Vendor Classification Subtask

Use this subtask to view the legal classifications of the vendor as well as the industry code(s) and the NAICS code(s) linked to it.

Business Classification

Default Size

This field displays the Vendor Business Size with the following options:

Field Description
Certification Date

This field displays the date on which the vendor received the classification certification.

Certification Number

The field displays the vendor's certification number.


If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as woman-owned.

Disadvantaged (Include Minority-Owned)

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as disadvantaged.


If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as veteran-owned.

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as service disabled veteran-owned.

Alaskan Native Corporations (ANC) and Indian Tribes

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as an Alaskan Native Corporation or an Indian Tribe vendor.


If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as a historically underutilized business zone company.

Historical Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as a historically black college or minority institution.

8(a) Certified

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as 8(a) certified. An 8(a) company is a business that is owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (usually at least 51% ownership).

AbilityOne Non-Profit Agency

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor is classified as AbilityOne Non-Profit Agency. An AbilityOne non-profit agency has at least 75% of its total direct labor hours performed by persons who are blind or have significant disabilities.

Size By Industry Classification

Field Description
Industry Classification

This field displays the industry classification.

Vendor Size

This field displays the vendor size associated with the industry classification.

Field Description

This field displays the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code.

NAICS Description

This field displays the NAICS description.

Primary NAICS

If selected, this checkbox indicates that this is a Primary NAICS that defaults on purchase orders.

Small Business

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the vendor qualifies as a small business for this NAICS code.

Certifying Agency

This field displays the NAICS certifying agency.


This field displays notes related to the NAICS code.