Template Import Parameters Subtask

Use this optional subtask screen to select an optional template along with the desired import options.

The template functions as the mechanism by which default data can be automatically imported into an Asset Master record. Once the data displays in the Asset Master record (after import), you can edit the data on a field-by-field basis, if necessary, and there is no additional functionality for the template.

Asset templates contain up to 120 standard fields, in addition to other books data and user-defined fields, in which you can optionally establish sets of default Asset master data for property that shares common characteristics.

The primary role for a template is to reduce the amount of repetitive manual data entry in Asset Master records that share mutual attributes. Another important advantage in the Asset Template functionality lies in the ability to incorporate consistent descriptions and data across property records, thus enhancing the quality of Fixed Assets tracking and reporting functions.

Procedurally, you will follow these steps to use the template import functionality:

  1. From the Template and Rev No fields on the Desc Info tab on the Manage Asset Master Information screen, you must first click on the Template Import Parameters subtask to display the template and import selection screen.

  2. Enter, or click from the either the Template No or Rev No fields in the Template Import Parameters subtask. Templates and their associated data must be pre-established on the Manage Asset Template Information screen.

  3. Select the desired import preferences from this screen.

  4. Click the Import Data button to activate the template data import process.

  5. Once the import is complete, the system displays imported data from the selected template in the Asset Master record, where it can be edited or deleted, as desired, or where additional data not found in the template can be added (subject to system rules).

The general options available from this screen allow you to:

  • Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data with certain exceptions
  • Overwrite ALL Asset Master fields with template data including all template UDF data
  • Clear Template No/Rev in Asset Master record and cancel import process

Specific options for several of the choices allow you to specify additional parameters for the import as well.

If you bypass or defer the use of the template capability, you will need to enter data directly in the Asset Master record on a field-by-field basis or clone data from existing asset records. You can always set up templates and use this feature as desired at a later time, however.

Note: The template mechanism operates on this screen much as it does on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, although the display screen for template options has slightly different functionality.

Because user-defined field data imported from a template bypasses the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen and is copied directly into an Asset Master record when you run the Create Asset Master Records screen, the specific user-defined field options are available only when importing template data directly into Asset Master records and not on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.

If you specify a template/revision number in Costpoint Receiving and/or Accounts Payable screens during autocreation or by naming a default template on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, the Template Import Parameters dialog box will not display.

You will have more control over the import of template data if you designate a template directly on this screen or on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen instead of initiating a template in Costpoint Receiving or Costpoint Accounts Payable, or naming a default template on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen

You must first pre-establish one or more templates on the Manage Asset Template Information screen before you can specify a template and selection criteria for use on this screen.

You can utilize the asset template functionality from the Template Import Parameters link on the Manage Asset Master Information screen when you add new records and/or edit existing Asset Master records. You can also utilize the template functionality via the autocreation process.

Select Template Import Parameters

Field Description
Template No

For a new asset record for which blanks or the designated default template number, if applicable, displays in this field, enter, or click to select the desired template number. This field, together with the Rev No field, supplies the unique identifier for the Asset Template record. If you include a revision number in the identifier, you can record subsequent revisions to an original template and retain each earlier version. Alternately, you can overwrite a default template by entering blanks in this optional field, thus bypassing the template functionality.

For an existing asset record, this field will either be blank or it will display the default template number or the template number that you have entered or overwritten in this field.

After you select the Template No or Rev no, you can specify your preferences for importing template data. You have three general options, which you can use to overwrite only blank Asset Master fields, overwrite all Asset Master fields, or cancel the template data import altogether.

Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record fields, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).

Note: If you have used a template to import data into an Asset Master record and you later make a change to a template field, the data change from the template will not automatically be copied to the Asset Master record without user intervention. You will need to go back into the Manage Asset Master Information screen and open this subtask and select the Template No and/or Rev No to re-import revised data from the template. Alternately, you may also create a new template or the same template with an appropriate revision number that incorporates the change. You can also bypass the template record and manually make the desired change directly in the Asset Master record.

You may find that data automatically displays in this field and in many of the fields in the Asset Master screens because:

  • You previously designated one specific Asset Template for use as a default in the Default Template for Asset Master group box of the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. This methodology, used mostly by small companies, incorporates only one charging and computing scenario and may therefore require additional edits in Asset Master records after you have imported the template data. For this reason, it will be more efficient if you set up individual templates for each different set of default data.
  • OR you previously imported data from another template into this Asset Master record.

You can specify the import of a different template even in these circumstances, but use care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source. You can always edit Asset Master data, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually or via the template mechanism).

Rev No

If you do not use templates, this field will be blank. Even if you use the template functionality, this field may be blank if a revision number was not assigned as part of the identifier for a template number.

This field, together with the Template No field, supplies the unique identifier for the template record. A revision number is not required when you set up asset templates. If, however, you have set up a template number with an associated revision number, you must enter the revision number in this field. Use a revision number (associated with a template number) to retain the data from each successive template change, if desired.

For a new asset record for which blanks or the designated default revision number associated with a default template number displays in this field, enter, or click , to select the desired revision number, as applicable. Alternately, you can overwrite a default template by entering blanks in this optional field, thus bypassing the template functionality.

Because the revision number is part of and an extension to the template number, all the rules and conditions that apply to templates also apply to revision numbers.

Note: If you have used a template to import data into an Asset Master record and you later make a change to a template field, the data change from the template will not automatically be copied to the Asset Master record without user intervention. You will need to go back into the Manage Asset Master Information screen and open this subtask and select the Template No and/or Rev No to re-import revised data from the template. Alternately, you may also create a new template or the same template with an appropriate revision number that incorporates the change. You can also bypass the template record and manually make the desired change directly in the Asset Master record.

After you select the Template No or Rev no, you can select your preferences for importing template data. You have three general options, which you can use to overwrite only blank Asset Master fields, overwrite all Asset Master fields, or cancel the template data import altogether.

Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data.

This option is the first general import option available and the system displays this as the default selection.

With this overwrite option, you can retain existing data in an asset record (regardless of its source) and supplement only blank fields with template data.

If this is an existing Asset Master record the template is used in conjunction with the autocreation process, so this is the logical selection. During import, the system will only copy data from each template field to the corresponding Asset Master field if the Asset Master field is blank. This option prevents existing Asset Master data from overwrites and only populates blank Asset Master fields with template data.

For example, if the Vendor field on the Purch Info tab is already populated with data that you want to retain, this template import option will ensure that the data in this field will not be overwritten with data from the template during import.

There are five additional check boxes associated with this option that correspond with specific Asset Master fields. Each check box has a corresponding default value when you select them and they are the following.

Field Name Asset Master Tab/Subtask Default Value
Record Status Desc Info Active
Depr/Lease Status Desc Info Depreciable
Depr/Lease Based On Desc Info Years
Condition Purch Info New
Auto Calculate Depreciation or Auto Calc Depr G/L Book Info tab or Other Books Info subtask Check box selected or Y

The system automatically supplies a default value for each of these fields and does not consider the field as blank. As a result, you can select an overwrite option for each of these defaults for use by the system on an exception basis when importing template data.

For example, if you have an existing Non-Depreciable record for which you want to import template data, you should clear the Overwrite Asset Depr Status (Depreciable/Non Depreciable) check box if you do not want the system to overwrite the Depr/Lease Status value with the default Depreciable value.

Overwrite Asset Record Status (Active/Inactive)

This check box is initially selected by default.

It is only available only if you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option.

If you select this check box, the system will populate only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data and the system will overwrite the default Active in the Record Status field on the Desc Info tab. If, for example, you select the Inactive option in the Record Status group box in the template, this option will copy the Inactive status from the template and otherwise only populate blank Asset Master fields with template data.

If you clear this check box, the system will populate only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data and will ignore the value you have specified for the Record Status in the template. In this circumstance, the system will automatically select Active in the Record Status group box, which is the default value.

Overwrite Asset Depr/Lease Status (Capitalize/Depreciable/Non-Depreciable)

This check box is initially selected by default.

It is only available only if you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option.

The Depr/Lease Status field resides on the Desc Info tab of an Asset Master record, for which you can select Capitalize, Depreciable, or Non-Depreciable status. The default value for this field is Depreciable status.

If you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option and Non-Depreciable (non-default) as Record Status of the Asset Master record, you should clear this check box if you do not want the system to overwrite your selection with the default system value.

If you clear this check box, the system will populate only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data and will ignore the value you have specified for the Depr/Lease Status in the template. In this circumstance, the system will automatically select the Depreciable in the Depr Status drop-down list, which is the default value.

Overwrite Asset Depr Based on Code (Years/Units/Lease Pds)

This check box is initially selected by default.

It is only available only if you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option.

The Depr/Lease Based on Code field resides on the Desc Info tab of an Asset Master record, for which you can select Years, Units of Usage, or Lease Pds as basis for depreciation. The default value for this field is Years.

If you have selected the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option and you select Units or Lease Pds (non-default) value for the Depr/Lease Based On field, you should clear  this check box if you do not want the system to overwrite your selection with the default system value.

If you clear this check box, the system will populate only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data and will ignore the value you have specified for the Depr/Lease Based On in the template (if the asset is depreciable). In this circumstance, if you select Depreciable in the Depr/Lease Status drop-down list in the template, the system will automatically select Years in the Depr/Lease Based On group box, which is the default value.

Overwrite Asset Lease Type (Straight Line/Operating Lease/Finance Lease)

This check box is available with the following conditions:

  • Only assets with a Lease Type of Operation or Finance can be overwritten; all others will be ignored.
  • If this check box is not selected, only new records will be imported. Any asset number that exist in Master Asset Master Information will be added in the error report.
  • If this check box is selected, both new and existing records will be imported and the existing record fields will be overwritten.
Overwrite Asset Condition Code (New/Used)

This check box is initially selected by default.

It is only available only if you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option.

The Condition drop-down list resides on the Purch Info tab of an Asset Master record, for which you can select either New or Used status. The default value for this field is New.

If you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option and Used (non-default) value for the Condition field, you should clear this check box if you do not want the system to overwrite your selection with the default system value.

If you clear this check box, the system will populate only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data and will ignore the value you have specified for the Condition drop-down list in the template. In this circumstance, the system will select the New in the Condition drop-down list, which is the default value.

Overwrite Asset Auto Calc Flag (Y/N) for all books

This check box is initially selected by default.

It is only available only if you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option.

The Auto Calculate Depreciation check box resides on the G/L Book Info tab and the Auto Calc check box is on the Other Books Info subtask (for each book utilized) of an Asset Master record. You can either select or clear these check boxes. They are selected by default (or have the value of Y).

If you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option and you clear the Auto Calculate Deprecation/Auto Calc check box (non-default) for any book, you should clear this check box if you do not want the system to overwrite your selection with the default system value.

If you clear this check box, the system will populate only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data and will ignore the values you have specified for the Auto Calc flags in the template for all books. In this circumstance, the system will automatically activate Auto Calc Flag check boxes as Yes, which are the default values.

Select Template User-Defined Field Data Import Parameters

Use the options in this group box to choose how the system should handle the import of user-defined field data from the template. You can choose to overwrite all UDF data with the template UDF data or not import any UDF data from the template.

This group box is only available if you select the Overwrite only BLANK Asset Master fields with template data option.

Note: The template mechanism operates on this screen much as it does on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, although the display screen for template options has slightly different functionality.

Because user-defined field data imported from a template bypasses the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen and is copied directly into an Asset Master record when you run the Create Asset Master Records screen, the specific user-defined field options are available only when importing template data directly into Asset Master records and not on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.

You can access user-defined data in an Asset Master record when you click the User-Defined Info subtask.

Field Description
Overwrite ALL Asset Master UDF data with template UDF data

Select this option to overwrite all existing Asset Master user-defined data with template data during the import. This option is selected by default.

Do not import ANY UDF Data from template

Select this option to prevent the import of any user-defined data from the template.

Overwrite ALL Asset Master fields with template data including all template UDF data

This option is the second general import option available.

With this overwrite option, the system will overwrite all Asset Master data with template data (include all template UDF data). With this option, blank template fields will overwrite existing Asset Master data fields with blanks, even if data previously existed.

If this is a new Asset Master record, this is the logical selection. During import, the system will replace all existing Asset Master data with data from the corresponding template field. If the template field is blank and even if the corresponding Asset Master field has data, the system will replace the valid Asset Master data with blanks.

Warning: Select this option with care, as the system will replace your autocreated data with actual template data or with blanks if there is no template data.

This option is more appropriate for use on this screen when you manually add new Asset Master records than when you use it for the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.

Clear Template No/Rev in Asset Master record and cancel import process

This option is the third general import option available.

Select this option to cancel the template data import and click OK to return to the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

Import Data

Once you have selected the desired template import parameters, click the Import Data button to activate the template data import process.

The imported data, based on your preferences, will display in the Asset Master record, where it can be edited or deleted, as desired, or where additional data not found in the template can be added (subject to system rules).