field displays the employee reference of the Approver.
Substitute Reference, Relation This field displays the relation of a substitute approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Field This field displays the field reference of a substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Substitute Reference, Employee This field displays the employee reference of the substitute approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference This field displays the reference type of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval object.
Super Approver This field displays the name of the designated super approver who approved the approval object.
Super Approver Employee Type This field displays the designated employee type that can act as super approver on approval objects.

Purchase orders, expense sheets, and vendor invoices falling within the selection criterion specification on the current line need to be approved by an employee of this type.

Super Approver Reference, Relation This field displays the relation of a super approver reference if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Field This field displays the field reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Super Approver Reference, Employee This field displays the employee reference of a super approver if one has been specified on the approval task.
Current Approval Status Details This field displays details regarding the latest approval status of the current line.
Current Approval Status This field displays the latest approval status of the current line.
Last Approved Or Rejected By If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field displays the name of the last user who completed the action for the associated approval object.
Last Approval Or Rejection Date If the approval object has been approved, this field displays the latest date on which the current line was approved.
Last Approval Or Rejection Time If the approval object has been approved, this field displays the latest time when the current line was approved.
Last Approval Or Rejection Comment If the approval object has been approved or rejected, this field displays the latest comment for the associated approval object.
Line Can Be Approved By Current User This field displays whether or not the current line can be approved by the current user.
Current Status This field displays the latest status of the current line.
Submitted By This field displays the name of the user who submitted the current line.
Date Submitted This field displays the date the current line was submitted.
Time Submitted This field displays the time the current line was submitted.
Submitter This field displays the employee number of the user who submitted the current line.
Submitter Name This field displays the name of the user who submitted the current line.
Submitter Position This field displays the position of the user who submitted the current line.
Submitter E-mail This field displays the e-mail address of the user who submitted the current line.
Submitter Phone This field displays the phone number of the user who submitted the current line.
Submitter Mobile This field displays the mobile number of the user who submitted the current line.
Submitter Company No. This field displays the company number of the user who submitted the current line.
Submitter Company This field displays the name of the company to which the user who submitted the current line belongs.
Quotation, New Quote Price This field displays the total price of the quote or order confirmation specified on the current line. The amount is converted into the relevant job's currency, and is printed as the line total on the quote or order confirmation.

This field derives its value from the New Quote Price field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Invoice Discount % This field displays the invoice discount percentage given for the job for which you are generating the quote or order confirmation specified on the current line.

This field derives its value from the Invoice Disc. field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Invoice Discount, Currency This field displays the invoice discount given for the job for which you are generating the quote or order confirmation specified on the current line. This amount is displayed in the job's currency.

This field derives its value from the Invoice Disc. field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Total to Pay, Currency This field displays the total quote or order confirmation price, in the job's currency. This amount is printed as the grand total on the quote or order confirmation.

This field derives its value from the Balance Due field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Budget Type This field displays the budget type of the relevant job budget.

This field derives its value from the Budget Type field under the Budget Island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Budget Revision No. This field displays the revision number of the latest approved revision of the relevant job budget.

This field derives its value from the Revision No. field under the Budget island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Budget Billing Price, Currency This field displays the budgeted billing price for the relevant job. This amount is displayed in the job's currency, and is the sum of all the amounts on the budget lines of the latest revision of the relevant job budget.

This field derives its value from the Billing Price, Budget field under the Budget island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Deviation From Budget If the Check Budget Against Quote job parameter attribute is set to yes, this field displays any deviation between the total budgeted billing price and the quote price.

If there is a difference between the two amounts, Maconomy issues an alert when you try to approve the quote.

This field derives its value from the Deviation field under the Budget island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Budget Property 1-3 These fields display the job budget type properties used by companies that handle a large number of job budget types.
Quotation Tax, Currency This field displays the total tax amount for the quote or order confirmation specified on the current line, in the currency of the relevant job.

This field derives its value from the Tax field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Tax 1, Currency If multiple tax codes are enabled for the quote, this field displays the same value as the Tax 1 field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspaces.
Quotation Tax 2, Currency If multiple tax codes are enabled for the quote, this field displays the same value as the Tax 2 field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspaces.
Quotation Tax 3, Currency If multiple tax codes are enabled for the quote, this field displays the same value as the Tax 3 field under the Quote island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspaces.
Quotation Revision No. This field displays the current revision number of the quote specified on the current line.

This field derives its value from the Revision No. field under the Revision island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Latest Revision This check box is selected to indicate that you are looking at the latest revision of a job quote.
Quotation Revision Remark 1-10 These fields display any additional information or remarks provided regarding the current revision of the quote.

These fields derive their value from the Remarks field/s under the Revision island of the Quote Editing single dialog workspace.

Quotation Instance Key This field displays the unique identity in the Maconomy database of the current revision of the quote.
Quotation Transaction Timestamp This field displays the time of creation of the quote. If the quote has been updated, this field displays the time of the latest revision.
Quotation Time Unit This field displays the time unit used for the job specified on the quote.
Quotation Time Unit Factor This field displays the factor between the time registration unit for the job and the hours per man day on the job.
Quotation Submitted This field indicates whether the quote specified on the current line has been submitted.
Quotation Submitted by This field displays the name of the user who submitted the quote specified on the current line.
Quotation, Date Submitted This field displays the date the quote specified on the current line was submitted.
Quotation Approved This field indicates whether the quote specified on the current line has been approved.
Quotation Approved by This field displays the name of the user who approved the quote specified on the current line.
Quotation, Date Approved This field displays the date the quote specified on the current line was approved.
Quotation Reopened This field indicates whether the quote specified on the current line has been reopened.
Quotation Reopened by This field displays the name of the user who reopened the quote specified on the current line.
Quotation, Date Reopened This field displays the date the quote specified on the current line was reopened.
Project Manager No. This field displays the project manager number of the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Project Manager This field displays the name of the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Project Manager Position This field displays the position of the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Project Manager E-mail This field displays the e-mail address of the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Project Manager Phone This field displays the phone number of the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Project Manager Mobile This field displays the mobile number of the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Project Manager Company No. This field displays the company number of the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Project Manager Company This field displays the name of the company to which the project manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. No. This field displays the sales rep. number of the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. This field displays the name of the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. Position This field displays the position of the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. E-mail This field displays the e-mail address of the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. Phone This field displays the phone number of the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. Mobile This field displays the mobile number of the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. Company No. This field displays the company number of the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Sales Rep. Company This field displays the name of the company to which the sales employee assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager No. This field displays the account manager number of the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager This field displays the name of the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager Position This field displays the position of the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager E-mail This field displays the e-mail address of the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager Phone This field displays the phone number of the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager Mobile This field displays the mobile number of the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager Company No. This field displays the company number of the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Account Manager Company This field displays the name of the company to which the account manager assigned to the job specified on the quote.
Job No. This field displays the job number to which the current line is associated.
Job Name This field displays the name of the job to which the current line is associated.
Job State This field displays the state of the job in the approval process. Possible values are user-created.
Currency This field displays the currency specified on the job to which the current line is associated.
Company No. This field displays the number of the company responsible for the job on which the work will be performed.
Company This field displays the name of the company responsible for the job on which the work will be performed.
Base Currency This field displays the base currency used by the company responsible for the job on which the work will be performed.
Settling Company No. This field displays the number of the settling company for the job on which the work will be performed.
Settling Company This field displays the name of the settling company for the job on which the work will be performed.
Current Budget This field displays the budget type currently specified for the job on which the work will be performed.
Forecast Budget This field displays the budget type specified for the job's forecast budget.
Planning Budget This field displays the budget type specified for the job's planning budget.
Invoice From Quote This field is unused.
Main Job No. If the job on which the work will be performed is a subjob, this field displays the number of the relevant main job.
Main Job If the job on which the work will be performed is a subjob, this field displays the name of the relevant main job.
Customer Level This field displays the customer level number for the customer to which the current line is associated.
Level 1-5 Customer No. If the contact companies in the hierarchy above the relevant contact company are created as customers, these fields display their customer numbers.
Level 1-5 Customer If the contact companies in the hierarchy above the relevant contact company are created as customers, these fields display their customer names.
Bill to Customer This field displays the customer number of the customer who will pay for the invoice.
Bill to Customer This field displays the name of the customer who will pay for the invoice.
Customer No. This field displays the number of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer This field displays the name of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Name 2-5 These fields display the address of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Zip Code This field displays the zip code of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Postal District This field displays the postal district of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Country This field displays the country of the bill-to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Attn. This field displays the name of the employee responsible / the point person specified in the customer's shipping information.
Customer E-mail This field displays the e-mail address of the customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Phone This field displays the phone number of the customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Blocked for Purchasing

Select this check box to block the creation of purchase orders on the job.

If this check box is selected, you cannot create purchase orders on the job. You can still view existing purchase orders, but you cannot modify them.