Contact Group Members Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Contact Group Members sub-tab.

Field Description
Contact Comp. No. In this field, you must enter the number of a contact company which will then be assigned to the current contact group. It is possible for the same contact company to be part of multiple groups at the same time.
Contact Person No. In this field, you can specify a contact person belonging to the contact company on the line. This contact person will then be assigned to the current group. It is possible for the same contact person to be part of multiple groups at the same time.
Option List 1-5 In these fields, you can specify the option lists containing the values you wish to use for further specification of the contact group member. In the fields “Selected Value 1-5,” you can then select values from the corresponding lists. When you create a line, Maconomy suggests the option lists from the contact group type of the current contact group. The suggested option lists are retrieved from the respective fields “Option List 1-5” in the island Option Lists on Contact Group Members in the window Contact Group Types. However, you can change the option lists here.
Selected Value 1-5 In this field, you can specify values available in the option lists specified in the fields “Option List 1-5” on the current line. The fields can, for example, be used for further specification of the contact group member.
Text 1-10 In these fields, you can enter a number of texts for further specification of the current contact group member. The fields are for information only.
Date 1-5 In these fields, you can enter a number of dates for further specification of the current contact group member. The fields are for information only.