Note Type Specifications Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Note Type Specifications sub-tab.

Field Description
Name In this field, you enter a heading option that should be available in the current note type.
Internal Name Enter the internal field name of the note type.
Format In this field, you can specify a format for the contents of the information on note lines under the current heading, for instance that only a date may be specified. If you specify a format, Maconomy will only accept information entered on note lines under the current heading if it complies with the selected format. If you do not enter a format, any type of information may be entered on note lines under the current heading.

By using this functionality combined with assigning notes of certain types to different information in Maconomy, for example, sales orders you can create any number of extra information fields to those types of information. This is done by creating a note type where the headings represent field names, and the format of each heading indicates what type of information may be entered in the field in question. To each sales order, vendor invoice , and so on, you can then assign a new note of the type in question, and enter the relevant information under the headings representing the individual field names. In the table below, you can see the available options and the values allowed in note fields under headings of each format:

Type Example Description
TextValue Leather Couch Fields under headings of this format can contain any number of characters, and both letters, figures, and special characters can be used. Under headings of this format, Maconomy wraps the text as described in the field “Value” in the sub-tab of the workspace Notes.
String-Value Leather Couch This format is used for text strings. The field can contain a maximum of 255 characters, and both letters, figures, and special characters can be used. Contrary to headings of the type TextValue, the text in fields under headings of this type is not wrapped.
IntegerValue 999 This format can only contain figures. No decimals are allowed. A blank value imported will result in the number 0.
RealValue 999,999 This format can only contain figures. The format allows decimals, and the comma is used as the separator, for example, 372,1. The maximum number of decimals allowed is the same as the chosen number of decimals in the Preferences workspace (in the Edit menu) in Maconomy. If you import a real figure with fewer decimals than set up in the Preferences workspace (or none at all), Maconomy will add the remaining decimals automatically. A blank value imported will result in the number 0,00 (and the relevant number of decimals).
AmountValue 99,99 This format is used for amounts. The comma is used as the separator between the main monetary unit and the secondary monetary unit. A maximum of two decimals is allowed, for example, 125,00. A blank value imported will result in the amount of 0,00.
DateValue 07.01.02 This format is used for dates, and follows the format day, month, year. A dot is used as the separator between date, month, and year, for example, 07.01.99.
TimeValue 13:45:00 This format is used for time. The colon is used as the separator, for example, 13:45:00. No blanks are allowed before or after the value.
BooleanValue Yes/No This format represents check boxes in Maconomy. The values allowed are “Yes,” representing a marked check box, and “No” (or a blank value), representing an unmarked check box.
PopupValue This option cannot be selected in the current version of Maconomy.
RealAmountValue This option cannot be selected in the current version of Maconomy.
Description In this field, you enter a description to elaborate on the meaning of the current heading option.
Option List In this field, you can specify an option list created in the workspace Option Lists. If you specify an option list, Maconomy will only accept values from the option list in question on note lines under the current heading. Please note, however, that you can only specify an option list if the field “Format” contains the value “StringValue.”
Create Automatically If you mark this field, a line with the heading on the current line is automatically created when creating notes of the current type.
Required If you mark this field, it is not possible to remove lines with this heading from notes of the current type.
Remarks 1-3 In these fields, you can enter additional remarks regarding the current heading option.
Note Type Enter the number of the current note type. The number cannot be changed on existing note types.