Savings Bonds Subtask

Use this subtask to assign bond information to employees.

You must establish employee bond information on this screen before you can use the record on the Create U.S. Treasury File application. If you enter bond information for an employee on the Manage Employee Deductions screen, that employee's deduction information defaults in this screen when accessed. Conversely, if you enter new bond information, or modify existing bond information, for an employee on this subtask, you can automatically update the employee's bond deduction information on the Manage Employee Deductions screen. If you select an owner, you must choose at least one beneficiary and/or co-owner. You must set up the employee as one of the sole owners, beneficiaries, and/or co-owners.

On this screen, you can also edit the bond series, face value (denomination), owner, co-owner, and beneficiary data.

You must enter the bond's series and face value (denomination) on this screen for each new participant before you use the Create U.S. Treasury File screen.

Savings Bonds

Field Description
Effective Date

Enter the date on which this bond becomes effective. The format for dates is MM/DD/YYYY. This is a required field. 

Deduction Information

Use this group box to identify the code that is being used to deduct bond funds.

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the deduction code used to determine the employee's bond funds. Establish deduction codes on the Manage Deductions screen. The Deduction Type must be U.S. Savings Bond on the Manage Deductions screen. This is a required field.

Compute Method

From the drop-down list, select a setting to determine how Costpoint calculates the bond deduction amount when computing payroll. This is a required field. Valid options are:

  • ADDGRS: Add to Gross. Use this method for deductions where the deduction amount is added to gross salary. Costpoint adds the amount to the gross salary strictly for the Earnings Table. It is not considered part of the payroll variance when the Payroll Journal is posted (the amount added to gross and the deduction amount are not posted when this method is chosen).
  • FIXAMT: Fixed Amount. Use this method when a particular dollar amount is deducted each pay period.
  • GHRSPD: A per-hour amount based on hours paid. This method multiplies the rate entered in the EMPL_DED table by the gross hours worked. Gross Hours Worked in this case is defined as pay type hours times pay type factor.
  • GRSHRF: Gross Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on total hours worked for the period. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction amount.
  • GRSHRP: Gross Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on total hours worked for the period. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction percentage.
  • NO DED: No Deduction. This method "turns off" a deduction. Use it to disable a deduction for this employee.
  • PCTANN: Percentage of Annual Salary. This method multiplies the Rate by the employee's annual salary amount to come up with the deduction amount.
  • PCTCOD: Percent of Court Order. This method is used only when the Deduction Type (on the Payroll Deductions and Contributions screen) is set to Admin. Fee Court Orders. This method uses the percentage entered for administrative fees. If you entered a percentage other than 0.0% in the Percentage Override field on the Calculation Criteria subtask of the Employee Government Mandated Orders screen, you cannot override the percentage in the Rate field on this screen.
  • PCTDPI: Percent of Disposable Income. This method is used for garnishments or tax levies to determine the portion of wages that are allocated to the courts.
  • PCTGRS: Percentage of Gross Wages. This method multiplies the Rate by the total wages for the pay period.
  • PCTREG: Percentage of Regular Wages. This method multiplies the Rate by the total of all non-overtime pay type wages for the pay period.
  • REGHRF: Regular Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on all hours not designated as overtime hours. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all non-overtime hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction amount.
  • REGHRP: Regular Hours. Use this method when the deduction amount is based on all hours not designated as overtime hours. Costpoint calculates the deduction amount by adding all non-overtime hours for the payroll period and multiplying that figure by the deduction percentage.

Enter a rate or amount, depending on your selection for the Compute Method. This is a required field.

  • If you select FIXAMT, GRSHRF, or REGHRF as the Compute Method, specify a maximum of 99,999,999.99. 
  • If you select GRSHRP, PCTANN, PCTGRS, PCTREG, or REGHRP as the Compute Method, enter a maximum of 99,999,999.9999.

The value entered on the screen can be used to update the Employee's Payroll Deduction record.


Enter a ceiling amount up to 99,999,999.99. The value entered here can be used to update the Employee's Payroll Deduction record. This is an optional field.


If you select the Deduction Priority checkbox on the Configure Payroll Settings screen, enter a value between 1 and 99 in this field to establish the priorities when deductions are taken on a company-wide basis when computing payroll. One (1) represents the highest priority and 99 represents the lowest priority. When you enter a new deduction, this value defaults into this table. You can change the priority for each employee.

Start Date

Enter, or click to select, a date for the deduction to start. This normally is the pay period start date. If this date is later than the pay period end date, the deduction starts in the following pay period. Leave this field blank to indicate that the deduction starts immediately.

Through Date

Enter, or click to select, a date through which the deduction is used. This normally is the pay period end date. Leave this field blank to indicate that this deduction continues indefinitely.


This group box displays information about the employee's unspent and spent bond amounts.

Field Description
Beginning Balance

Enter the employee's beginning bond balance as of the effective date. This is an optional field. 

Bond Funds

This field displays the bond deduction amount in the information collected from the Payroll Deduction table.

Amount Spent

This displays the total amount spent for bonds during the current year.


This displays the balance of bond funds.

Bond Requests

This table contains information on the bonds the employee would like to purchase.

Field Description

Enter a number from 1 to 99 in this column. This number defines the order in which employee bonds are purchased. One (1) represents the highest priority and 99 represents the lowest. This information is used in the Create U.S. Treasury File screen for purchasing the bonds.

Next Purchase

If you select this checkbox, a bond must be purchased when you execute the Create U.S. Treasury File screen. You should select this checkbox for only one row in this table.

Employee is Owner

Select this checkbox if the employee is the bond owner.

Registration Type

From the drop-down list, select the bond type. Valid options are:

  • Single Ownership: One bond owner
  • Co-Ownership: Two bond owners
  • Beneficiary: Owner and beneficiary
Owner Name

Enter the bond owner's name in the following format:

First Name <space> Middle Initial <space> Last Name

(For example, you would enter John Q. Smith.)

If you select the Employee is Owner checkbox, this column displays the employee's name and cannot be changed. This is a required field.

Bond Owner's SSN

Enter the bond owner's Social Security number. If you select the Employee is Owner checkbox, the employee's Social Security number defaults from the Employee Info tab on the Manage Employee Information screen and you cannot change it. This is a required field.

Co-Owner Name

If the Registration Type is set to Co-Ownership, enter the co-owner's name in the following format:

First Name <space> Middle Initial <space> Last Name

This is a required field unless the Registration Type is Single Ownership or Beneficiary, in which case this field is disabled.


Both the owner and the co-owner can cash the bond without the knowledge or approval of the other, so both names are listed on the bond.

Field Description
Employee is Beneficiary

Select this checkbox if the Registration Type is Beneficiary and the employee is the beneficiary. If you select this checkbox, the Beneficiary Name column defaults with the employee's name from the Manage Employee Information screen and is disabled.

Beneficiary bonds are redeemable only at the request of the registered owner. The beneficiary becomes the sole owner of the bond when the sole owner dies. Therefore, both names must be included on the bond.

Beneficiary Name

Enter the name of the beneficiary if the Registration Type is Beneficiary.

This is a required field unless the Registration Type is Single Ownership or Co-Ownership, in which case this field is disabled. If you select the Employee is Beneficiary checkbox, this field defaults with the employee's name from the Employee Info tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.

Bond Series

From the drop-down list, select the series of savings bonds available for purchase through payroll savings plans. Valid options are:

  • EE
  • I

This is a required field. The value specified in this field determines the values available in the Face Value field and, subsequently, which value defaults in the Purchase Price field. If you change the Bond Series setting, the Face Value column clears and Costpoint requires you to select a valid Face Value setting for the selected Bond Series.

Face Value

From the drop-down list, select the value of the bond. This is a required field. 

  • If the Bond Series is EE, the following values are available: 100.00, 200.00, 500.00, 1,000.00, 5,000.00 and 10,000.00.
  • If the Bond Series is I, the following values are available: 50.00, 75.00, 100.00, 200.00, 500.00, 1,000.00, 5,000.00 and 10,000.00.
Purchase Price

This is a non-editable field. The price defaults in accordance with the Face Value selected.

  • If the Bond Series is EE, the Purchase Price field defaults with a value that is half of the Face Value.
  • If the Bond Series is I, the Purchase Price field defaults with an equal value. 
Use Employee Address

Select this checkbox to use the employee's address for the bond. If you select this checkbox, the employee's address defaults in the appropriate fields for the selected line from the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen. If you do not select this checkbox, you must enter the address information in the appropriate fields for the selected line. When you enter a new participant on this screen, this checkbox is selected; however, you can clear it. If you clear this checkbox, you can send bond information to an owner or beneficiary that is not the employee.

If no address information exists for the employee on the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, you must enter the information on either screen before selecting this checkbox. Otherwise, you must manually populate the appropriate address fields, City, State/Province, and Postal Code in this table window.

Designee Name

Enter the designee name in this optional field. If the employee wants the bond to be mailed to someone other than the owner, complete this field. Costpoint clears and disables this field if you select the Use Employee Address checkbox.

If you specify a designee, the words Mail To are inscribed on the bond; the designee has no ownership or beneficiary rights to the bond. This is appropriate when the employee requests that the bond be mailed to an address that is not the owner's home address. When a designee is specified on the bond, it takes the place of what is normally the bond owner's first address line, in which case the Address Line 1 column is cleared and disabled.

Address Line 1

Enter the first line of the address to which the bond must be mailed. This field is required if you did not specify a Designee Name. If you select the Use Employee Address checkbox, the employee's address line 1 defaults from the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.

Address Line 2

Enter the second line of the address to which the bond must be mailed. This field is required if you did not specify a Designee Name. The data entered here is the second address line on the printed bond. If you select the Use Employee Address checkbox, the employee's address line 2 defaults from the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.

Address Line 3

Enter the third line of the address to which the bond must be mailed. If the State/Province code is AA, AE, or AP, this field is required and must be populated with a country name (you can use to select a country). Maintain country codes in the Manage Countries screen. The data entered here is the third address line on the printed bond. If you select the Use Employee Address checkbox, the employee's address line 3 defaults from the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.


Enter the city to which the bond must be mailed. If you select the Use Employee Address checkbox, the employee's city defaults from the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen. This is a required field unless the State/Province code is AA, AE, or AP.


Enter, or click to select, the state or province to which the bond must be mailed. If you select the Use Employee Address checkbox, the employee's state/province defaults from the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information. Establish state and province codes in the Manage States and Provinces screen.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code to which the bond must be mailed. If you select the Use Employee Address checkbox, the employee's postal code defaults from the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.