RMA Line Details Subtask

Use this subtask to display the RMA line details associated with the customer return.


Field Description
RMA Line This field displays the line number of the item returned on this Return Material Authorization. This is system assigned, starting with 1 and incrementing by 1 for each additional line.
RMA Line Status This field displays the status of the RMA line. This indicates whether the material has been returned by the customer (when applicable), and whether subsequent Disposition Orders/Invoices have been placed against the approved Order/Payment resolution.
Disposition Orders/Invoices Exist If this checkbox is selected, it indicates that the orders or invoices exist for the RMA line. In addition, the Disposition Orders/Invoices subtask will display a list of sales orders (for replacements), SO invoices (for refunds), manufacturing orders (for internal repair) and purchase orders (for external repair) that are linked to the RMA/RMA line.
Orig SO This field displays the original sales order ID for which the material is returned.
Customer PO This field displays the customer purchase order associated with the original SO on the RMA line.
Invoice Number This field displays the invoice number associated with the customer return.
SO Line Enter, or click to select, the SO line number associated with this return.
Component Line This field displays the component line number of the original SO/line associated with the return.
Line Type This field displays the sales order line type.
Item This field displays the item being returned.
Rev This field displays the return item revision.
Make/Buy This field displays whether the item is a Make or Buy part.
Description This field displays the description of the returned item.
Part Security This field displays the part security status of the returned item.
Inv Abbrev This field displays the returned item inventory abbreviation.
Project This field displays the project to charge information.
Return Qty This field displays the quantity of the material to be returned.
U/M This field displays the unit of measure associated with the return quantity.
Return Reason This field displays the reason for the customer return.
Net Unit Price This field displays the net unit price (after volume discount) from the original sales order line in transaction currency.
Order/Payment Disposition Requested This field displays one of the following order/payment disposition for the return based on customer's request.
  • Refund Now
  • Refund on Return
  • Replace Now
  • Replace on Return
  • Repair
Order/Payment Resolution This field displays one of the following order/payment disposition for the return.
  • Refund Now
  • Refund on Return
  • Replace Now
  • Replace on Return
  • Repair External
  • Repair Internal
  • Pending
  • Reject/Close
Material Return Required If this checkbox is selected, it indicates that the customer is required to return the material to the seller.
QC Inspection Required If this checkbox is selected, it indicates that QC inspection is required before the returned material is accepted back to the inventory.
Disposition Approved If this checkbox is selected, it indicates that the resolution for the order/payment of the RMA line has been approved.
Disposition Approver This field displays the name of the disposition approver.
Disposition Approved Date/Time This field displays the date/time the resolution of the order/payment disposition was approved.
Warehouse This field displays the warehouse where the material is to be returned.
Ship ID This field displays the ship ID of the warehouse where the returned material is to be shipped.
Ship Via This field displays the shipment method/carrier for the returned material.
Address Line 1-3 These fields display the address associated with the warehouse where the returned material is to be shipped.
City This field displays the city of the address associated with the warehouse where the returned material is to be shipped.
State This field displays the state of the address associated with the warehouse where the returned material is to be shipped.
Postal Code This field displays the postal code of the address associated with the warehouse where the returned material is to be shipped.
Country This field displays the country of the address associated with the warehouse where the returned material is to be shipped.
Line Notes This field displays the notes related to the returned line. These notes will be included in the email to the customer.
Internal Line Notes This field displays the internal note related to the returned line.


Subtask Description
Receipts/Inspections Click this link to open the Receipts/Inspections subtask.
Disposition Orders/Invoices Click this link to open the Disposition Orders/Invoices subtask.
Serial/Lot Click this link to open the Serial/Lot information associated with the customer return line.