Input File Layout

You supply the name for the input file. The input file can be a fixed-format file, a comma-separated file, or an ADP-formatted file.

If the file is a fixed-format file, you must fill every position with either an appropriate character or a space. It is not necessary to zero-fill numbers; you can use spaces to maintain the proper format. If the input file is a comma-separated file, you do not need to fill every position. However, the file must contain the correct number of commas. Single character values in the file should be in uppercase.

You will need to provide the values in some fields regardless of the settings in Costpoint. For existing employees, the only unconditionally required fields are Record Code and Employee ID. For new employees, refer to fields that are marked as Required in the Required Optional for New Employees column.

Note: You cannot use commas in the Notes field.
Note: The input file layout may contain fields that are available only in Costpoint Advanced. If you are using Costpoint Essentials, these fields are excluded from the import process and may be left blank or null when you create the input file.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.

Comma-Separated Values Format

The input file layouts for the comma-separated values format follow:


Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code N/A Char 1 Required Required N or 1
2 Social Security Number EMPL.SSN_ID Numeric 9 Required Optional
3 Employee ID EMPL.empl_id




Char 12 Required Required
4 First Name EMPL.FIRST_NAME Char 20 Required Optional
5 Middle Name EMPL.MID_NAME Char 10 Optional Optional
6 Last Name EMPL.LAST_NAME Char 25 Required Optional
7 Hire Date EMPL.ORIG_HIRE_DT Char 10 Required Optional YYYY-MM-DD
8 Employee Status EMPL.S_EMPL_STATUS_CD Char 3 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional ACT, FML, IAL, IN
9 Timesheet Cycle EMPL.TS_PD_CD Char 4 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the TS_PD table.
10 Leave Cycle EMPL.LV_PD_CD Char 4 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the LV_PD table.
11 General Labor Category EMPL_LAB_INFO.GENL_LAB_CAT_CD Char 6 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the GENL_LAB_CAT table.
12 Default Pay Type DFLT_REG_TS.PAY_TYPE Char 3 Optional Optional Value must exist in the PAY_TYPE table.
13 FLSA Exempt EMPL_LAB_INFO.EXEMPT_FL Char 1 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Y, N
14 Employee Type EMPL_LAB_INFO.S_EMPL_TYPE_CD Char 1 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional R, P, T
15 Rate Type (Hourly/Salaried Status) EMPL_LAB_INFO.S_HRLY_SAL_CD Char 1 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional H, F, S
16 Home Organization EMPL_LAB_INFO.ORG_ID Char 20 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the ORG table.
17 Home Reference 1 EMPL_LAB_INFO.HOME_REF1_ID Char 20 Optional Optional

Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.

18 Home Reference 2 EMPL_LAB_INFO.HOME_REF2_ID Char 20 Optional Optional

Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.

19 Default OT State EMPL_LAB_INFO.WORK_STATE_CD Char 2 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the OT_RULES_BY_STATE table.
20 Default Worker's Comp DFLT_REG_TS.WORK_COMP_CD Char 6 If the Worker’s Compensation-Require Default For Employees check box is selected in the Labor Settings screen, this is a required field.  Otherwise, this is an optional field. Optional Value must exist in the WORK_COMP table.
21 Effective Date EMPL_LAB_INFO.EFFECT_DT Char 10 Required Required YYYY-MM-DD
22 Rate Provided in File N/A Char 1 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Required only if a Rate is specified. A, H, S
23 Rate EMPL_LAB_INFO. HRLY_MAT EMPL_LAB_INFO. SAL_AMT EMPL_LAB_INFO. ANNL_AMT (calculation based on Rate Type) Char 20 Required Required only if a Rate Type is specified
24 Default Account DFLT_REG_TS.ACCT_ID Char 15 Optional Optional Value must exist in the ACCT table.
25 Default Organization DFLT_REG_TS.CHG_ORG_ ID Char 20 Optional Optional Value must exist in the ORG table.
26 Default Project DFLT_REG_TS.PROJ_ID Char 30 Optional Optional Value must exist in the PROJ table.
27 Default Reference 1 DFLT_REG_TS.REF_STRUC_1_ID Char 20 Optional Optional

Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.

28 Default Reference 2 DFLT_REG_TS.REF_ STRUCT_2_ID Char 20 Optional Optional

Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.

29 Default Labor Location DFLT_REG_TS.LAB_LOC_ CD Char 6 Optional Optional Value must exist in the LAB_LOCATION table.
30 Address Line 1 EMPL.LN_1_ADR Char 30 Optional Optional
31 Address Line 2 EMPL.LN_2_ADR Char 30 Optional Optional
32 Address Line 3 EMPL.LN_3_ADR Char 30 Optional Optional
33 City EMPL.CITY_NAME Char 25 Optional Optional
34 State EMPL.MAIL_STATE_DC Char 15 State/Province required if Country is US

If both State and Country are supplied, the combination must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.

State/Province required if Country is US

If both State and Country are supplied, the combination must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.

Value must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.
35 Country EMPL.COUNTRY_CD Char 8 Required if a State/Province is supplied. Required if a State/Province is supplied. Value must exist in the COUNTRY table.
36 Postal Code EMPL.POSTAL_CD Char 10 Optional Optional
37 Home Telephone EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_ID (with PHONE_TYPE_DC = "HOME") Char 25 Optional Optional
38 Emergency Telephone EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_ID (with PHONE_TYPE_DC = "EMERG") Char 25 Optional Optional
39 Locator EMPL.LOCATOR_CD Char 20 Optional Optional Costpoint validates the Locator code upon import if at least one Locator code exists in the Locator Code table for the login company; otherwise, no validation occurs.
40 Date Of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_DT Char 10 Required Optional YYYY-MM-DD
41 Marital Status EMPL.MARITAL_CD Char 1 Optional Optional
42 Gender EMPL.SEX_CD Char 1 Required Optional M, F, X
43 Employee Class EMPL_LAB_INFO.EMPL_ CLASS_CD Char 12 Optional Optional Value must exist in the EMPL_CLASS table.
44 Union Employee Flag EMPL.UNION_EMPL_FL Char 1 Optional

Required Y or N.
45 Race/Ethnicity EMPL.S_RACE_CD Char 10 Required Optional (will default from EMPL) Value must exist in the RACE_ETHNIC table.
46 Manager EMPL_LAB_INFO.MGR_EMPL_ID Char 12 Optional Optional
47 PLC EMPL_LAB_INFO.BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Char 6 Optional Optional Must exist in the BILL_LAB_CAT table.
48 Corporate Officer Flag EMPL_LAB_INFO.CORP_OFCR_FL Char 1 Optional (N assumed if null) Optional (N assumed if null) Y or N
49 Seasonal Employee Flag EMPL_LAB_INFO.SEASON_EMPL_FL Char 1 Optional (N assumed if null) Optional (N assumed if null) Y or N
50 Home Phone Extension EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_EXT_CD (where PHONE_TYPE_DC = ‘HOME’) Char 6 Optional Optional
51 Emergency Phone Extension EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_EXT_CD (where PHONE_TYPE_DC = "EMERG") Char 6 Optional Optional
52 Timesheet Default GLC DFLT_REG_TS. GENL_LAB_CAT_CD Char 6 Optional Optional Value must exist in the GENL_LAB_CAT table.
53 Timesheet Default Labor Location DFLT_REG_TS. LAB_LOC_CD Char 6 Optional Optional Value must exist in the LAB_LOCATION table.
54 Vendor ID This is not stored in the Employee table. This is used to generate a Vendor record for the employee if:
  • The Add/Update Vendor on Add/Update of Employee check box is selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen.
  • A Vendor record does not already exist for the employee.
  • The Create/Update Vendor Record check box is selected on the Import Employee Data screen.
Char 12 Optional Optional

If the employee is already linked to the  Vendor ID supplied, it will be ignored. If the employee is already linked to a different Vendor, a warning message will display which mentions  the employee was not linked to the Vendor ID supplied.

Value supplied in file will be converted to capitalized characters.
55 City of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_CITY_NAME Char 25 Optional Optional
56 State/Province of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_MAIL_STATE_DC Char 15 Optional Optional Must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.
57 Country of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD Char 8 Optional Optional Must exist in the COUNTRY table.
58 Variable Hours Employee EMPL_LAB_INFO.VARIABLE_HRS_FL Char 1 Optional (N assumed if null) Optional Y or N

Input Record 2 (EMPL and EMPL_LAB_INFO)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 Required Required 2
2 Employee ID EMPL_ID Char 12 Required Required
3 Taxable Entity EMPL.TAXBLE_ENTITY_ID Char 10 Optional Optional Value must exist in the TAXBLE_ENTITY table.
4 Adjusted Hire Date EMPL.ADJ_HIRE_DT Char 10 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
5 Termination Date EMPL.TERM_DT Char 10 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
6 Administrator Name EMPL.SPVSR_NAME Char 25 Optional Optional
7 Preferred Name EMPL.PREF_NAME Char 10 Optional Optional
8 Name Prefix EMPL.NAME_PRFX_CD Char 6 Optional Optional
9 Name Suffix EMPL.NAME_SFX_CD Char 6 Optional Optional
10 Prior Name EMPL.PRIR_NAME Char 25 Optional Optional
11 Eligible for Auto Pay EMPL.ELIG_AUTO_PAY_FL Char 1 Optional Optional Y, N
12 Email ID EMPL.EMAIL_ID Char 60 Optional Optional
13 PR Service Employee ID EMPL.PR_SERV_EMPL_ID Char 12 Optional Optional
14 Job Title Description EMPL_LAB_INFO.TITLE_ DESC Char 30 Optional

(If licensed for HR and Detail Job Title provided, will default from Detail Job Title)

15 Estimated Hours EMPL_LAB_INFO.STD_EST_HRS Char 10 Optional Optional
16 Labor Group EMPL_LAB_INFO.LAB_GRP_TYPE Char 3 Optional Optional Value must exist in the LAB_GRP table.
17 Personnel Action Reason Description 1 EMPL_LAB_INFO.REASON_DESC Char 30 Optional Optional
18 Security Organization ID EMPL_LAB_INFO.SEC_ORG_ID Char 20 Optional

(Will default from Home Organization if not provided in file)

Optional Value must exist in the ORG table.
19 Work Hours in Year EMPL_LAB_INFO.WORK_ YR_HRS_NO Char 4 Optional

(Will default from Home Organization if not provided in file)

20 Visa Type EMPL.VISA_TYPE_CD Char 10 Optional Optional Value must exist in the VISA_TYPE table.
21 Comments EMPL_LAB_INFO. COMMENTS Char 254 Optional Optional
22 Visa Exp Date EMPL.VISA_DT Char 10 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
23 Effective Date EMPL_LAB_INFO. EFFECT_DT Char 10 Required Required YYYY-MM-DD

Input Record 3 (EMPL)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 Required Required 3
2 Employee ID EMPL.EMPL_ID Char 12 Required Required
3 Notes EMPL.NOTES Char 254 Optional Optional
4 Effective Date EMPL_LAB_INFO. EFFECT_DT Char 10 Required Required YYYY-MM-DD

Input Record 4 (EMPL and EMPL_LAB_INFO)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 Required Required 4
2 Employee ID EMPL.EMPL_ID Char 12 Required Required
3 Last Review Date EMPL.LAST_REVIEW_DT Date (10) Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
4 Next Review Date EMPL.NEXT_REVIEW_DT Date (10) Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
5 Display Name EMPL.LAST_FIRST_NAME Char 25 Optional (Can be built using First, Last, and Middle Names) Optional (Can be built using First, Last, and Middle Names)
6 Disabled Flag EMPL.DISABLED_FL Char 1 Optional (N assumed if null) Optional Y or N
7 Contact Name 1 EMPL.CONT_NAME_1 Char 25 Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified)
8 Contact Relationship 1 EMPL.CONT_REL_1 Char 15 Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Name 1" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Name 1" are specified)
9 Contact Phone 1 EMPL.CONT_PHONE_1 Char 20 Required (if "Contact Name 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified) Required (if "Contact Name 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified)
10 Contact Name 2 EMPL.CONT_NAME_2 Char 25 Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified)
11 Contact Relationship 2 EMPL.CONT_REL_2 Char 15 Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Name 2" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Name 2" are specified)
12 Contact Phone 2 EMPL.CONT_PHONE_2 Char 20 Required (if "Contact Name 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified) Required (if "Contact Name 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified)
13 Special Disabled Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_S Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
14 Vietnam Era Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_V Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
15 Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_O Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
16 Reservist EMPL.VET_STATUS_R Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
17 Disabled Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_D Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
18 Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_A Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
19 Military Duty Discharge/Release Date EMPL.VET_RELEASE_DT Date (10) Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
20 Home E-mail ID EMPL.HOME_EMAIL_ID Char 60 Optional Optional
21 Time Collection Work Schedule EMPL_LAB_INFO.TC_WORK_SCHED_CD Char 10 Optional Optional
22 Time Collection Timesheet Schedule EMPL_LAB_INFO.TC_TS_SCHED_CD Char 10 Optional Optional
23 ESS Class of Service EMPL_LAB_INFO.S_ESS_COS_CD Char 2 Not Used Not Used Blank
24 Personnel Action Reason Description 2 EMPL_LAB_INFO. REASON_DESC_2 Char 30 Optional Optional
25 Personnel Action Reason Description 3 EMPL_LAB_INFO. REASON_DESC_3 Char 30 Optional Optional
26 Effective Date EMPL_LAB_INFO. EFFECT_DT Char 10 Required Required YYYY-MM-DD
27 Plant EMPL.PLANT_ID Char 30 Optional Optional Must exist in the Login Company’s PLANT table
28 Shop Floor Time flag EMPL.SFT_FL Char 1 Optional

(The value defaults to N if there no value provided.)

Optional Y or N
29 Shop Floor Time Entry Type EMPL.TIME_ENTRY_TYPE Char 40 Optional

(The value defaults to PUNCHED if there is no value provided.)

Optional ‘PUNCHED’




30 Shop Floor Time Badge Group EMPL.BADGE_GROUP Char 60 Required if a Shop Floor Time Badge ID is specified Optional Up to 40 characters can be specified for the Badge Group. Any characters past 40 will be truncated.
31 Shop Floor Time Badge ID EMPL.BADGE_ID Char 60 Required if a Shop Floor Time Badge Group is specified Optional Up to 40 characters can be specified for the Badge Group. Any characters past 40 will be truncated.
32 Manufacturing Execution flag EMPL.MES_FL Char 1 Optional

(The value defaults to N if there is no value provided)

Optional Y or N
33 Manufacturing Order Clocking flag EMPL.CLOCK_FL Char 1 Optional

(If the employee’s Shop Floor Time flag is Y and his/her Shop Floor Time Entry Type is PUNCHED, the Manufacturing Execution Manufacturing Order Clocking check box should default to checked. Otherwise, the flag will be set to N.)

Optional Y or N
34 Shop Floor Time/Manufacturing Execution Login ID EMPL.LOGIN_ID Char 60 Optional Optional
35 Protected Veteran (Declined to Self-Identify) EMPL.VET_STATUS_p Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
Note: Record 4 fields 27 - 34 were added as part of Costpoint Project Manufacturing interface.

Input Record 5 (EMPL and EMPL_LAB_INFO)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 Required Required 5
2 Employee ID EMPL.EMPL_ID Char 12 Required Required
3 Detail Job Code EMPL_LAB_INFO.DETL_JOB_CD Char 10 Required (if licensed for HR) Required (if licensed for HR) Must exist in the DETL_JOB_TITLE table.
4 Personnel Action Code 1 EMPL_LAB_INFO.PERS_ACT_RSN_CD Char 10 Optional Optional Must exist in the PERS_ACT_REASON table.
5 Personnel Action Code 2 EMPL_LAB_INFO.PERS_ACT_RSN_CD Char 10 Optional Optional Must exist in the PERS_ACT_REASON table.
6 Personnel Action Code 3 EMPL_LAB_INFO.PERS_ACT_RSN_CD Char 10 Optional Optional Must exist in the PERS_ACT_REASON table.
7 HR Org EMPL_LAB_INFO.HR_ORG_ID Char 20 Optional Optional Must exist in the HR_ORG_MGR_DFLT table.
8 Effective Date EMPL_LAB_INFO. EFFECT_DT Char 10 Required Required YYYY-MM-DD
9 Default Rate Group EMPL_LAB_INFO.DFLT_RT_GRP_ID Char 6 Optional Optional Must exist in the RT_GRP table
10 Currency EMPL_LAB_INFO.TRN_CRNCY_CD Char 3 Optional Optional Must exist in the CURRENCY table
11 Last Day Worked EMPL.LAST_DAY_DT Char 10 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
12 Not a protected veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_NP_FL Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
13 Declined to provide veteran status EMPL.VET_STATUS_DECLINED Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
14 Recently separated veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_RS Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
15 Supervisor ID for EMPL_LAB_INFO EMPL_LAB_INFO.SPVSR_EMPL_ID Char 12 Optional Optional
16 Requisition Number EMPL_LAB_INFO.REQ_NO Char 10 Optional Optional
17 Contractor flag EMPL.CONTRACTOR_FL Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
18 Blind flag EMPL.BLIND_FL Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
19 GovWin IQ ID EMPL.GOVWINIQ_LOGIN_ID Char (100) Optional Optional Alphanumeric
20 ESS User N/A - not stored Char 1 Optional Optional Y or N
21 Login ID

N/A - not stored EMPL

• Allow entry of up to 254 alphanumeric characters and special characters

Char 254 Optional N/A - only used for new employees
22 User ID N/A - not stored EMPL Char 20 Optional N/A - only used for new employees
Note: Record 5 fields 9 - 10 were added as part of Costpoint Employee Multicurrency (MU) feature.

Fixed-Length File Format

The input file layouts for the fixed-length file format follow:


Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Columns Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 1 Required Required N or 1
2 Social Security Number EMPL.SSN_ID Numeric 9 2-10 Required Optional
3 Employee ID EMPL.empl_id




Char 12 11-22 Required Required
4 First Name EMPL.FIRST_NAME Char 20 23-42 Required Optional
5 Middle Name EMPL.MID_NAME Char 10 43-52 Optional Optional
6 Last Name EMPL.LAST_NAME Char 25 53-77 Required Optional
7 Hire Date EMPL.ORIG_HIRE_DT Char 10 78-87 Required Optional YYYY-MM-DD
8 Employee Status EMPL.S_EMPL_STATUS_CD Char 3 88-90 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional ACT, FML, IAL, IN
9 Timesheet Cycle EMPL.TS_PD_CD Char 4 91-94 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the TS_PD table.
10 Leave Cycle EMPL.LV_PD_CD Char 4 95-98 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the LV_PD table.
11 General Labor Category EMPL_LAB_INFO.GENL_LAB_CAT_CD Char 6 99-104 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the GENL_LAB_CAT table.
12 Default Pay Type DFLT_REG_TS.PAY_TYPE Char 3 105-107 Optional Optional Value must exist in the PAY_TYPE table.
13 FLSA Exempt EMPL_LAB_INFO. EXEMPT_FL Char 1 108 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Y, N
14 Employee Type EMPL_LAB_INFO.S_EMPL_TYPE_CD Char 1 109 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional R, P, T
15 Hourly/Salaried Status EMPL_LAB_INFO.S_HRLY_SAL_CD Char 1 110 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional H, F, S
16 Home Organization EMPL_LAB_INFO.ORG_ID Char 20 111-130 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the ORG table.
17 Home Reference 1 EMPL_LAB_INFO.HOME_REF1_ID Char 20 131-150 Optional Optional Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.
18 Home Reference 2 EMPL_LAB_INFO.HOME_REF2_ID Char 20 151-170 Optional Optional Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.
19 Default OT State EMPL_LAB_INFO.WORK_STATE_CD Char 2 171-172 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Optional Value must exist in the OT_RULES_BY_STATE table.
20 Default Worker's Comp DFLT_REG_TS.WORK_COMP_CD Char 6 173-178 If the Worker’s Compensation-Require Default For Employees check box is selected in the Labor Settings screen, this is a required field.  Otherwise, this is an optional field. Optional Value must exist in the WORK_COMP table.
21 Effective Date EMPL_LAB_INFO.EFFECT_DT Char 10 179-188 Required Required YYYY-MM-DD
22 Rate Type Used to interpret Rate and calculate other rates Char 1 189 Optional if default is specified on screen.

Otherwise, required.

Required only if a Rate is specified. A, H, S
23 Rate EMPL_LAB_INFO. ANNL_AMT, HRLY_AMT, SAL_AMT (calculation based on Rate Type) Num 14 190-203 Required Required only if a Rate Type is specified
24 Default Account DFLT_REG_TS. ACCT_ID Char 15 204-218 Optional Optional Value must exist in the ACCT table.
25 Default Organization DFLT_REG_TS.CHG_ORG_ ID Char 20 219-238 Optional Optional Value must exist in the ORG table.
26 Default Project DFLT_REG_TS.PROJ_ID Char 30 239-268 Optional Optional Value must exist in the PROJ table.
27 Default Reference 1 DFLT_REG_TS.REF_STRUC_1_ID Char 20 269-288 Optional Optional Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.
28 Default Reference 2 DFLT_REG_TS.REF_ STRUCT_2_ID Char 20 289-308 Optional Optional Value must exist in the REF_STRUC table.
29 Default Labor Location EMPL_LAB_INFO.lab_loc_cd Char 6 309-314 Optional Optional Value must exist in the LAB_LOCATION table.
30 Address Line 1 EMPL.LN_1_ADR Char 30 315-344 Optional Optional
31 Address Line 2 EMPL.LN_2_ADR Char 30 345-374 Optional Optional
32 Address Line 3 EMPL.LN_3_ADR Char 30 375-404 Optional Optional
33 City EMPL.CITY_NAME Char 25 405-429 Optional Optional
34 State EMPL.MAIL_STATE_DC Char 15 430-444 State/Province required if Country is USA.

If both State and Country are supplied, the combination must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.

State/Province required if Country is USA.

If both State and Country are supplied, the combination must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.

Value must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.
35 Country EMPL.COUNTRY_CD Char 8 445-452 Required if a State/Province is supplied. Required if a State/Province is supplied. Value must exist in the COUNTRY table.
36 Postal Code EMPL.POSTAL_CD Char 10 453-462 Optional Optional
37 Home Telephone EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_ID (with PHONE_TYPE_DC = "HOME") Char 25 463-487 Optional Optional
38 Emergency Telephone EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_ID (with PHONE_TYPE_DC = "EMERG") Char 25 488-512 Optional Optional
39 Locator EMPL.LOCATOR_CD Char 20 513-532 Optional Optional The application validates the Locator code upon import if at least one Locator code exists in the Locator Code table for the login company; otherwise, no validation occurs.
40 Date Of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_DT Char 10 533-542 Required Optional YYYY-MM-DD
41 Marital Status EMPL.MARITAL_CD Char 1 543 Optional Optional
42 Gender EMPL.SEX_CD Char 1 544 Required Optional M, F
43 Employee Class EMPL_LAB_INFO.EMPL_ CLASS_CD Char 12 545-556 Optional Optional Value must exist in the EMPL_CLASS table.
44 Union Employee Flag EMPL.UNION_EMPL_FL Char 1 557 Optional Required Y, N
45 Race/Ethnicity EMPL.S_RACE_CD Char 10 558-567 Required Optional (will default from EMPL) Value must exist in the RACE_ETHNIC table.
46 Manager EMPL_LAB_INFO.MGR_EMPL_ID Char 12 568-579 Optional Optional
47 PLC EMPL_LAB_INFO.BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Char 6 580-585 Optional Optional Must exist in the BILL_LAB_CAT table.
48 Corporate Officer Flag EMPL_LAB_INFO.CORP_OFCR_FL Char 1 586 Optional (N assumed if null) Optional (N assumed if null) Y or N
49 Seasonal Employee Flag EMPL_LAB_INFO.SEASON_EMPL_FL Char 1 587 Optional (N assumed if null) Optional (N assumed if null) Y or N
50 Home Phone Extension EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_EXT_CD (where PHONE_TYPE_DC = ‘HOME’) Char 6 588-593 Optional Optional
51 Emergency Phone Extension EMPL_PHONE.PHONE_EXT_CD (where PHONE_TYPE_DC = "EMERG") Char 6 594-599 Optional Optional
52 Timesheet Default GLC DFLT_REG_TS. GENL_LAB_CAT_CD Char 6 600-605 Optional Optional Value must exist in the GENL_LAB_CAT table.
53 Timesheet Default Labor Location DFLT_REG_TS. LAB_LOC_CD Char 6 606-611 Optional Optional Value must exist in the LAB_LOCATION table.
54 Vendor ID This is not stored in the Employee table. This is used to generate a Vendor record for the employee if:
  • The Add/Update Vendor on Add/Update of Employee check box is selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen.
  • A Vendor record does not already exist for the employee.
  • The Create/Update Vendor Record check box is selected on the Import Employee Data screen
Char 12 612-623 Optional Optional

If the employee is already linked to the  Vendor ID supplied, it will be ignored. If the employee is already linked to a different Vendor, a warning message will display which mentions  the employee was not linked to the Vendor ID supplied.

The value supplied in file will be converted to capitalized characters.
55 City of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_CITY_NAME Char 25 624-648 Optional Optional
56 State/Province of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_MAIL_STATE_DC Char 15 649-663 Optional Optional Must exist in the MAIL_STATE table.
57 Country of Birth EMPL.BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD Char 8 664-671 Optional Optional Must exist in the COUNTRY table.
58 Variable Hours Employee EMPL_LAB_INFO.VARIABLE_HRS_FL Char 1 672 Optional (N assumed if null) Optional Y or N

Input Record 2 (EMPL and EMPL_LAB_INFO)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Columns Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 1 Required Required 2
2 Employee ID EMPL.empl_id




Char 12 2-13 Required Required
3 Taxable Entity EMPL.TAXBLE_ENTITY_ID Char 10 14-23 Optional Optional Value must exist in the TAXBLE_ENTITY table.
4 Adjusted Hire Date EMPL.ADJ_HIRE_DT Char 10 24-33 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
5 Termination Date EMPL.TERM_DT Char 10 34-43 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
6 Administrator Name EMPL.SPVSR_NAME Char 25 44-68 Optional Optional
7 Preferred Name EMPL.PREF_NAME Char 10 69-78 Optional Optional
8 Name Prefix EMPL.NAME_PRFX_CD Char 6 79-84 Optional Optional
9 Name Suffix EMPL.NAME_SFX_D Char 6 85-90 Optional Optional
10 Prior Name EMPL.PRIR_NAME Char 25 91-115 Optional Optional
11 Eligible for Auto Pay EMPL.ELIG_AUTO_PAY_FL Char 1 116 Optional Optional Y, N
12 Email ID EMPL.EMAIL_ID Char 60 117-176 Optional Optional
13 PR Service Employee ID EMPL.PR_SERV_EMPL_ID Char 12 177-188 Optional Optional
14 Job Title Description EMPL_LAB_INFO.TITLE_ DESC Char 30 189-218 Optional

(If licensed for HR and Detail Job Title provided, will default from Detail Job Title)

15 Estimated Hours EMPL_LAB_INFO.STD_EST_HRS Num 10 219-228 Optional Optional
16 Labor Group EMPL_LAB_INFO.LAB_GRP_TYPE Char 3 229-231 Optional Optional Value must exist in the LAB_GRP table.
17 Personnel Action Reason Description 1 EMPL_LAB_INFO.REASON_DESC Char 30 232-261 Optional Optional
18 Security Organization ID EMPL_LAB_INFO.SEC_ORG_ID Char 20 262-281 Optional Optional Value must exist in the ORG table.
19 Work Hours in Year EMPL_LAB_INFO.WORK_ YR_HRS_NO Char 4 282-285 Optional Optional
20 Visa Type EMPL.VISA_TYPE_CD Char 10 286-295 Optional Optional Value must exist in the VISA_TYPE table.
21 Comments EMPL_LAB_INFO. COMMENTS Char 254 296-549 Optional Optional
22 Visa Exp Date EMPL.VISA_DT Char 10 550-559 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD

Input Record 3 (EMPL)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Columns Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 1 Required Required 3
2 Employee ID EMPL.EMPL_ID Char 12 2-13 Required Required
3 Notes EMPL.NOTES Char 254 14-267 Optional Optional

Input Record 4 (EMPL and EMPL_LAB_INFO)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Columns Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 1 Required Required 4
2 Employee ID EMPL.EMPL_ID Char 12 2-13 Required Required
3 Last Review Date EMPL.LAST_REVIEW_DT Date (10) 14-23 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
4 Next Review Date EMPL.NEXT_REVIEW_DT Date (10) 24-33 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
5 Display Name EMPL.LAST_FIRST_NAME Char 25 34-58 Optional (Can be built using First, Last, and Middle Names) Optional (Can be built using First, Last, and Middle Names)
6 Disabled Flag EMPL.DISABLED_FL Char 1 59-59 Y or N
7 Contact Name 1 EMPL.CONT_NAME_1 Char 25 60-84 Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified)
8 Contact Relationship 1 EMPL.CONT_REL_1 Char 15 85-99 Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Name 1" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 1" and/or "Contact Name 1" are specified)
9 Contact Phone 1 EMPL.CONT_PHONE_1 Char 20 100-119 Required (if "Contact Name 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified) Required (if "Contact Name 1" and/or "Contact Relationship 1" are specified)
10 Contact Name 2 EMPL.CONT_NAME_2 Char 25 120-144 Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified)
11 Contact Relationship 2 EMPL.CONT_REL_2 Char 15 145-159 Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Name 2" are specified) Required (if "Contact Phone 2" and/or "Contact Name 2" are specified)
12 Contact Phone 2 EMPL.CONT_PHONE_2 Char 20 160-179 Required (if "Contact Name 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified) Required (if "Contact Name 2" and/or "Contact Relationship 2" are specified)
13 Special Disabled Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_S Char 1 180 Optional Optional Y or N
14 Vietnam Era Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_V Char 1 181 Optional Optional Y or N
15 Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_O Char 1 182 Optional Optional Y or N
16 Reservist EMPL.VET_STATUS_R Char 1 183 Optional Optional Y or N
17 Disabled Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_D Char 1 184 Optional Optional Y or N
18 Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_A Char 1 185 Optional Optional Y or N
19 Military Duty Discharge/Release Date EMPL.VET_RELEASE_DT Date (10) 186-195 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
20 Home E-mail ID EMPL.HOME_EMAIL_ID Char 60 196-255 Optional Optional
21 Time Collection Work Schedule EMPL_LAB_INFO.TC_WORK_SCHED_CD Char 10 256-265 Optional Optional
22 Time Collection Timesheet Schedule EMPL_LAB_INFO.TC_TS_SCHED_CD Char 10 266-275 Optional Optional
23 ESS Class of Service EMPL_LAB_INFO.S_ESS_COS_CD Char 2 276-277 Not Used Not Used Blank
24 Personnel Action Reason Description 2 EMPL_LAB_INFO. REASON_DESC_2 Char 30 278-307 Optional Optional
25 Personnel Action Reason Description 3 EMPL_LAB_INFO. REASON_DESC_3 Char 30 308-337 Optional Optional
26 Plant EMPL.PLANT_ID Char 30 338-367 Optional Optional Must exist in the Login Company’s PLANT table
27 Shop Floor Time flag EMPL.SFT_FL Char 1 368 Optional

(The value defaults to N if there is no value provided.)

Optional Y or N
28 Shop Floor Time Entry Type EMPL.TIME_ENTRY_TYPE Char 40 369-408 Optional

(The value defaults to PUNCHED if there is no value provided)





29 Shop Floor Time Badge Group EMPL.BADGE_GROUP Char 60 409-468 Required if a Shop Floor Time Badge ID is specified. Optional Up to 40 characters can be specified for the Badge Group. Any characters past 40 will be truncated.
30 Shop Floor Time Badge ID EMPL.BADGE_ID Char 60 469-528 Required if a Shop Floor Time Badge Group is specified Optional Up to 40 characters can be specified for the Badge Group.  Any characters past 40 will be truncated.
31 Manufacturing Execution flag EMPL.MES_FL Char 1 529

(Will default to ‘N’ if no value provided)

Optional Y or N
32 Manufacturing Order Clocking flag EMPL.CLOCK_FL Char 1 530 Optional

(If the employee’s Shop Floor Time flag is Y and his/her Shop Floor Time Entry Type is PUNCHED, the Manufacturing Execution Manufacturing Order Clocking check box should default to checked. Otherwise, the flag will be set to N.)

Optional Y or N
33 Shop Floor Time/Manufacturing Execution Login ID EMPL.LOGIN_ID Char 60 531-590 Optional Optional Up to 30 characters can be specified for the Badge Group.  Any characters past 30 will be truncated.
34 Protected Veteran (Declined to Self-Identify) EMPL.VET_STATUS_p Char 1 591 Optional Optional Y or N
Note: Record 4 fields 26 - 34 were added as part of Costpoint Project Manufacturing interface.

Input Record 5 (EMPL and EMPL_LAB_INFO)

Field Field Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type and Size Columns Required/Optional for New Employees Required/Optional for Existing Employees Contents
1 Record Code Char 1 1 Required Required 5
2 Employee ID EMPL.EMPL_ID Char 12 2-13 Required Required
3 Detail Job Code EMPL_LAB_INFO.DETL_JOB_CD Char 10 14-23 Required (if licensed for HR) Required (if licensed for HR) Must exist in the DETL_JOB_TITLE table.
4 Personnel Action Code 1 EMPL_LAB_INFO.PERS_ACT_RSN_CD Char 10 24-33 Optional Optional Must exist in the PERS_ACT_REASON table.
5 Personnel Action Code 2 EMPL_LAB_INFO.PERS_ACT_RSN_CD Char 10 34-43 Optional Optional Must exist in the PERS_ACT_REASON table.
6 Personnel Action Code 3 EMPL_LAB_INFO.PERS_ACT_RSN_CD Char 10 44-53 Optional Optional Must exist in the PERS_ACT_REASON table.
7 HR Org EMPL_LAB_INFO.HR_ORG_ID Char 25 54-78 Optional Optional Must exist in the HR_ORG_MGR_DFLT table.

This field only accepts 20 characters. You will need to fill remaining five characters with spaces.

8 Default Rate Group EMPL_LAB_INFO.DFLT_RT_GRP_ID Char 6 79-84 Optional Optional Must exist in the RT_GRP table
9 Currency EMPL_LAB_INFO.TRN_CRNCY_CD Char 3 85-87 Optional Optional Must exist in the CURRENCY table
10 Last Day Worked EMPL.LAST_DAY_DT Char 10 88-97 Optional Optional YYYY-MM-DD
11 Not a protected veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_NP_FL Char 1 98-98 Optional Optional Y or N
12 Declined to provide veteran status EMPL.VET_STATUS_DECLINED Char 1 99-99 Optional Optional Y or N
13 Recently separated veteran EMPL.VET_STATUS_RS Char 1 100-100 Optional Optional Y or N
14 Supervisor ID for EMPL_LAB_INFO EMPL_LAB_INFO.SPVSR_EMPL_ID Char 12 101-112 Optional Optional
15 Requisition Number EMPL_LAB_INFO.REQ_NO Char 10 113-122 Optional Optional
16 Contractor flag EMPL.CONTRACTOR_FL Char 1 123-123 Optional Optional Y or N
17 Blind flag EMPL.BLIND_FL Char 1 124-124 Optional Optional Y or N
18 GovWin IQ ID EMPL.GOVWINIQ_LOGIN_ID Char (100) 125-224 Optional Optional Alphanumeric
19 ESS User N/A - not stored Char 1 225-225 Optional Optional Y or N
20 Login ID

N/A - not stored EMPL

• Allow entry of up to 254 alphanumeric characters and special characters

Char 254 226-479 Optional N/A - only used for new employees
21 User ID N/A - not stored EMPL Char 20 480-499 Optional N/A - only used for new employees