Manage Customer Returns

Use this screen to create customer returns.

This screen drives the process of returning materials for the purpose of replacing, refunding, or repairing the materials.

If the material being returned was initially issued out on a sales order, you can enter the original sales order ID, invoice number, and/or customer purchase order number to default the data. Otherwise, you can key in the items being returned. You also need to enter the customer ID and address, employee ID, return quantity and reason, as well as the order payment disposition, which is used to identify how to handle the returned material. Disposition options include:

  • Refund Now or Replace Now: The customer can be refunded or items can be replaced right away before the original items are returned.

  • Replace on Return or Refund on Return: The original material should be returned before any action is taken.

  • Repair External or Repair Internal: The materials are to be repaired either by an outside vendor or internally via a manufacturing order.

On this screen, select the Material Return Required checkbox to require the material to be returned before any further action can be done. When you select this checkbox, a quality control inspection can also be required for the returned material. The warehouse and ship ID are needed when a material is required to be returned. You can use this screen to approve the final resolution of the customer return disposition. Once you complete the data, you can process the Return Material Authorization (RMA) by clicking Submit. This action will send an email to the customer, and an RMA-type purchase order is created to allow for receiving and inspection of the material. Submitting the RMA also updates the RMA header and line status based on the disposition selected on the RMA.

Once the RMA has been submitted and the purchase order is created, the customer material will be received via the Manage Purchase Order Receipts screen. If the material requires quality control inspection, then the acceptance can be done in Manage Quality Control Inspections. The material must be received and accepted into an RMA type location linked to the warehouse. You can also enter the Serial lot information. Once you saved the receipt and inspection, the RMA line status will be updated to indicate the next step needed in the process.

After receiving the returned material, the next process will be identified by the RMA line status and the resolution that has been approved. The following are examples of the processes:

  • Ready for Replacement: Create a new sales order ID on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

  • Ready for Refund: Create a refund on Manage Invoices screen.

  • Ready for External Repair : Create a purchase order in Manage Purchase Orders to send the material to a vendor for repair.

  • Ready for Internal Repair : Create a manufacturing order on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen as a customer repair.

When an RMA is set up as Repair External, you will send it to a vendor for repair. To do this, you need to create a standard purchase order referencing the RMA and RMA line on the purchase order line, and an issue to purchase order is required to link the customer material to the purchase order. The purchase order allows the vendor to be paid for any incurred expenses and provides a way to receive and inspect the repaired item. Once the repaired material is received and accepted back into inventory in an RMA location, the RMA line status will be updated to Repaired, and the item can be shipped back to the customer.

When an RMA is set up as Repair Internal, the material will be repaired in-house. To do this, you need to create a customer repair manufacturing order referencing the RMA and RMA line. The process of issuing material and relieving the manufacturing order remains unchanged. Once the repaired material is relieved back into inventory in an RMA location, the RMA line status will be updated to Repaired, and the material can be shipped back to the customer.

Once the RMA line status is updated to Ready for Replacement or Repaired, a sales order can be created referencing the RMA so that the materials can be shipped back to the customer. The system does allow a sales order to be created in advance but can only be approved and processed when the RMA is dispositioned as Repaired or Ready for Replacement. The new Customer Returns subtask in Manage Sales Orders, allows the user the view the details and status of the RMA. The subtask also adds a hyperlink to the actual customer return record. The sales order shipment is created in Costpoint via Manage Shipping Transactions. If you do not use Costpoint Sales Orders, you can use your alternative sales order and shipment process.

Once the RMA line status is updated to Ready for Refund, you can create a new negative sales order invoice to refund the customer. The new invoice should reference the original sales order and RMA ID. The new Customer Returns subtask allows the user to view the details and status of the RMA and provides a hyperlink to the customer return record. The sales order invoice is created in Costpoint via the Manage Invoices screen. If you do not use Costpoint Sales Orders, you can use your current sales order invoice process to refund the customer.

For more information on Order/Payment Disposition Process for customer returns, refer to the following procedures:

  • Request for Refund Now

  • Request for Refund on Return

  • Request for Replace Now

  • Request for Replacement on Return

  • Request for Internal Repair

  • Request for External Repair

  • Request for Refund Now (No Sales Order)

  • Request for Refund on Return (No Sales Order)

  • Request for Replace Now (No Sales Order)

  • Request for Replacement on Return (No Sales Order)

  • Request for Internal Repair (No Sales Order)

  • Request for External Repair (No Sales Order)