Contract Info Tab

Use this tab to indicate the regulations that apply to the contract, identify limitations and provisions specified in the contract, and enter other background information about the contract.


Field Description
Has copy of proposal been received? Select the option to indicate whether a copy of the proposal has been received. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is this a Commercial Contract? Select the option to indicate whether the contract is a commercial contract. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Has executed copy of contract been received? Select the option to indicate whether an executed copy of the contract has been received. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is this an 8A Contract? Select the option to indicate whether the contract is a contract under the 8(a) Business Development Program. An 8(a) company is a business that is owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (usually at least 51% ownership). Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is this a GSA Order? Select the option to indicate whether the contract is a General Services Administration (GSA) order. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A. If you select Yes, provide the GSA schedule and the corresponding Special Item Number (SIN) information on the GSA Schedule subtask on this tab.
CAS Covered? Select the option to indicate whether the contract is covered by the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS). Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is the Service Contract Act Required? Select the option to indicate whether the contract is subject to the Service Contract Act. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Is this a Time & Materials or Fixed Price Contract? Select the option to indicate whether the contract is a Time & Materials or Fixed Price contract. Valid options are T&M, Fixed Price, and N/A. If you select T&M, provide the schedule of negotiated rates on the Labor Rates subtask on the Team tab.
Is the Davis Bacon Act Required? Select the option to indicate whether the contract is subject to the Davis Bacon Act. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Any special facility requirements (e.g. SCIF)? Select the option to indicate whether there are special facility requirements (for example, Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)) for the contract. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A.
DPAS Purchasing Rating

Enter the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) purchasing rating code assigned to the contract.

When you initialize or update projects using the Project Initialization subtask in Manage Contracts, the DPAS purchasing rating code entered on this tab flows to the new or updated projects on the Manage Government Contract Information screen as well as on its equivalent Government Contract subtask in Manage Project User Flow.

Does contract contain a level of effort clause? Select the option to indicate whether the contract contains a level of effort clause. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A. If you select Yes, enter the limitations specified in the contract in the field below.
Does contract have restrictive/special requirements for subcontractors? Select the option to indicate whether the contract has restrictive/special requirements for subcontractors. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A. If you select Yes, enter relevant portions of the contract in the field below.
Any Furnished Material (FM)? Select the option to indicate whether the contract will have Furnished Material. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A. If you select Yes, enter information about the FM in the field below.
Is Facilities Capital Cost of Money allowable on contract? Select the option to indicate whether Facilities Capital Cost of Money (FCCM) is allowed on the contract. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A. If you select Yes, enter information about the FCCM, including rates, in the field below.
Does contract contain ceilings on the indirect rates? Select the option to indicate whether the contract has ceilings on indirect rates. Valid options are Yes, No, and N/A. If you select Yes, enter the ceiling rates in the field below.
Identify any profit and fee provisions in contract Enter any profit and fee provisions stated in the contract.
Identify any restrictions on allowable costs Enter any restrictions on allowable costs for the contract.
Identify any unallowable costs by terms of contract Enter any unallowable costs by terms of the contract.
Identify any cost sharing arrangements within contract Enter any cost sharing agreements within the contract.
Identify any other special provisions/limitations specified in contract Enter any other special provisions/limitations specified in the contract.
CMMC Requirements

Enter any information on Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) requirements related to the contract. If the contract record is linked to an opportunity, that opportunity's CMMC requirement information defaults in this field, but you can edit it.

CMMC aims to measure the maturity or level of the organization's cybersecurity processes in complying with the protection of controlled unclassified information (CUI) within the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) networks. There are various levels of CMMC certifications. Controls and processes associated with each level are aimed to reduce the risk against a specific set of cyber threats.

Attention: For more information on CMMC, visit You can find FAQs here:


Subtask Description
GSA Schedule Use this subtask to enter GSA schedule and SIN that apply to the contract.
FAR Clauses/Provisions Use this subtask to assign applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses and provisions to the contract.
Supplemental Regulations Use this subtask to assign applicable supplemental regulation clauses to the contract.
Import FAR/Supplemental Regulation Files Use this subtask to import FAR, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and other supplemental regulation clauses into the contract record.
Contract Deliverables Use this subtask to enter contract deliverables and to track dates for each deliverable.