Report Error Messages

The following errors may appear on the Error Report.


At the end of this topic is a list of the Costpoint tables used by this preprocessor, and their corresponding Costpoint screens.


Message Description
Contains segments that are too long. The account in the input file has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The account in the input file has too many delimiters.
No default could be provided. The Account field in the input file is blank and no defaults exist.
Not a detail account. The Detail checkbox on the Manage Accounts screen is not selected for the account specified in the input file. You cannot charge accounts unless they are marked as detail accounts.
Not active. The Active checkbox in the Manage Accounts screen is not selected for the account specified in the input file. You cannot charge accounts unless they are active.
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the program tried to check the input mask format. Please call for technical support.
Not found in Acct Entry Groups table. The account entry group assigned to the account in the input file does not include timesheets.
Not found in Acct table. The account in the input file does not exist in the Account table.
Project is required for this account. The Project Required checkbox in the Manage Accounts screen is selected for the account, but no project was found in the input file.
Too long for the defined structure. The account in the input file is longer than the specified length for accounts.
Not LABOR-related in Proj Acct Grps. The account in the input file does not have a function of LABOR, NON-LABOR, UNALLOW-LABOR, UNALLOW-NONLABR, or BAL in the project's account group.
Inactive in Project Acct Grps. The account is not active within the project's account group.
Empl not assigned to Leave Type. The leave type linked to the leave account is not assigned to the employee in the Employee Leave table.

Activity Type

Message Description
Activity Type must be R or S. The timesheet line type is M and the activity type from the input file is not R or S


Message Description
Leave balance below minimum. The leave balance is below the minimum specified for the leave type. 

Charge Hours

Message Description
Auto-adjust not applicable - 0/neg net. The Auto Adjust checkbox has been selected on the screen, but the timesheet line(s) produced a negative or zero-net.  Would cause negative MO hour balance

The timesheet line type is M, and the timesheet charge hours could cause the MO to go into a negative hours balance.

Correcting Date

Message Description
Not a valid date. The date in the input file is not a valid date, or it is in the wrong format. All dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Corr Ref Date

Message Description
No Corr Ref Dt for Corr timesheet. (Warning) The timesheet type is C (Correcting), but no correcting reference date is specified.

Cost Amount

Message Description
Would cause negative MO cost balance The timesheet line type is M, and the timesheet labor amount may cause the MO to go into a negative cost balance.


Message Description
Has been terminated. (Warning) The employee status is Inactive, a termination date exists for the employee, and the termination date is earlier than the timesheet date.
Employee is inactive. The employee status is Inactive, and no termination date exists for the employee.
Must be in input file. The Employee field in the input file is blank.
Not found in Empl table. The employee in the input file does not exist in the Employee table.
No Salary Info & History for Empl/Date. There is no row in the Salary Info & History table for this employee dated on or before the timesheet date.

Effect Bill Dt

Message Description
Not a valid date. The date in the input file is not a valid date or it is in the wrong format. All dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Effect Bill Dt should have Proj/PLC. An effective bill date exists in the input file, but no Project and PLC were specified or defaulted.


Message Description
Not found in Subperiod table. The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination does not exist in the Subperiod table.
Not open.   The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination is flagged as Closed in the Subperiod table.

Genl Lab Cat

Message Description
No default could be provided. The General Labor Category field in the input file is blank, and no defaults exist.
Not found in Genl Labor Cat table. The general labor category in the input file does not exist in the General Labor Category table.

Header Data

Message Description
Inconsistent data. The header data must be identical on each line of an individual timesheet. The Contents column on the Error Report identifies the field that has incompatible data. The possible fields are Working State, Fiscal Year, Period Number, Subperiod, and Correcting Reference Date.  The most likely error is multiple correcting reference dates for the same timesheet.


Message Description
Not numeric. The Hours field in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.


Message Description
Must both be pos or neg. The Hours Entered field and the Labor Cost Amount field must have the same sign. If one is positive, the other cannot be negative.

Labor Cost Amt

Message Description
Not numeric. The Labor Cost Amount in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.

Lab Loc Code

Message Description
No default could be provided. The Require Labor Location on Timesheet checkbox in the Configure Labor Settings screen is selected, but the Labor Location field in the input file is blank and no defaults exist.
Not found in Lab Loc table. The labor location in the input files does not exist in the Labor Location table.

Lv Account

Message Description
No Lv Period exists for TS Date There is no leave period in the employee's leave cycle that includes the timesheet date.

Manuf Order

Message Description
Charges against this MO not allowed. The manufacturing order's Allow Additional Timesheet Charges checkbox is not selected in the Default Restrictions for Closed MOs or Default Restrictions for Completed MOs group boxes in the Configure Production Control Settings screen.

Manuf Order ID

Message Description
Invalid MO ID. The manufacturing order ID in the input file does not exist in the Manufacturing Order table.
MO ID must be provided. The timesheet line type is M, but no manufacturing order ID was specified in the input file.
MO ID is entered for non 'M' line. The timesheet line type is not M, but a manufacturing order ID was specified in the input file.

Oper Seq No

Message Description
Invalid Oper Seq No. The operation sequence number in the input file does not exist in the manufacturing order's Routing table.
Oper Seq No requires Oper Step No. The timesheet line type is M, an operation sequence number was provided in the input file, but an operation step number was not provided in the input file.
Oper Seq No must be provided. The timesheet line type is M, the Operation Sequence Number checkbox is selected in the Timesheet Entry Requirements group box in the Configure Production Control Settings screen, but no operation sequence number was provided in the input file.

Oper Step No

Message Description
Not numeric. The timesheet line type is M and the operation step number in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.
Oper Step No requires Oper Seq No. The timesheet line type is M, an operation step number was provided in the input file, but an operation sequence number was not provided in the input file.

Oper Seq/Step

Message Description
Invalid Oper Seq/Step combination. The timesheet line type is M and the operation sequence number and operation step number combination from the input file does not exist in the manufacturing order's Routing table.


Message Description
Not active. The account and organization combination is not active in the Organization Account table.
Not active in selected fiscal year. The fiscal year of the record in the input file is not within the starting and ending fiscal years for the account and organization combination in the Organization Account table.
Not active in selected FY/period. The accounting period of the record in the input file is not within the starting and ending periods for the account and organization combination in the Organization Account table.
Not found in Acct/Org table. The account and organization combination does not exist in the Organization Account table.
Invalid Org/Acct for this MO. The timesheet line type is M and the timesheet line organization/account combination is not assigned to the manufacturing order ID from the input file.


Message Description
Contains segments that are too long. The organization in the input file has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The organization in the input file has too many delimiters.
Invalid base segment. The organization in the input file has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Organization table.
No default could be provided. The Organization field in the input file is blank and no defaults exist.
Not active. The Active checkbox in the Manage Organization Elements screen is not selected for the organization.
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the program tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
Not found in Org table. The organization from the input file does not exist in the Organization table.
Too long for the defined structure. The organization in the input file is longer than the specified length for the top level organization.

Organization Abbreviation

Message Description
Abbreviation not found. An organization abbreviation was entered, but it was not found in the Organization table.
ID/Abbreviation mismatch. An organization abbreviation was entered, but it did not agree with the abbreviation found for the organization ID that was also entered.

Pay Type

Message Description
Cannot be used by exempt employees. The OK for Exempt Employees checkbox in the Manage Pay Types screen is not selected and the employee is exempt.
Cannot be used by non-exempt employees. The OK for Non-Exempt Employees checkbox in the Manage Pay Types screen is not selected and the employee is non-exempt.
Cannot be used by salaried employees. The OK for Salaried Employees checkbox in the Manage Pay Types screen is not selected and the employee is salaried.
No default could be provided. The Pay Type field in the input file is blank and no defaults exist.
Not found in Pay Type table. The pay type in the input file does not exist in the Pay Type table.
Pay type restricted. The Pay Type Restriction table contains a record for the pay type, project, labor location, and employee's labor group type. This pay type cannot be used by this project, employee, and labor location.


Message Description
Not numeric. The period number in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.


Message Description
Not found in Proj Empl Lab Cat table. The Project Work Force Required checkbox in the Manage Project User Flow screen is selected, but the combination of project, employee, and project labor category does not exist in the Project Employee Labor Category table.


Message Description
Contains segments that are too long. The project in the input file has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The project in the input file has too many delimiters.
Invalid base segment. The project in the input file has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Project table.
Not active. The Active checkbox is not selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen.
Does not allow charging. The Allow Charging checkbox is not selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen.
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the program tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
Not found in Project Master table. The project in the input file does not exist in the Project table.
Not in Period of Performance. The timesheet date does not fall within the period of performance dates for the project (Warning only).
Too long for the defined structure. The project in the input file is longer than the specified length for the top-level project.
Invalid Proj ID for this MO. The timesheet line type is M and the timesheet line project is not assigned to the manufacturing order ID from the input file.

Project Abbreviation

Message Description
Abbreviation not found. A project abbreviation was entered, but it was not found in the Project table.
ID/Abbreviation mismatch. A project abbreviation was entered, but it did not agree with the abbreviation found for the project ID that was also entered.


Message Description
Acct requires a Project. The Project Required checkbox in the Manage Accounts screen is selected for this account. You must enter a project.
Acct prohibits Projects. The Project Required checkbox in the Manage Accounts screen is not selected for this account. You must not enter a  project for this account.
Account not in Proj Acct Grp or Wildcard The combination of project and account does not exist in the Project Organization Account table or one of the Project Wildcard tables.

Proj Acct Abbrev

Message Description
No project specified. A project/account abbreviation was specified, but no project was specified or defaulted.
Abbreviation not found. A project/account abbreviation was specified, but it was not found in the Project/Account Abbreviation table.
ID/Abbreviation mismatch. The project's project/account abbreviation is not linked to the account in the Project Account Group table.
Account is not proj required. A project/account abbreviation was specified, but the account linked to that abbreviation/ project does not require a project.


Message Description
Not authorized to work on project. The project/employee combination is not in the Employee Work Force table.


Message Description
Org not valid for Project. The project/organization combination was not found in the Project/Org table or in the Project/Org/Account table.


Message Description
Not active. The project, organization, and account combination is not flagged as Active in the Project Organization Account table.
Not found in Proj/Org/Acct table. The combination of project, organization, and account does not exist in the Project Organization Account table or one of the Project Wildcard tables.


Message Description
PLC does not exist. The PLC does not exist in the Project Labor Categories table. 
PLC codes require a project. A PLC was specified, but no project was specified. 
Project requires a PLC. The project exists in the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects table, but no PLC was specified. If the project specified in the input file has the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected on the Manage Project User Flow screen, this validation is based on the top-level project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and a source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the source project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and no source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the input file project's work force.
Project/Employee/PLC Workforce combo does not exist. The project, PLC and employee do not exist in the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask of the Manage Employee Work Force screen. If the project specified in the input file has the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen, this validation is based on the top-level project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and a source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the source project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and no source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the input file project's work force.
Employee not in Workforce for (Transaction/Top-Level /Source) Project The employee is not assigned to the project's work force. If the project specified in the input file has the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen, this validation is based on the top-level project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and a source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the source project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and no source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the input file project's work force.
PLC not authorized for (Transaction/Top-Level /Source) Project. The project exists in the Project Labor Category table, but the project labor category from the input file does not exist in the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects table. If the project specified in the input file has the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen, this validation is based on the top-level project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and a source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the source project's work force. If the project specified in the input file does not have the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox selected in the Manage Project User Flow screen and no source project is assigned to the project in the Manage Rate Sequence Order table, this validation is based on the input file project's work force.

Reference 1

Message Description
Contains segments that are too long. The reference 1 in the input file has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The reference 1 in the input file has too many delimiters.
Home reference 1 found (Warning only). The employee has a home reference 1 number established in the Manage Employee Salary Information table. The input file does not have a reference 1 number. This could cause unbalanced postings.
Invalid base segment. The reference 1 in the input file has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Reference Structure table.
No home reference 1 found (Warning only). The employee does not have a home reference 1 number in the Manage Employee Salary Information table, but there is a reference 1 number in the input file. This could cause unbalanced postings.
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the program tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
Not found in Reference table. The reference 1 number in the input file does not exist in the Reference Structure table as a valid reference 1 number.
Too long for the defined structure. The reference 1 in the input file is longer than the specified length for the top-level reference 1 number.
Not valid for data entry. The reference ID's Use in Data Entry checkbox is not selected on the Manage Reference Elements or Manage Reference Structures screens.

Reference 2

Message Description
Contains segments that are too long. The reference 2 in the input file has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The reference 2 in the input file has too many delimiters.
Home reference 2 found (Warning only). The employee has a home reference 2 number established in the Manage Employee Salary Information table. The input file does not have a reference 2 number. This could cause unbalanced postings.
Invalid base segment. The reference 2 in the input file has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Reference Structure table.
No home reference 2 found (Warning only). The employee does not have a home reference 2 number in the Manage Employee Salary Information table, but there is a reference 2 number in the input file. This could cause unbalanced postings.
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the program tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
Not found in Reference table. The reference 2 number in the input file does not exist in the Reference Structure table as a valid reference 2 number.
Too long for the defined structure. The reference 2 in the input file is longer than the specified length for the top-level reference 2 number.
Not valid for data entry. The reference ID's Use in Data Entry checkbox is not selected in Manage Reference Elements or Manage Reference Structures screens.

Sales Order

Message Description
Cannot charge unapproved SO. The timesheet line type is S and the sales order ID in the input file has a Status of Pending, In Approval, Rejected, or Void.

Sales Order ID

Message Description
Invalid SO ID. The timesheet line type is S and the sales order ID in the input file does not exist in the Sales Order table.
SO ID must be provided. The timesheet line type is S, but no sales order ID was specified in the input file.
SO ID is entered for non 'S' line. The timesheet line type is not S, but a sales order ID was specified in the input file.


Message Description
Invalid SO ID/SO Rlse combination. The timesheet line type is S and the sales order release number and sales order ID from the input file are not linked in the Sales Order table.


Message Description
Invalid SO ID/SO Line combination. The timesheet line type is S and the sales order line number from the input file does not exist for the sales order ID from the input file.

SO Line

Message Description
SO line has been closed. The timesheet line type is S and the sales order line status is C (Closed).

Sequence No

Message Description
Not between 1 and 9. The sequence number in the input file is not a number between 1 and 9.
Not numeric. The sequence number in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.

SO Line No

Message Description
Not numeric. The timesheet line type is S and the sales order line number in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.
SO Ln No must be provided. The timesheet line type is S, but no sales order line number was specified in the input file.

SO Rlse No

Message Description
Not numeric. The timesheet line type is S and the sales order release number in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.
SO Rlse No must be provided. The timesheet line type is S, but no sales order release number was specified in the input file.


Message Description
Not numeric. The subperiod in the input file is not numeric and is not blank.


Message Description
Already exists. A timesheet with the same date, sequence number, and type already exists for the employee in the Timesheet Header table.
Already exists in TS History. A timesheet with the same date, sequence number, and type already exists for this employee in the Timesheet Header History table.
Maximum sequence number exceeded. The timesheet type is C (Correcting), D (Replacement), or N (Reversal) in the input file and 99 correcting timesheets for the same employee and timesheet date already exist in the Costpoint Timesheet or Timesheet History table.

Timesheet Date

Message Description
Not a valid date. The date in the input file is not a valid date or it is in the wrong format. All dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
No timesheet period exists for date. The effective bill date does not fall within a timesheet period for the employee's timesheet cycle.
Not in an open timesheet period. The timesheet date does not fall within an open timesheet period for the timesheet cycle assigned to the employee.
Not within selected dates (Warning only). The date in the input file is not within the range of dates selected on the screen. This timesheet cannot be uploaded and is not written to the error file.

TS Line Type

Message Description
Leave lines may not have cost. The line type in the input file is L, and there is a labor cost amount in the input file.
Leave lines must have hours. The line type in the input file is L, but there are no hours in the input file.
Must be A, B, L, M, S or 1-9. The line type in the input file is not A, B, M, S, L, or 1-9.
L type lines must be flagged as FMLA. The account on an L type timesheet line must be assigned in the Leave Type table as either the accrual or expense account on a leave type for which the Use as FMLA Leave Type checkbox is selected in the Manage Leave Types screen.
B type lines must have FMLA Cd. The account on a B type timesheet line must be assigned in the Leave Type table as either the accrual or expense account on a leave type that has a related FMLA leave type.

TS Type Code

Message Description
Must be R, B, L or C. The timesheet type code in the input file is not R (Regular), B (Bonus), L (Labor Only), or C (Correcting).


Message Description
GLC Hrly Rt not found in Union Profile. The specified union, local, and GLC do not exist in the Union Profile table.

Withholding State

Message Description
This withholding state is not assigned to the employee in the Employee Tax table. The default tax rate will be used when payroll is calculated. (Warning) The withholding state in the input file is not in the Employee State Tax table (EMPL_TAX.WH_ST_CD) or the Multi-State Tax table (EMPL_TAX_MULT.WH_ST_CD).
The withholding state in the input file does not exist in the State Taxes Table. The withholding state in the input file is not in the State Taxes table (STATE_TAXES_INFO.STATE_CD).
The Withholding State field in the input file is blank and no defaults exist. The withholding state in the input file is blank, and there are no defaults. The employee’s pay period (EMPL_TAX.PAY_CD) is checked for multi state taxes (PAY_PD.MULTI_ST_WH_FL = Y).

Work Center ID

Message Description
Work Center ID must be provided. The timesheet line type is M, the Work Center checkbox is selected in the Timesheet Entry Requirements group box in the Configure Production Control Settings screen, but no work center ID was provided in the input file.
Work Center ID is not active. The timesheet line type is M and the Work Center is not active.

Workers' Comp Cd

Message Description
No default could be provided. You did not select the Require Default for Employees checkbox in the Workers' Compensation group box in the Configure Labor Settings screen, the input file does not have a workers' compensation code, and no defaults exist.
Not found in Workers' Comp Cd table. The workers' compensation code from the input file does not exist in the Workers' Compensation table.

Working St Code

Message Description
No default could be provided. The input file does not have a working state and a default does not exist in the Salary Information and History table.
Not found in OT Rules By State table. The working state from the input file does not exist in the Overtime Rules by State table.

Warning Messages

The account, organization, project, reference 1, and reference 2 may have the following message:

Message Description
Reformatted to match defined structure. The <<field>> in the input file does not match the input mask for the <<field>>. It has been padded with spaces or zeroes to match the input mask.

Any field may have the following messages if the input file is comma-separated:

Message Description
WARNING: Value truncated. The value in the input file was too large for the Costpoint field. The input value is truncated.
Value too long for field. The value in the input file was too large for the Costpoint field. The record has been rejected.

Screen Error Messages

The following error messages may be displayed on the screen.

Message Description
Each line of the input file should contain X fields. Line Y of your input file contains Z fields. Abort processing? This message occurs only when you are importing a comma-separated file. X is the number of fields that the input record must contain. Y is the line number of the current record. Z is the number of fields found on this line in the input file. Too many or too few commas were found on the line in the input file. Continuing to process may result in errors. Please verify the layout of the input file.
Ending date is earlier than beginning date. The ending date must be a later date or the same as the beginning date.
File does not exist. The input file entered could not be found.
No records have been selected to transfer. All the records in the input file were either outside the selected date range or were rejected with errors.
No records found in table. Please process the input file before importing or printing. You clicked  or the, and there are no rows in the temporary table.
Records that have not been imported exist in the temporary table. Do you want to continue? You clicked , but there are still rows in the temporary table that have not been imported. Click Yes to continue, and all the rows in the temporary table are deleted. Click Cancel to import the existing rows in the temporary table, or if you need to investigate the rows in the temporary table.
Requested dates do not exist in the table. When you click  or the , the dates on the screen are compared to the dates in the temporary table. This message is displayed when the dates in the table do not fall within the range entered on the screen.
The database is unable to process the records required for the requested activity. Possible reasons are: another user is using a record you wish to update, database error or hardware malfunction. When this error occurs, make note of what was being done and at what point the application stopped, then call for Technical Support.  It is usually a good idea to move this message box so that you can view the process "thermometer." 
Timesheets to be imported already exist in the Timesheet Header or History tables. This condition must be corrected before importing. When you click , the rows in the temporary table are compared to the Timesheet Header and Timesheet History tables to see if duplicates exist (a timesheet with the same date and type for one or more employees in the temporary table already exists in the Timesheet Header table). This indicates that timesheets have been added to Costpoint sometime between the processing of the input file and the import of the timesheet file. If this message appears, the temporary table is not imported to the timesheet tables.
X 'Y' on input file line Z is too long. Truncate? This message occurs only when a comma-separated file is being processed and you selected Warn before truncation in the Truncated Values drop-down box. X is the field name. Y is the contents of the field. Z is the line number of the record in question. This indicates that the field in the input file is longer than the corresponding field in Costpoint. The extra characters on the right will be truncated.

Technical Details

Tables Read

  • Account (ACCT) (Manage Accounts)
  • Account Entry Rules (ACCT_ENTRY_RULES) (Manage Account Entry Groups)
  • Accounting Period (ACCTING_PD) (Manage Accounting Periods)
  • Billable Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT) (Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects)
  • Employee (EMPL) (Manage Project User Flow)
  • Employee Project-Acct-Grp TS Defaults (EMPL_ACCT_GRP_DFLT) (Employee Project/Account Group Timesheet Defaults)
  • Fiscal Year (FY) (Manage Fiscal Years)
  • General Labor Category (GENL_LAB_CAT) (Manage General Labor Categories)
  • Labor-Grp Project-Acct-Grp TS Defaults (LAB_ACCT_GRP_DFLT) (Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults)
  • Labor Location (LAB_LOCATION) (Manage Labor Locations/Locals)
  • Labor Settings (LAB_SETTINGS) (Configure Labor Settings)
  • Leave Type (LV_TYPE) (Manage Leave Types)
  • Organization (ORG) (Manage Organization Elements)
  • Organization Account (ORG_ACCT) (Link Accounts/Organizations)
  • Over-Time Rules by State (OT_RULES_BY_STATE) (Manage Overtime Rules by State)
  • Overtime Settings (OT_SETTINGS) (Configure Labor Settings - Overtime Settings subtask)
  • Pay Type (PAY_TYPE) (Manage Pay Types)
  • Pay Type Restriction (PAY_TYPE_RESTRICT) (Manage Pay Type Restrictions)
  • Project (PROJ) (Manage Project User Flow)
  • Project Control (PROJ_CNTL) (Configure Project Settings)
  • Project Employee Labor Category (PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT) (Manage Employee Work Force)
  • Project Labor Category (PROJ_LAB_CAT) (Link Project Labor Categories to Projects)
  • Project Labor Category Map (PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP) (Link General Labor Category to Project Labor Category)
  • Project Organization Account (PROJ_ORG_ACCT) (Link Projects/Accounts/Organizations)
  • Project TS Defaults (PROJ_TS_DFLT) (Manage Project Timesheet Defaults)
  • Reference Structure (REF_STRUC) (Manage Reference Structures)
  • Salary Information and History (EMPL_LAB_INFO) (Manage Employee Salary Information)
  • Sub Period (SUB_PD) (Manage Subperiods)
  • Timesheet Header History (TS_HDR_HS) (View Timesheet History Inquiry)
  • Timesheet Period Schedule (TS_PD_SCH) (Manage Timesheet Periods)
  • Timesheet Regular Default Lines (DFLT_REG_TS) (Manage Employee Information)
  • Wage Determination (WAGE_DETERM) (Manage Wage Determination Rates)
  • Workers' Comp (WORK_COMP) (Manage Workers' Compensation Codes)
  • Input File (User named)

Tables Read and Written

  • Function Parameter Catalog
  • Manufacturing Order Timesheet Line (TS_LN_MO)
  • Menu: People - Labor - Timesheets - Manage Timesheets
  • Posting Semaphore (POST_SEMAPHORE)
  • Sales Order Timesheet Line (TS_LN_SO)
  • Menu: People - Labor - Timesheets - Manage Timesheets
  • Sequence Generator (SEQ_GENERATOR)
  • Timesheet Header (TS_HDR)
  • Menu: People - Labor - Timesheets - Manage Timesheets
  • Timesheet Line (TS_LN)
  • Menu: People - Labor - Timesheets - Manage Timesheets
  • Timesheet Prep Parameters (T_PARMS_AOPUTLTS)
  • Menu: Others - Product Interfaces - Preprocessors - Import Timesheets

Other Output

  • Error File (input file name + .ERR)
  • Edit Report
  • Error Report