Export File Details

Use this tab to do the following:

  • to specify the file delimiter and network location for the export file
  • to specify if you will generate disposal records in the export process
  • to indicate if you will include Depreciable and/or Non-Depreciable assets

There are two ways to work with export files in Costpoint:

  • You can export the file to an Alternate File Location.
  • You can export the file to the Costpoint database.

If you decide to use the first option, click in the File Location field to select the alternate file location to which you want to save the file. If you choose the second option, leave the File Location field blank when you export the file.


Field Description
Generate Disposal Records

Select this check box to generate disposal records in the Asset Disposal Info Prior to Posting table (FA_DISP_EDIT ) for all active and inactive records in the Asset Selection group box or the Non-Contiguous Asset List table window. Active and inactive records are those in the database for which ASSET.S_STATUS_CD is either A or I, and they must have no existing entry in FA_DISP_EDIT. When you click on to process the screen, the system generates the disposal records and downloads the asset master data to a delimited ASCII file for export.

Selecting this check box affects the records that display on the Disposal Data table in the Asset Master and Disposal Data Records subtask. In addition, the records that display when you click the Modify/View Data for Export button and for which the system generates disposal records is affected by your selections in the Include(Depreciable/Non-Depreciable) group box.

For the default and calculation for the application, the following apply:

  • By default, this check box is cleared.
  • If this check box is selected, the following fields have these values:
  • Depreciation Adjustment = 0 (zero)
  • DISP_PRICE_AMT = 0 (zero)


Use this group box to specify whether you want to include depreciable or non-depreciable assets in the export process.

Field Description

Select this check box to generate disposal records for depreciable assets.


Select this check box to generate disposal records for non-depreciable assets.

Export File

Use this group box to specify the file delimiter, file name, and network location for the export file.

Field Description
ASCII File Delimiter

Select the delimiter to use in the ASCII export file from the drop-down list. The values are:

  • Comma: The system selects Comma by default.
  • Other: Specify the one-character delimiter in the field to the right of the drop-down list. This field is only enabled when you select Other as the ASCII File Delimiter.
File Location

Enter the location of the file you are exporting. There are two ways to do this:

  • In the File Location field, enter, or click to select, the alternate file location where you want to store the export file. Alternate file locations are set up on the Manage Alternate File Locations screen.
  • Leave the File Location field blank and enter the name of the file you are exporting in the File Name field. When you execute this application, the export file is saved in the Costpoint database. Use the Export Files application to retrieve it and save it to a location on the network.
File Name

Enter the name of the export file you will generate.

Overwrite File

Select this check box to overwrite the existing export file if it exists.

Batch ID

Use the items in this group box to save items in the Asset Selection tab or the Non-Contiguous Asset List table window as a batch, or to populate the table window with a previously saved batch.

After you save or retrieve a batch, you can modify the batch. When you enter a Batch ID and save or retrieve a batch, you must clear the screen before you can enter a different Batch ID.

If you retrieve an existing batch containing records that do not match your selections in the Record Status and/or the group boxes in the Export File Detail stab, the system generates error messages. Costpoint requires you to remove records or change settings before you can add new records to the batch or use the Preview Default Report, Print Default Report, or Default Action buttons in the Global Toolbar.

Field Description
Batch ID

Enter, or click to select, the ID associated with a batch you want to save or retrieve. You can also retrieve a previously saved batch. You must enter a value in this field to enable the Save Batch and Retrieve Batch buttons.

The system prevents you from entering an existing batch ID number when the Non-Contiguous Asset List table window contains asset record selections.

Save Batch

Click this button to save the asset records displayed on the screen as a batch. Batch ID must contain a value to enable this button. Clicking this button saves both asset master records and disposal records in the batch, depending upon your previous selections on this screen. You can use this button to save the records as a batch under any of the following conditions:

  • You selected records using the options and fields in the Asset Selection and Export File Details tabs, and entered a new Batch ID.
  • You saved a new batch, then changed your selections on the screen for the Batch ID.
  • You entered a previously saved Batch ID and used the Retrieve Batch button, and then added or removed records from the Noncontiguous Range list box for the Batch ID.
Retrieve Batch

Click this button to retrieve the asset records that were saved and correspond to the entered batch in the Batch ID field.