Modifications Tab

Use this tab to enter and track subcontract modifications.

When you open this tab, the table window displays modifications for the projects linked to the subcontract record. No rows are displayed unless there are project modifications entered with a subcontract ID on the Manage Modifications screen or on the Modifications subtask of the Manage Project User Flow screen. The only exception is if there are rows manually entered on the Subcontract/Project Modifications subtask; these rows display on this tab.

All fields in the table window are read-only. You can modify existing project modifications or create new modifications using the Subcontract/Project Modifications subtask if these functionalities are enabled on the Contracts tab of the Configure Project Settings screen. Any changes you make in the contract and funded values for new or existing project modifications on this tab will also update the modification values for the project in your Costpoint database.

You can delete an existing modification in the table window. Note, however, that once you delete a modification record for a project, that record will be removed not only from the Capture & Contracts domain but also from your Costpoint database.

Table Window

Field Description
Collapse All

Click this button to collapse table information and display data only for the parent projects linked to the subcontract.

Note: In expanded view, you can display the parent project for just one project group by clicking the collapse button (minus sign) beside the parent project ID.
Expand All

Click this button to expand table information and display both parent and lower-level projects linked to the subcontract.

Note: You can display lower-level projects for just one project by clicking the expand button (plus sign) beside the project ID.
Contract Totals This row displays the totals for the following columns:
  • Contract Value Modifications Amount
  • Contract Value Modifications Current Cost
  • Contract Value Modifications Current Fee
  • Funding Modifications Amount
  • Funding Modifications Current Cost
  • Funding Modifications Current Fee
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.
Project This field displays the ID of the project linked to the subcontract.
Project Link This field displays the project ID as a hyperlink that you can click to open the Manage Project User Flow screen and access additional information about the project.
Name This field displays the project name.
Subcontract Mod ID

This field displays the subcontract modification ID.

If the modification record has a Project Mod ID and no Subcontract Mod ID, the modification was entered in Project Modifications (that is, either on the Manage Modifications screen or on the Modifications subtask of the Manage Project User Flow screen). If the modification record contains both a Project Mod ID and a Subcontract Mod ID, the modification was entered on the Subcontract/Project Modifications subtask of Manage Subcontracts.

Project Mod ID This field displays the project modification ID.
Modification Description This field displays the description of the subcontract/project modification.
Effective Date This field displays the effective date for the subcontract/project modification.
Start Date This field displays the period of performance start date of the subcontract/project modification.
End Date This field displays the period of performance end date of the subcontract/project modification.
Contract Value Modifications Amount This field displays the total contract amount for the modification.
Contract Value Modifications Fee % This field displays the contract fee % for the modification.
Contract Value Modifications Cost This field displays the contract cost amount for the modification.
Contract Value Modifications Fee This field displays the contract fee amount for the modification.
Funding Modifications Amount This field displays the total funded amount for the modification.
Funding Modifications Fee % This field displays the funded fee % for the modification.
Funding Modifications Cost This field displays the funded cost amount for the modification.
Funding Modifications Fee This field displays the funded fee amount for the modification.


Subtask Description
Subcontract/Project Modifications Use this subtask to enter, edit, or view modifications for signed and funded values as well as period of performance for the subcontract.