Language Texts Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Language Texts tab.

Language Text Island

Field Description
Language Text Group This field displays whether the current text is a system text (for example, a fixed text on a printout), an option in a pop-up field or an activity description. Furthermore, the field displays the identification of the system text, activity, pop-up type, item, and so on, whose text is to be translated (for example, activity number, item number or the name of a pop-up type).
Description This field displays the current text in Maconomy’s standard language. For a number of the language text groups, you can change the standard language text in this field, whereas the standard language text for other groups can only be changed in the workspaces in which information of the current type is usually maintained, that is, in the workspace Activities, if the current language text is an activity description.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.