CIC Error Messages Involving Currency

The error messages described below are those directly related to currencies.

Could not initialize currency data.

This message may be displayed when you start Costpoint. It means that the login program could not obtain the functional currency code from the GL_CONFIG table in the database, or it found the code but was unable to obtain the currency information from the CURRENCY table.

If this message displays immediately after an installation or upgrade of Costpoint, the installation/upgrade did not properly initialize the currency information in these two tables. Call Deltek Customer Care for assistance. Even if you are able to put the necessary currency information into the tables, something else may have gone wrong in the installation/upgrade process. Always call Deltek Customer Care in this situation.

If this occurs during normal Costpoint operation, first see if either the GL_CONFIG or CURRENCY table is locked by another database user. Usually when this occurs, a database utility is the cause, rather than normal Costpoint activity. Ask your database administrator to check on the current user connections and the current locks. If no one is locking the tables, the currency information has probably been deleted from the tables. In that case, ask Deltek Customer Care for help in restoring the currency information to the tables.

Warning: Most reports will not print properly because some Windows settings do not match the Costpoint Currency settings. To correct this, exit this application and go to the screen...

Costpoint displays this message at startup if your computer's regional options in Windows Control Panel do not match the settings associated with the Costpoint functional currency. The error message tells you exactly what you must change. Either write down the information, or print a copy of the screen. Then exit from Costpoint and change your settings.

You must exit from Costpoint before you change your Windows settings. If you simply switch tasks and change your settings, Costpoint does not recognize the change. Exit from Costpoint, make your changes, and then log in to Costpoint again.

You may still get the message the next time you try, even if you exited from Costpoint before making the change. If this happens, close Costpoint, close Windows, reopen Windows, and log in to Costpoint.

The message warns that reports will not print correctly. If you ignore the message and enter Costpoint anyway, the screens still work properly. However, if you run a report, many of the currency amounts are blank. All page and column headings and non-currency data are displayed correctly, but currency amounts are not.

This currency cannot be deleted because it is being used as the functional currency.

This message is displayed on the Manage Currencies screen if you try to delete the currency that is designated as the functional currency. The code for the currency you want to delete is the functional currency code in the GL_CONFIG table.

If you get this message, you cannot delete this currency from the CURRENCY table. Do not go outside of Costpoint and use a utility to delete it.

Note: If you delete the functional currency from the CURRENCY table, no one will be able to log in to Costpoint.

If you really want to delete this currency, you must first go to the Configure General Ledger Settings screen and change the functional currency. Then you can return to the Manage Currencies screen and delete your currency.

You have changed your functional currency from ____ to ____. This will change the meaning of all the currency amounts stored in the database.

This message is displayed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen if you change the functional currency. The message appears when you save, not when you enter the new currency code. The message warns that all the currency amounts in your database will have a different meaning after the save. For example, if you change the currency from U. S. dollars to Swiss francs, a currency amount of 255,000 will change in meaning from 255,000 dollars to 255,000 francs. Costpoint does not convert the 255,000 dollars to its corresponding value in francs.

The screen provides this warning because you should not change your functional currency after Costpoint operation has begun, unless the original setting was a mistake. Instead, you should follow the applicable accounting standards for changing your functional currency.