AP Voucher Detail

This non-editable subtask of the Vouchers subtask displays information for Accounts Payable vouchers.

If you are viewing an Accounts Payable voucher, you can access the Vendor Labor subtask from this screen but you cannot access the Accounts subtask.


Field Description
Chk No

This field displays the check number.

Chk Date

This field displays the check date.

Check Amount

This field displays the check amount.

Pay Curr

This field displays the currency code for the currency used to pay this voucher.


This field displays the number of the highlighted voucher from the Vouchers table window.


This field displays the vendor's name.

Trans Curr

This field displays the currency code for your transaction currency, which is the currency in which the vendor's invoice was written.

Cost Amt

This field displays the cost amount, expressed in the voucher's transaction currency.

Remaining Bal

This field displays the remaining balance, expressed in the voucher's transaction currency.

Table Window

The fields in the table window default from the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen for the selected voucher.

Field Description
Vchr Line

This field displays the voucher line number.


This field displays the account number charged on the voucher line.


This field displays the organization number charged on the voucher line.


This field displays the project number charged on the voucher line.

Proj Acct Abbrev

This field displays the project account abbreviation code.

The project account abbreviation comes from the project account group linked to the project charged on the voucher line. The abbreviation is used to link accounts to projects and can be used as a way of defaulting the account to a voucher line once the project is entered.

Cost Amt

This field displays the transaction currency amount (excluding sales tax) entered on the voucher line.


This field displays the percentage of the cost of the voucher line to the total voucher.


This field displays whether this voucher line is taxable. A Y in this field indicates that a tax code is required.


This field displays the type of tax:

  • S — Sales/VAT Taxable: The item is taxable and the vendor has charged sales or Value Added Tax (VAT) on the invoice. For sales/VAT tax, your company pays the tax to the vendor, who then remits it to the state or province.
  • U — Use/Reverse Taxable: The item is subject to tax but the vendor did not charge sales tax on the invoice. For use/reverse tax, your company pays the tax directly to the state or province. Costpoint calculates the use/reverse tax applicable to the line item by multiplying the Cost Amount by the tax rate associated with the tax code entered. The Use or Reverse Tax Amount is posted as an accrual when you post the Voucher Distribution Journal to the General Ledger.
  • N — Non-Taxable: The voucher line is non-taxable.
Use/Reverse Tax Amt

This field displays the use/reverse tax amount computed on the voucher line.

Sales Tax Code

This field displays the sales tax code.  If the tax field is set to Y and the taxability is S, a sales tax code displays in this field for the selected voucher.

Sales/VAT Tax Amt

This field displays the sales amount or Value Added Tax (VAT) amount computed on the voucher line.

VAT Recovery Amount

This field displays the amount of the VAT tax that is recoverable.

Total Before Discount

This field displays the total before discount amount on each detail voucher line.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount. Costpoint computes the discount on each voucher line based on the vendor terms selected when the voucher was entered. You can edit this discount amount until you post the voucher.

Total Amt

This field displays the total amount stated in the transaction currency.


This field displays notes, if any exist.


If this checkbox is selected, the voucher line will be included in the 1099 calculation for this vendor. This checkbox's selection depends on whether or not you selected the Print 1099 Form checkbox in Manage Vendors.

1099 Type

This field displays the 1099 type linked to this vendor for this voucher line. The type defaults from the Header tab of the Manage Vendors screen.

1099 State

This field displays the 1099 state where the vendor for this voucher line is required to file taxes. The state defaults from the Header tab of the Manage Vendors screen.

Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.

This field displays the account name.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the organization abbreviation. You can link organization abbreviations to organizations on the Manage Organization Structures and Manage Organization Elements screens. You can use organization abbreviations to speed data entry to default organizations.

Proj Abbrev

This field displays the project abbreviation. You can link project abbreviations to the project on the Manage Project User Flow screen. You can use project abbreviations to speed data entry to default organizations.

Ref 1

This field displays reference number 1. Reference numbers should display here only if they are being used in data entry.

Ref 2

This field displays reference number 2. Reference numbers should display here only if they are being used in data entry.

Account Name

This field displays the account name of the account entered on the voucher line.

Organization Name

This field displays the organization name of the organization entered on the voucher line.

Project Name

This field displays the project name of the project entered on the voucher line.

Ref 1 Name

This field displays the name of reference number 1.

Ref 2 Name

This field displays the name of reference number 2.


Subtask Description
Vendor Labor Click this link to open the Vendor Labor subtask.
Currency Line Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask.