Manage Performance Rating Codes

Use this screen to view, define, and track rating codes that you can use in performance assessments related to contracts.

If you have multiple companies, you can set up and maintain rating codes in any company and use them across all companies. The rating code and description, however, must be unique in a single Costpoint database.

Performance assessments, such as the Contractor Performance Assessment Report System (CPARS) and other non-regulated assessments, are in place to evaluate contractors' performance in various areas, which may include quality of product or service, schedule, cost control, management, and regulatory compliance. Ratings incorporated in the assessments are indicators of how well the performance meets the contract's requirements in those areas.

On this screen, the following 6 system-defined assessment codes display by default, together with their corresponding description and score:

Rating Code Rating Code Description Score
EXCP Exceptional 10
VGOOD Very Good 8
SATIS Satisfactory 6
MARG Marginal 4
UNSAT Unsatisfactory 2
NA Not Applicable 0

You can also add your own rating codes and assign their scores. The codes and descriptions must be unique, and the scores should range from 0 to 10.

After you have established the rating codes on this screen, as well as the assessment descriptions in Manage Performance Assessment Descriptions and formats in Manage Performance Assessment Formats, you can evaluate any contract record on the Performance Assessment tab of the Manage Contracts screen. When you go to the Assessment Details subtask of this tab, you can use the rating codes to rate assessment factors that display on the subtask. Costpoint totals the scores for this assessment record based on the rating codes you selected for each factor.

You cannot delete Costpoint-defined rating codes. You can delete user-entered rating codes only if they have not been used in any performance assessment in contracts. Similarly, you can modify system- and user-defined descriptions and scores only if the rating code has not been used in any contract performance assessment.

Note: This application is available only if you are licensed for Capture & Contracts.