Import GovWin IQ Data

Use this screen to import opportunity records from GovWin IQ into Costpoint.

You can run the import process on-demand from this screen and you can also create stored parameters for running the import process at a scheduled time using the Costpoint Job Management applications.

When you run the integration, the following occur:

  • The application imports opportunities from GovWin IQ that do not yet exist in the OPP_MASTER table for the targeted companies and selected login accounts, and then it populates specific information on the opportunity record and on the GovWin IQ subtask of the Manage Opportunities screen for the record. New records are included each time the integration runs.
  • If more than one company has the same Tenant ID (GovWin Login Alias or Location Code), any record marked for download creates a new opportunity in each company with that Tenant ID. For example, when one Tenant ID is shared by three companies, a single opportunity is marked for download in GovWin IQ, and the import process creates a separate opportunity in each of those three companies.
  • After the import process runs, you will be able to view the imported opportunities on the Manage Opportunities screen, with details on the GovWin IQ subtask.
  • The application also updates the existing GovWin IQ subtask information for specified opportunities/companies where there is a GovWin IQ ID on the record. This includes manual/user-entered opportunity records for which a GovWin IQ ID has been manually entered. Note that for manual/user-entered opportunities, the GovWin IQ ID needs to include the correct GovWin IQ prefix type that identifies the GovWin IQ opportunity type for the sync to work (for example, OPP147837). The options are:
    • OPP: Opportunity
    • BID: Bid
    • TNS: Toons
    • FBO: Federal Business Opportunities
  • Running the process adds information to the log files. The log files are saved in the File Location specified in the Integration Process Log group box on this screen. If File Location is left blank or empty, the log file will be saved in the database, which can be accessed via the File Download screen. If you want to see information on import/export activity as well as errors or warning encountered by the integration, you can use the View Interface Execution Status History screen.
Note: This application is available only if you are licensed for Capture & Contracts and GovWin IQ integration is enabled on the Costpoint Configuration Utility.

To know more about setting up Costpoint for importing opportunities from GovWin IQ, refer to the following:

GovWin IQ Integration Setup Guide.