Manage Leads and Contacts

Use this screen to enter and maintain information on leads and contacts and track key details on status, qualification, source, and rating.

You can enter new leads/contacts and search for existing ones. You can also run queries on lead/contact statuses and track lead/contact activities.

You can link a lead/contact record to multiple related leads/contacts. In addition, you can view opportunities and contracts associated with the lead/contact in any of the companies you have access to regardless of the company you are logged into. You can link a lead/contact record to an opportunity through the Lead Contact field on the Manage Opportunities screen. Additional associations between leads/contacts and opportunities and/or contracts can be established on the Business Affiliations subtask of Manage Leads and Contacts.

Before completing this screen, Deltek recommends that you accomplish the following applications. Some fields/lookup selections in Manage Leads and Contacts require entries to be set up in these applications before they can be used for new records in Manage Leads and Contacts.

  • Configure Contract Management Settings (for auto-assigning lead/contact IDs)
  • Manage Lead Source Types
  • Manage Lead Rating Types
  • Manage Lead/Contact Relationship Types
  • Manage Leads and Contacts User-Defined Labels

If you are in a Costpoint 8.1 or higher system, you can take advantage of Costpoint's personal voice assistant, Hey Deltek!, when using Manage Leads and Contacts. Hey Deltek! listens to your voice and performs tasks you ask it to do. On this screen, you can ask Hey Deltek! to call or email a lead, find business affiliations for a lead, update the qualified stage for a lead, and many more. For additional details on Costpoint's voice assistant, see Hey Deltek! For voice commands that you can use in Manage Leads and Contacts, refer to Sample Voice Commands.

Note: This application is available only if you are licensed for Capture & Contracts.

For More Information

Title Description
Set Up and Track Lead/Contact Information See this section of the online help for procedures on setting up and tracking lead/contact information.

Contact and Lead Tracking Clickguide

View this guide to learn about the process by which you track contacts or leads.

Costpoint Mobile Features

If you are using Costpoint 8.1 or higher and you access this screen in a mobile device, additional functionalities are available. For example, you will be able to use List View (where records are displayed in a consolidated list) and display saved query tabs. See the Costpoint Mobile Features section of the online help for more information.

Hey Deltek! in Manage Leads and Contacts

View this video to learn about Costpoint's virtual personal assistant, also known as Hey Deltek!, and how you can use it on the Manage Leads and Contacts screen.