Contents of the Manage Accounting Periods Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Accounting Periods screen.

Accounting Periods

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year. If the fiscal year is not available, set it up on the Manage Fiscal Years screen and then return to this screen to set up the periods for that year.

Period Number

Enter the number of the period number you want to add or click to select an existing period. You can have up to 18 accounting periods per fiscal year and up to 99 subperiods.

Costpoint sets up one subperiod automatically when you add an accounting period. If you require project reports more frequently than once each accounting period, you can also set up weekly, semi-monthly, or bi-weekly subperiods. For adjustment periods, you can only have one subperiod per accounting period.

Deltek recommends that you set up the last closed period when you first set up periods. For example, if you decide to have four subperiods in each period, and you are setting up period 1 of fiscal year 2011 as your current open period, also add period 1 of 2010 to represent period 12 of fiscal year 2010 as your last closed period. (Because a period 12 cannot exist without periods 1 through 11, period 1 of 2010 will hold the information of period 12, 2010.)

Costpoint uses period dates in many modules to validate transaction dates. For the example above, assume that the subperiod ending date for period 12, subperiod 4 is 12/31/2010. You would enter into Costpoint that period 1, subperiod 4, 2010 had a period ending date of 12/31/2010. The subperiod ending date for period 1, subperiod 1, 2011 is 01/07/2011. When you later enter transactions for period 1, subperiod 1, 2011, Costpoint validates the transaction dates against these end dates to ensure that transactions entered into this period have a date between 01/01/2011 and 01/07/2011. If you do not add the last closed subperiod, Costpoint is unable to perform this validation. As a result, transactions entered for the wrong year could be accepted as valid.

For periods designated as adjustment periods, the period and subperiod ending date will automatically default as the ending date of the last “regular” (that is, non-adjustment) period of the fiscal year.

Period Details

Field Description
Period End Date

Enter the last day of the accounting period. Your entry must be a valid date and must be later than the end date of the immediately preceding accounting period.

The end date of the last non-adjustment (or regular) period of the Fiscal Year displays automatically when you add a new Adjustment Period. It will be the same as the ending date of the last "regular" period (that is, non-adjustment period) of the same fiscal year.


Field Description
Not Available, Open, Closed

Use these options to control whether data entry is allowed for a given accounting period. The default status is Not Available. When a period is not available, you cannot enter data for it. The Open status indicates that the accounting period is available for data entry.

  • If you change the status of a period from Open to Not Available, Costpoint automatically changes the status for all subperiods and all journal entry/edit status settings for that period to Not Available also.  
  • If you change the status of a period from Not Available or Closed to Open, you must also open the related subperiods and journal entry/edit status settings individually on the Manage Subperiods screen.
  • You cannot assign the Closed status to a period. Costpoint assigns the Closed status when you complete the Close Periods screen. The Close Periods program also sets the subperiod and journal entry/edit statuses to Not Available for the accounting periods that it closes.
  • If you set up prior periods in your first fiscal year, assign the Not Available status to those periods.
Adjustment Period

Select this check box if you want to create a new Adjustment Period for the Fiscal Year.

Adjustment Rate Type

Field Description

This option is selected when the Adjustment Period check box is clear because Adjustment Rate Types do not apply for regular periods.


Select this option if you will add an Adjustment Period for an Interim rate.


Select this option if you will add an Adjustment Period for a Final rate.

Entry Edit Status

Click Entry Edit Status to display a list of transactions screens in the table window so you can allow or disallow entries on those screens for the accounting period.

For Adjustment Periods, many transaction screens are not available. The transaction screens you can use are:

  • AJE: Adjusting Journal Entries
  • BLJ: Billing Journal
  • BSR: Balance Sheet Revaluation
  • MJE: Multi-Job Allocations
  • PAJ: Pool Allocation Journal
  • REV: Reversal Adjusting Journal Entries
  • SJ: Sales Journal (Post Revenue)
  • SJR: Compute Sales Journal (Revenue)

Table Window

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the codes of the transaction screens that you can close to data entry for the accounting period or adjustment period.


This non-editable field displays the description of the transaction screens that you can close to data entry for the accounting period or adjustment period.


Use this drop-down list to select the status of the screen for the period. Valid options are:

  • Not Available: For any screens that should not yet be open for data entry, select Not Available. If the accounting period is closed or if you set the status for the period to Not Available, Costpoint automatically sets Status to Not Available for all transaction screens.
  • Open: Select Open if you want the screen to be available for data entry for the period.
Open All Journals

Click the Open All Journals button to change all journal codes to a status of Open. This option will only be available if the Accounting Period Status is Open.

If the accounting period is an adjustment period, the corresponding subperiod will also be opened along with the following journal codes:

  • AJE
  • BLJ
  • BSR
  • IWA
    Note: This journal code is available only if you are licensed for Subcontractor Management.
  • MJE
  • PAG
  • REV
  • SJ
  • SJR