Contents of the Expedite Purchase Orders Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Expedite Purchase Orders screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a buyer ID for whom you want to view purchase order information, or leave blank to select all buyers.


Enter, or click to select, a vendor ID for whom you wish to view purchase order information, or leave blank to select all vendors.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the project for which you want to view purchase orders, or leave blank to select all projects.

Cutoff Due Date

Enter, or click to select, the cutoff due date for the open purchase orders. No open purchase orders with a due date later than this date are selected. Leave this field blank to select all available due dates.

Sort By

Select the sorting option from the drop-down list. The values are:

  • Buyer & Vendor & Due Date (default)
  • Vendor & Due Date
  • Buyer & Vendor & PO
  • Vendor & PO

Project Selection Option

Field Description
Exact Match

Select this option to view purchase orders that have the exact project ID entered.

Begins With

Select this option to view purchase orders that begin with the project ID entered.

Select PO Type

Use the check boxes in this group box to select the types of purchase orders (PO) to load for expediting. Purchase orders default based on the PO type that you select.

Field Description
Standard POs

Select the Standard POs check box to include standard purchase orders (that is, the PO Type is P) in the expediting process.

Blanket PO Releases

Select the Blanket PO Releases check box to include blanket purchase order releases (that is, the PO Type is B) in the expediting process.

Subcontract Retainage PO

Select the Subcontract Retainage PO check box to include subcontract purchase orders (that is, the PO Type is S) in the expediting process.


Select the GFM/GFE Order check box to include Government Furnished Material (GFM) or Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) purchase orders in the expediting process.

Subcontract Agreement

Select the Subcontract Agreement check box to include Subcontract Agreement type of purchase orders in the expediting process.

Subcontract Agreement Release

Select the Subcontract Agreement Release check box to include Subcontract Agreement Release type of purchase orders in the expediting process.

Table Window

Field Description

This column displays the purchase order ID.


This column displays the release number if the order is a release order.

Change Order

This column displays the change order number, if one exists.


This column displays the line number of the purchase order.

Resource Exists

This check box indicates if there is at least one row in the Resources subtask for the corresponding PO line.


This field displays the name of the subcontract associated with the PO. This also displays as a hyperlink to access the subcontract record on the Manage Subcontracts screen.

Note: The Subcontract field is available only to users who are licensed for Capture & Contracts.
Line Type

This column displays the line item type:

  • P: Part
  • G: Good
  • S: Service
  • M: Miscellaneous

Subcontract PO lines can only have line types S (Service) or M (Miscellaneous).


If the Line Type is M, this column is blank. Otherwise, it displays the item ID.


This column displays the revision of the item, if one exists.

Misc Line Charge Type

If the Line Type is M, this column displays the miscellaneous line charge type. Otherwise, it is blank.

Line Description

This column displays the description of the line item.

Part Security

This is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the item is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the item you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that item:

  • Unrestricted: The item is not subject to data security restrictions.
  • Restricted: The item is subject to data security restrictions and that you are authorized to access detailed part information.
  • ***UNAUTHORIZED***: The item is subject to data security restrictions and you are not authorized to access or view part information. This value is displayed in red background color.

If you are unauthorized to access parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit PO lines for that restricted part/revision. In addition, you will not be able to view Line Documents, Substitute Parts, and Manufacturer/Vendor part information for those restricted items.

Note: The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.
Order Date

This column displays the order date for this PO line.

Due Date

This column displays the due date for the line item which you can modify. A change in the due date updates the purchase order line due date.

Delivery Schedule Exists

If selected, this check box indicates that there are multiple delivery schedules that exist for the PO line. This check box is cleared and disabled for new lines.  

Original Due Date

This column displays the original due date. A modification to this column updates the purchase order line.


This column displays the line status. You can modify the PO line status here from Open to one of the following:

  • Pending: If no receipts exist for this line
  • Void: If no receipts exist for this line
  • Closed: If no additional receipts are expected for this line

When you save the modifications, the lines that no longer have a status of Open do not display.

Desired Date

This column displays the desired date. It must be the same as, or earlier than, the due date. A modification to this column updates the purchase order line.

Acknowledgment Date

This column displays the date the vendor acknowledgment was received, if any. A modification to this column updates the Acknowledgment Info Date on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.


This column displays the buyer ID for the purchase order.


This column displays the requisition number from which the item ordered originated.

Procurement Type

This column displays the procurement type code assigned to the PO line.

Ship ID

This column displays the ship ID. It represents the address where to deliver the requisitioned item as indicated on the purchase order line.

Deliver To

This column displays the name or department to which the item ordered is to be delivered.

Manufacturer Part

This column displays the manufacturer part as indicated on the purchase order line.

Mfg Rev

This column displays the manufacturer part revision number as indicated on the purchase order line.

Vendor Part

This column displays the vendor part as indicated on the purchase order line.

Vend Rev

This column displays the vendor part revision number as indicated on the purchase order line.

Inv Abbrev

If this is an inventory line item, this column displays the assigned inventory abbreviation.

Inv Project

This column displays the inventory project to which the inventory item is charged.

Order Ref Type

This column displays the order reference type code for this PO line.

Order Reference

This column displays the order reference number from the manufacturing order or internal sales order number.

2/3 Way Match

This column displays the match type for each of the different item types within Costpoint. Establish these values on the Manage Line Charge Types screen.

The match type indicates whether there is a two-way (2) match between the purchase order quantity and the invoice quantity, or a three-way (3) match among the purchase order quantity, the accepted quantity plus the rejected-pay quantity, and the invoice quantity.

On the PO Line Charge Types screen, a three-way match displays the match option as either individual (or INDIV) matching of invoice quantities against individual receipt accepted quantities, or total (TOTAL) matching of invoice quantities against the cumulative purchase order accepted quantities.

Individual (INDIV) matching can happen only if three-way matching has been selected. If two-way matching is selected, the match option is always TOTAL.

Order U/M

This column displays the order unit of measure.

Order Quantity

This column displays the quantity ordered on this PO line.

Open Quantity

This column displays the open quantity on this PO line.

Accepted Quantity

This column displays the quantity accepted on this PO line.

Rejected-Replace/Repair Quantity

This column displays the quantity rejected with replace or repair disposition on this PO line.

Rejected-Credit Due Quantity

This column displays the quantity rejected with credit disposition on this PO line.

Rejected-Pay Anyway Quantity

This column displays the quantity rejected with pay disposition on this PO line.

Extended Amt

This column displays the extended cost for the PO line.

Calculation: Extended Amt = PO Total Line Amount – Sales Tax/VAT Amount – Total Line Charges – Line Charges Sales Tax/VAT Amount

Subcontract Completed Work Amt

This column displays the actual work completed (cumulatively from inception to date) for subcontract lines.

Subcontract Completed Work Retention Amt

This column displays the actual value of the completed work retention amount (cumulative from inception to date) that has been withheld from payment for this subcontract line.

This amount cannot be greater than the Subcontract Completed Work Amount for the PO line.

Calculation: Subcontract Completed Work Retention Amt = Completed Work Retention Pct * Subcontract Completed Work Amt.

Subcontract Stored Materials Amt

This column displays the value of the materials (cumulative from inception to date) that have been supplied to a site for use on a subcontract PO line item job. This amount is also included during payment voucher calculations.

Subcontract Stored Materials Retention Amt

This column displays the value of stored materials retention amount (cumulative from inception to date) that has been withheld from payment for the subcontract line, if applicable.

Calculation: Subcontract Stored Materials Retention Amt = Stored Materials Retention Pct * Subcontract Stored Materials Amt

Completed Work Retention Pct

This column displays the percentage of completed work retention (cumulative from inception to date) that has been withheld from payment.

Stored Materials Retention Pct

This column displays the percentage of materials (cumulative from inception to date) that have been supplied to a site for use on a PO line item.


This column displays the vendor ID for the purchase order.

Vendor Name

This column displays the vendor name.

Vendor Location

This column displays the purchase order vendor location.

Address Code

This column displays the address code for the vendor.

Vendor Sales Order

This column displays the vendor sales order number, if any. A modification to this column updates the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

NAICS Code Enter or click to select, a valid NAICS code for the item or miscellaneous charge on the PO line.
NAICS Eff. Date

This field displays the effectivity date(s) of the NAICS code description associated with the record. When you manually enter/update the effective date, only an active effective date for the NAICS code existing in the NAICS table can be entered.

Business Size Select the default business size option for the vendor at the time this transaction line is created.
Vendor Contact First Name

This column displays the first name of the vendor contact.

Vendor Contact Last Name

This column displays the last name of the vendor contact.

Contact Phone

This column displays the phone number of the purchase order vendor contact.

Contact Fax

This column displays the fax number of the purchase order vendor contact.

PO Line Expediting Notes

Enter expediting notes for the part.

PO Line Internal Notes

Enter internal notes for the purchase order line. A modification to these notes updates the purchase order line. These notes are for internal use only, and do not print on purchase orders.

Received Quantity

This column displays the received quantity from the purchase order line.

US Citizenship Reqd

This check box indicates if the resource requires US citizenship.

ITAR Authorization Reqd

This check box indicates if the resource must be authorized for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restricted items.

Security Clearance System ID

This column displays the security clearance required for the resources associated with this purchase order.

Security Clearance Description

This column displays the description of the security clearance that the resource associated with the purchase order needs to have.

Security Clearance Level

This column displays the level of security clearance that the resource associated with the purchase order needs to have. This field indicates whether the level is Top Secret and Secret.


This check box displays the security clearance that the resource associated with the purchase order has been cleared Sensitive

Compartmented Information (SCI) for.


This check box displays the security clearance that the resource associated with the PO has been cleared Special Access Program (SAP) for.

Issuing Agency

This column displays the name of the agency that issued the security clearance.

Last Action

This field displays the most recent action taken on the PO line by the buyer or the supplier.

Last Proposed Order Quantity

This field displays the most recent quantity change proposed by the buyer or the supplier.

Last Proposed Order Amt

This field displays the most recent amount change proposed by the buyer or the supplier.

Last Proposed Due Date

This field displays the most recent due date change proposed by the buyer or the supplier.

New Action

Select an option from the drop-down list for the new action that you want to take for the PO line. Valid values are:

  • Pending Supplier Acknowledgment: Select this option to indicate that the PO line and all associated delivery schedule lines have been submitted to the supplier.
  • Change Request by Buyer: Select this option to propose a change to a PO line or delivery schedule quantity/amount or due date.
  • Change Request Accepted by Buyer: Select this option to accept a change proposed by the supplier regarding the PO line or delivery schedule quantity/amount or due date.
  • Change Request Rejected by Buyer: Select this option to reject a change proposed by the supplier regarding the PO line or delivery schedule quantity/amount or due date.
  • Cancel Request by Buyer: Select this option to propose cancelling the order on the PO line or delivery schedule line.
  • Cancel Request Accepted by Buyer: Select this option to accept the request made by the supplier to cancel the order on the PO line or delivery schedule line.
  • Cancel Request Rejected by Buyer: Select this option to reject the request made by the supplier to cancel the order on the PO line or delivery schedule line.
  • Backorder Request Accepted by Buyer: Select this option to accept a request made by the supplier to put the order on the PO line or delivery schedule line on backorder.
  • Backorder Request Rejected by Buyer: Select this option to reject a request made by the supplier to put the order on the PO line or delivery schedule line on backorder.
  • Substitution Request Accepted by Buyer: Select this option to accept a request made by the supplier to deliver a different part in place of the original part on the PO line.
  • Substitution Request Rejected by Buyer: Select this option to reject a request made by the supplier to deliver a different part in place of the original part on the PO line.
Proposed Order Qty

Enter the new proposed quantity for the PO line or delivery schedule line.

Proposed Order Amt

Enter the new proposed amount for the PO line or delivery schedule line.

Proposed Due Date

Enter, or click to select, the new proposed due date for the PO line or delivery schedule line. If delivery schedule exists, this field is disabled on the PO line and enabled on the Delivery Schedule subtask.


Enter any action notes related to the PO line/delivery schedule line and any actions taken. If delivery schedule exists, this field is disabled on the PO line and enabled on the Delivery Schedule subtask.

Print Prime Contract Number/DPAS Rating

This check box defaults to the selection in Configure Purchase Order Print Options.

DPAS Rating

This field displays the DPAS rating. For PO lines with multiple account distribution, the DPAS rating in the PO lines displays all the DPAS ratings from the PO Line Accounts subtask.

Payment Schedule Code This field displays the payment schedule code used in this line.
Payment Schedule This checkbox is selected if a payment schedule record exists for the purchase order line in the Payment Schedule subtask.
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.


Subtask Description
Action History Click this link to open the Action History subtask linked to the PO line/delivery schedule to access action history information for the PO/rlse/PO line/delivery schedule line.
Header Text Click this link to access the Header Text subtask to display established standard text codes to the purchase order (PO).
Line Text Click this link to access the Line Text subtask to display established standard text codes to the PO line.
Header SOW Click this link to access the Header SOW subtask.
Line SOW Click this link to access the Line SOW subtask.
Resources Click this link to access the Resources subtask.
PO Header Expedite Notes Click this link to access the PO Header Expedite Notes subtask.
Header Documents Click this link to access the Header Documents subtask.
PO Line Accounts Click this link to access the PO Line Accounts subtask, where you can view detailed information about PO lines.
Line Documents Click this link to access the Line Documents subtask.
Vendor Info Click this link to access the Vendor Info, subtask, where you can view detailed information about the vendor on this purchase order.
Exchange Rates Click this link to access the Exchange Rates subtask, where you can view exchange rate information.
Link SCI/SAP Security Codes Click this link to access the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes subtask to identify the specific security clearance code.
Delivery Schedule Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask to split the PO quantities to multiple due dates.
Payment Schedule Click this link to view information related to the payment schedule of the purchase order lines.