Technical Information

This section discusses processing details and the information derived when importing work assignments into Costpoint.

Processing Details

  1. Any pre-existing information in the worktables is deleted. (Normally there is not any data in these tables at the start of processing unless a previous attempt to use the Import Work Assignments screen terminated abnormally.)
  2. If a SCHEMA.INI file does not exist in the Import Directory, Costpoint creates one when you click the Upload button on the Import Work Assignments screen. This file must exist in the import directory for the Work Assignments Preprocessor to validate any information in the input files. 
  3. The preprocessor checks the length of each field as it is being read into the worktables. If a field is too long to fit into the worktable, it is truncated.
  4. Worktables are populated with the information from the .csv files. NULL columns are replaced with default work assignment information, if appropriate, and then all records are validated.
  5. Error information is inserted into the D_xxxSMPUTLWRKA_ERR table. This information is displayed on the Import Work Assignments screen after the upload step is complete; you can sort the information by double-clicking the column heading. You can print the Import Work Assignment Error Report for review.
  6. The Upload process must complete without errors before you can import into the database. When the Upload completes without errors, you can print the Import Work Assignment Data Report.
  7. Once you have printed the Import Work Assignment Data Report, the import process is enabled and you can import records into the database.

Derived Information

Table Name Costpoint Screen Name Column Name Costpoint Field Name Derivation Information
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments WA_ID Work Assignment ID If the Enable Auto-Assign checkbox is selected on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, Costpoint auto assigns the next work assignment ID number.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments DFLT_WA_ID Default Work Assignment ID If there is no PO_ID provided, Costpoint uses the PO_ID assigned to the default work assignment ID to load new work assignment record. If there is no data in the input file fields, Costpoint uses the information from the DFLT_WA_ID.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments S_WA_TYPE Work Assignment Type A = Subcontractor Agreement; B = Subcontractor Agreement Intracompany
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments APPRVL_STATUS Work Assignment Status If the Require Work Assignment Approval checkbox is not selected on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, this field defaults to Approved. If the checkbox is selected, this field defaults to Pending. If the approval is at the charge line level, the field is blank.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments APPRVL_CD Work Assignment Approval Code If the Require Work Assignment Approval checkbox is not selected on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, approval code is set to Approved.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments PO_ID PO Number Derived from PO_HDR; Only PO IDs with status of Open or Pending.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments PO_RLSE_NO PO Release Number Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments TRN_CRNCY_DT Exchange Rate Date Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments TRN_TO_EUR_RT Exchange Rate Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments FUNC_TO_EUR_RT Exchange Rate Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL Transaction Freeze Rate Flag Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL Transaction Currency To Euro Rate Flag Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments CUST_ID Customer In Manage Work Assignments, when PO/Release is manually entered, Costpoint looks both in the PO_HDR_DLFT and PO_LN_ACCT tables for the project IDs. If there is more than one project, it will not default the customer ID in the screen. If there is only one project, it will default the customer ID.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments UNAUTH_CHG_FL Allow Unauthorized Charges If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments CHG_TXT_FL Require Charge Comments If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments OT_CHG_FL Allow Overtime If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments CHG_APPRVL_FL Require Subcontractor Approval on Charges If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments AMT_CHG_FL Allow Charges Over Work Assignment Amount Flag If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments ENTRY_HRS_FL Allow Hours Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Hours Flag If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments POP_CHG_FL Allow Charges Outside Work Assignment Period of Performance Flag If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments CHK_SEC_FL Resource Security Validation Derived from PO_HDR. If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments US_CITIZEN_FL Citizenship Flag Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments ITAR_AUTO_REQD ITAR Required Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments SEC_CLR_CD Security Clearance Code Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments AGENCY_NAME Issuing Agency Name Derived from PO_HDR.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments UNALLW_VE_ACCT_ID Unallowable Vendor Employee Labor Account Check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments UNALLW_EXP_ACCT_ID Unallowable Expense Account Check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments ALLOW_EXCD_POLN_FL Allow Charge line to exceed PO Line value If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments INCL_SYSCLSD_PO_FL Include System Closed PO Lines If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments TE_POP_CHG_FL Allow Charges Outside Work Assignment PoP in T&E If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments ENTRY_HRS_OVR_UNALLW_FL Allow Entered Hours Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Hours to go to Unallowable Account Flag If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments AMT_CHG_OVR_UNALLW_FL Allow Charges Over Work Assignment Amount to go to Unallowable Account Flag If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments POP_CHG_OVR_UNALLW_FL Allow Charges Outside Work Assignment Period of Performance to go to Unallowable Account Flag If this field is blank, check the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen for the default value.
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments IWA_PROJ_ID_TO Intracompany Payable Project Needed if S_WA_TYPE = B
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments IWA_ACCT_ID_TO Intracompany Payable Account Needed if S_WA_TYPE = B
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments IWA_ORG_ID_TO Intracompany Payable Organization Needed if S_WA_TYPE = B
WA_HDR Manage Work Assignments CNTRCT_EMAIL_ID Contracting Contact Email Needed if S_WA_TYPE = B. This field defaults from the PO_HDR.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask WA_ID Work Assignment ID If the Enable Auto-Assign checkbox is selected on the Configure Subcontractor Management Settings screen, Costpoint auto assigns the next work assignment ID number.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask DFLT_WA_ID Default Work Assignment ID If there is no PO_ID provided, Costpoint uses the PO_ID assigned to the default work assignment ID to load new work assignment record. If there is no data in the input file fields, Costpoint uses the information from the DFLT_WA_ID.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask PO_LN_NO PO Line Number Derived from PO_LN.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask PO_LN_DESC Description Derived from PO_LN. User can override.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask PROJ_ID Project Derived from PO_LN_ACCT.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask ACCT_ID Account Derived from PO_LN_ACCT.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask ORG_ID Organization Derived from PO_LN_ACCT.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask REF_STRUC_1_ID Reference Number Derived from PO_LN_ACCT.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask REF_STRUC_2_ID Reference Number Derived from PO_LN_ACCT.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask START_DT Start Date Derived from WA_HDR. Date format must match the Microsoft Windows format defined in Control Panel/Regional Settings.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask END_DT End Date Derived from WA_HDR. Date format must match the Microsoft Windows format defined in Control Panel/Regional Settings.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask TRN_LAB_RT_AMT Transaction Rate Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask HRS Hours Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Transaction Sales Tax Amount Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask ITEM_ID Item Derived from PO_LN.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask ITEM_RVSN_ID Item Revision Derived from PO_LN.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE Misc Type Derived from PO_LN.
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask UNALLW_VE_ACCT_ID Unallowable Vendor Employee Labor Account If null, value is derived from the settings. If there is no default work assignment used, Costpoint gets the first PO_RLSE_NO in the PO_HDR for the given PO_ID (if PO_ID has value in the input file).
WA_CHG_LN Manage Work Assignments — Charges subtask UNALLW_EXP_ACCT_ID Unallowable Expense Account If null, value is derived from the settings. If there is no default work assignment used, Costpoint gets the first PO_RLSE_NO in the PO_HDR for the given PO_ID (if PO_ID has value in the input file).
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask DFLT_WA_ID Default Work Assignment ID If there is no PO_ID provided, Costpoint uses the PO_ID assigned to the default work assignment ID to load new work assignment record. If there is no data in the input file fields, Costpoint uses the information from the DFLT_WA_ID.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask LN_NO Line Number This field links vendor employees to the correct PO line.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask RESOURCE_DESC Resource Description Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask VEND_EMPL_ID Vendor Employee Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask GENL_LAB_CAT_CD GLC Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask BILL_LAB_CAT_CD PLC Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask START_DT Start Date Date format must match the Microsoft Windows format defined in Control Panel/Regional Settings.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask END_DT End Date Date format must match the Microsoft Windows format defined in Control Panel/Regional Settings.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask CITY_NAME City Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask STATE_DC State PO_LN_RESOURCE. MAIL_STATE_DC
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask POSTAL_CD Postal Code Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask COUNTRY_CD Country Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask LAB_RT_AMT Rate Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask TRN_LAB_RT_AMT Transaction Rate Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask HRS Hours Derived from PO_LN_RESOURCE.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask INACTIVE_DT Inactive Date Date format must match the Microsoft Windows format defined in Control Panel/Regional Settings.
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE Manage Work Assignments — Vendor Employees subtask of the Charges subtask MGR_EMPL_ID Manager Employee Derived from VEND_EMPL.
WA_CHG_LN_SCISAP Manage Work Assignments — Security Reqts subtask of the Charges subtask DFLT_WA_ID Default Work Assignment ID If there is no PO_ID provided, Costpoint uses the PO_ID assigned to the default work assignment ID to load new work assignment record. If there is no data in the input file fields, Costpoint uses the information from the DFLT_WA_ID.
WA_HDR_SCISAP Manage Work Assignments — Security Reqts subtask DFLT_WA_ID Default Work Assignment ID If there is no PO_ID provided, Costpoint uses the PO_ID assigned to the default work assignment ID to load new work assignment record. If there is no data in the input file fields, Costpoint uses the information from the DFLT_WA_ID.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask DFLT_WA_ID Default Work Assignment ID If there is no PO_ID provided, Costpoint uses the PO_ID assigned to the default work assignment ID to load new work assignment record. If there is no data in the input file fields, Costpoint uses the information from the DFLT_WA_ID.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask LN_CHG_TYPE Line Charge Type Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask LN_CHG_DESC Line Charge Description Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask CHG_CST_AMT Line Charge Cost Amount Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask TRN_CHG_CST_AMT Transaction Line Charge Cost Amount Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask SALES_TAX_AMT Sales Tax Amount Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Transaction Sales Tax Amount Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask APPLY_DISC_FL Apply Discount Flag If null in the input file, default = N.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask CHG_PR_VCH_AMT Previous voucher line charge amount Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_PO_LN_CHG Manage Work Assignments — Line Charges subtask of the PO Info subtask TRN_CHG_PR_VCH_AMT Transaction previous voucher line charge amount Derived from PO_LN_CHG.
WA_ROLES Manage Work Assignments — Roles subtask DFLT_WA_ID Default Work Assignment ID If there is no PO_ID provided, Costpoint uses the PO_ID assigned to the default work assignment ID to load new work assignment record. If there is no data in the input file fields, Costpoint uses the information from the DFLT_WA_ID.
WA_ROLES Manage Work Assignments — Roles subtask VEND_EMPL_ID Vendor Employee ID Derived from VEND_EMPL.
WA_ROLES Manage Work Assignments — Roles subtask EMPL_ID Employee ID Derived from EMPL.