Contents of the Manage Job Templates Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Job Templates screen.


Field Description
Job Template ID

If you have a license for Costpoint Human Resources and you selected the Manual option in the Job Templates group box on the Configure Personnel Settings screen, enter a job template number.

If you have a license for Costpoint Human Resources and you selected System as the method of numbering job templates, Costpoint assigns the next job template number when you save the record. Job Template numbers are assigned so that they are unique for a given company. For example, if you already have job template number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for Company ONE, the application will automatically assign a Job Template Number of 6 upon saving the next record for Company ONE.

If you do not have a Costpoint Human Resources license, Costpoint will assign the next job template number upon saving the record.


Enter, or click to select, the organization for this job template. The description of the organization displays to the right of this field. The organization that you enter in this field will also default into the Security Organization field on the Job Details tab.

Detail Job Title

Enter, or click to select, the code for the detail job title for the job template. This field will be visible and editable if you are licensed for Costpoint Human Resources.


If you use SilkRoad and you enter a Pending position request, the detail job title must be flagged for Export to SilkRoad on the Manage Detail Job Titles screen before you can approve it in the Approve Position Requisitions screen.

Detail Job Title Description / Job Title

If you are not licensed for Costpoint Human Resources, enter a job title for the Job Template. This value will not be validated. If you are licensed for Costpoint Human Resources, this field will be disabled and populated with the description assigned to the specified Detail Job Title.

HR Organization
Enter, or click to select, the HR Organization that applies to this job template.
Note: You can view this field only if your company has a Costpoint Human Resources license.