Error Messages

When errors an encountered during importing of accounts payable multicurrency vouchers, the type of error and the reason may be recorded in the Error Report.

Report Error Messages

The following errors may display on the Error Report.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
A Project cannot be used with this account. The Project Required check box was not selected for this account on the Manage Accounts screen, but a project was found in the Input File.
Contains segments that are too long. The account in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The account in the Input File has too many delimiters.
ID/Account Group Setup mismatch. The account from the Input File and the default account found in the Account Group Setup table (Manage Project Account Groups screen) for the project account abbreviation supplied in the Input File did not match.
Not active. The Active check box was not selected for this account on the Manage Accounts screen.
Not a detail account. The Detail check box was not selected for this account on the Manage Accounts screen. You cannot charge accounts unless they are marked as detail.
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the application tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
Not found in Acct Entry Groups table. The account entry group assigned to the account in the Input File does not include vouchers.
Not found in Acct table. The account in the Input File does not exist in the Account table (the Manage Accounts screen).
Project is required for this account. The Project Required check box was selected for this account in the Manage Accounts screen, but no project was found in the Input File.
Reformatted to match defined structure. The account in the Input File does not match the input mask for accounts. It has been padded with spaces or zeros to match the input mask.
Too long for the defined structure. The account in the Input File is longer than the specified length for accounts.

AP 1099 Flag

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be Y, N or blank. The A/P 1099 Flag in the Input File is not Y, N, or blank.

AP 1099 Flag/Vendor ID

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
WARNING: Vendor is NOT set up for 1099s. The A/P 1099 Flag in the Input File is Y but the vendor is not set up for 1099s.
WARNING: Vendor is set up to Print 1099s. The A/P 1099 Flag in the Input File is N but the vendor is set up to print 1099s.

AP 1099 State

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
The 1099 State was entered in the Input File, but the A/P 1099 Flag is not Y. The 1099 State was entered in the Input File, but the A/P 1099 Flag is not Y.
The state in the 1099 State field does not exist in the System AP 1099 States table (S_AP_1099_STATE). The 1099 State does not match a valid 1099 State Code in Costpoint.
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.

AP 1099 Type

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Cannot be entered unless 1099 Flag = Y The 1099-MISC Type Code was entered in the input file but the A/P 1099 Flag is not Y.
Does not exist in the System table. The 1099-MISC Type Code is not set up as a valid Type Code.
Required when the 1099 Flag = Y The 1099-MISC Type Code was blank in the input file but the A/P 1099 Flag is Y.

A/P Acct Desc

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in A/P Accounts table. The A/P Acct Desc in the Input File does not exist in the A/P Accounts table (the Manage Accounts Payable Accounts screen).

A/P Org/Acct

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not active. The A/P account and A/P organization combination is not flagged as Active in the Organization Account table (Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected fiscal year. The fiscal year of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending fiscal years for the A/P account and A/P organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected period. The accounting period of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending periods for the A/P account and A/P organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not found in Acct/Org table. The A/P account and A/P organization combination does not exist in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).

A/P Org/Disc Acct

Costpoint performs this validation only if, on the Configure Accounts Payable Vouchers Settings screen, the Discount Account option was selected in the Charge Discounts to group box and the A/P Organization option was selected in the Charge Organization of group box, and only on Header records from the Input File with a Total Discount Amount greater than zero.

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not active. The discount account and accounts payable organization combination is not flagged as Active in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected fiscal year. The fiscal year of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending fiscal years for the discount account and A/P organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected period. The accounting period of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending periods for the discount account and A/P organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not found in Acct/Org table. The discount account and A/P organization combination does not exist in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).

Cash Acct Desc

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Cash Accounts table. The cash account description in the Input File does not exist in the Cash Accounts table (the Manage Cash Accounts screen).

Cash Org/Acct

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not active. The cash account and cash organization combination is not flagged as active in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected fiscal year. The fiscal year of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending fiscal years for the cash account and cash organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected period. The accounting period of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending periods for the cash account and cash organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not found in Acct/Org table. The cash account and cash organization combination does not exist in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).

Check Amount

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Cannot be less than zero. The Check Amount field in the Input File is less than zero.
Cannot be zero when Chk No is > zero. The check number in the Input File is greater than zero, but the check amount is zero.
Must be zero when Chk No is zero. The check number is zero, but the check amount is not zero.
Not numeric. The Check Amount field in the Input File is not blank and is not numeric.
Not allowed when Trans not = Func currency The Check Amount field in the Input File must be blank or zero if the Transaction Currency is different from the Functional Currency.

Check Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be blank when Chk No is zero. The check number is zero, but the check date is not blank.
Not a valid date. The Check Date field in the Input File is not blank and is not a valid date. All dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Check FY/PD/Sub PD

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be blank when Chk No is zero. The check number is zero, but the check fiscal year, check period, and check subperiod are not blank.
Not found in Subperiod Table. The check fiscal year, check period, and check subperiod combination does not exist in the Subperiod table (the Manage Subperiods screen).
Not open in Subperiod Table. The check fiscal year, check period, and check subperiod combination is not open in the Subperiod table (the Manage Subperiods screen).

Check FY/PD/Sub, CD

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Subpd Jrnl Stat Table. The check fiscal year, check period, and check subperiod combination does not exist in the Subperiod Journal Status table (the Manage Subperiods screen in General Ledger) with a journal code of CD.
Not open in Subpd Jrnl Stat Table. The check fiscal year, check period, and check subperiod combination is not open in the Subperiod Journal Status table (the Manage Subperiods screen in General Ledger) with a journal code of CD.

Check Number

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Cannot be less than zero. The Check Number field in the Input File is less than zero.
Not numeric. The Check Number field in the Input File is not blank and is not numeric.

Check Period

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not numeric. The Check Period Number field in the Input File is not blank and is not numeric.

Check Subperiod

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not numeric. The Check Subperiod Number field in the Input File is not blank and is not numeric.

Chk Amt, Unpaid Bal

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Chk Amt cannot be > than the Unpaid Bal. The Check Amount field in the Input File is greater than the unpaid balance on the voucher. The unpaid balance is determined by the Post to G/L Discount Method group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen:
  • If you select the Gross - Without Discounts option in the Post to G/L Discount Method group box, the unpaid balance is calculated as:

    Invoice Amt - Discount Taken Amt - (Invoice Amt * Retainage Rate)

  • If you select the Net - Including Discounts option in the Post to G/L Discount Method group box, the unpaid balance is calculated as:

    Due Amt - (Invoice Amt * Retainage Rate)

Chk No, Dt, Acct, Org

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Check already exists in Check History. This check already exists in the Check History table (Manage Check History screen) with the same check number, check date, cash account, and cash organization.
Check in Input File with diff values. The check (check number, check date, cash account, and cash organization) exists in the Input File on a different voucher, but one or more of the following fields are different: check fiscal year, check period, check subperiod, pay vendor, payment address, cash reference number 1, and/or cash reference number 2.
Chk in VCHR header with diff values. The check (check number, check date, cash account, and cash organization) exists in the Voucher header table on a different voucher, but one or more of the following fields are different: check fiscal year, check period, check subperiod, pay vendor, payment address, cash reference number 1, and/or cash reference number 2.

Disc Amt, Det Disc Amt

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Tot Disc Amt must = sum of Detail Disc Amt. The Total Discount Amount on the header record did not equal the sum of the discount amounts from all matching detail records (same voucher number and fiscal year).

Disc Date, Invoice Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
WARNING: Disc Date is < or = to Invoice Date. The Discount Date matches, or is earlier than, the invoice date.

Disc Date, Pct and Amt

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must all be populated or blank on Header. The Discount Date, Discount Pct, and Discount Amount fields from the Input File must be either all populated or all blank.

Disc Taken, Disc Amt

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Disc Taken cannot be > than the Disc Amt. The Discount Taken Amount field in the Input File is greater than the total discount amount on the voucher.

Disc Taken Amount

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Cannot be less than zero. The Discount Taken Amount field in the Input File is less than zero.
Must be zero when Chk No is zero. The check number is zero, but the discount taken amount is not zero.
Not numeric. The Discount Taken Amount field in the Input File is not blank and is not numeric.
Post to G/L Disc Method is not = G. The Discount Taken Amount field in the Input File is greater than zero. The Net - Including Discounts option is selected in the Post to G/L Discount Method group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.

The discount taken amount can be greater than zero only if the Gross - Without Discounts option is selected in the Post to G/L Discount Method group box.

Discount Account

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
From Voucher Settings, not valid for APV. The discount method is D, but the Account Entry Group assigned to the Discount Account does not include vouchers.

Discount Amount

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not Numeric. The Total Discount Amount in the Input File is not numeric.

Discount Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not a valid date. The Discount Date in the Input File either is not a valid date or is in the wrong format. All dates must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Discount Pct Rate

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not Numeric. The Discount Pct in the Input File is not numeric.

Due Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Could Not Calculate. A Due Date could not be calculated from the Invoice Date and Terms fields.
Not a valid date. The Due Date in the Input File either is not a valid date or is in the wrong format. All dates must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Due Date, Disc Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
WARNING: Due Date is < or = to Disc Date. The Due Date matches, or is earlier than, the Discount Date.

Effective Billing Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in input file. The effective billing date field in the input file is blank and no valid default subperiod end date could be found.
Not a valid date. The effective billing date field in the input file is not a valid date, is not within the range of the Starting Date and Ending Date for the workforce, or is in the wrong format. All dates must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Subperiod table. The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination does not exist in the Subperiod table (the Manage Subperiods screen).
Not open in Subperiod table. The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination is flagged as Closed in the Subperiod table  (the Manage Subperiods screen).

FY/PD/Sub PD and Jnl Cd

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Subperiod Journal Status table. The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination, along with the code APV, does not exist in the Journal Status table (the Manage Subperiods screen).
Not open in Subperiod The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination, along with the code APV, is flagged as Closed in the Subperiod Journal Status table (the Manage Subperiods screen).


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The GLC field in the Input File is blank.
Not found in Genl Labor Cat table. The GLC in the Input File does not exist in the General Labor Category table (the Manage General Labor Categories screen).

Input Vendor Subline Num

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Vendor Subline Number field in the input file is blank.
Not numeric. The Vendor Subline Number field in the Input File is not numeric.
Not sequential beginning with 1. The Vendor Subline Number field in the Input File is not sequential, starting with the number 1, within each unique Voucher Number, Voucher Line Number, and Fiscal Year combination.

Hold Voucher Flag

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Hold Voucher flag in the Input File is blank.
Not Y or N. The Hold Voucher flag in the Input File is not Y or N.

Input Voucher Line Num

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Input Voucher Line Number in the Input File is blank.
Not Numeric. The Input Voucher Line Number in the Input File is not numeric.
Not sequential beginning with 1. The Input Voucher Line Number in the Input File is not sequential, starting with the number  1, within each unique voucher number and fiscal year combination.

Input Voucher Number

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Input Voucher Number field in the Input File is blank.
Not Numeric. The Input Voucher Number field in the Input File is not numeric.

Input Voucher Number/FY

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Duplicate Voucher Header record in Input File. The Input Voucher Number and Fiscal Year combination is not unique among the voucher header records.

Invc Amt, Disc Pct, Amt

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Invc Amt * Disc Pct (rounded) must = Disc Amt. The Invoice Amount multiplied by the Discount Percentage Rate did not equal the Total Discount Amount from the header record.

Invc Amt, Lines + Sales Tax

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Invc Amt must = sum of Line Amt + Sales Tax. The Invoice Amount on the header record did not equal the sum of the Line Amount plus the sum of the Sales Tax Amount from all matching detail records (same voucher number and fiscal year).

Invoice Amount

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Invoice Amount in the Input File is blank.
Not Numeric. The Invoice Amount in the Input File is not numeric.

Invoice Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Invoice Date in the Input File is blank.
Not a valid date. The Invoice Date in the Input File either is not a valid date or is in the wrong format. All dates should be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Invoice Pd of Perf Date

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not a valid date. The Invoice Period of Performance Date in the Input File either is not a valid date or is in the wrong format. All dates should be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Required for this vendor. The Subcontractor flag is set to Y and the Subcontractor Pay Code is set to P for the vendor; therefore, the Invoice Period of Performance Date in the Input File cannot be blank.

Joint Payee Name

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
EFT is active for Pay Vendor ID. You provided a Joint Payee Name in the Input File, and the EFT Active Flag is active for the Pay Vendor and Payment Address Code combination in the Vendor Address table. You cannot have an additional Payee when EFT is active.

Line Amount

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Line Amount in the Input File is blank.
Not Numeric. The Line Amount in the Input File is not numeric.

Line Discount Amount

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Line Discount Amount in the Input File is blank.
Not Numeric. The Line Discount Amount in the Input File is not numeric.

Net Amt, Sum of Vend Amt

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Voucher Line Amount must = Sum of Vend Amt. The sum of the Vendor Amount fields on all Vendor Labor records in the Input File for this Voucher Number, Voucher Line Number, and Fiscal Year combination does not match the Net Amount on the corresponding Voucher Detail record.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not active. The account and organization combination is not flagged as Active in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected fiscal year. The fiscal year of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending fiscal years for the account and organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected period. The accounting period of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending periods for the account and organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not found in Acct/Org table. The account and organization combination do not exist in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).

Org/Disc Acct

Costpoint performs this validation only if, in the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, the Discount Account option is selected in the Charge Discounts To group box and the Individual Line Item option is selected in the Charge Organization Of group box, and only on detail records from the Input File with a Discount Amount either provided or calculated.

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not active. The discount account and organization combination is not flagged as Active in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected fiscal year. The fiscal year of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending fiscal years for the discount account and organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not active in selected period. The accounting period of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending periods for the discount account and organization combination in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).
Not found in Acct/Org table. The discount account and organization combination does not exist in the Organization Account table (the Link Accounts/Organizations screen).


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Abbreviation not found. The Organization Abbreviation from the Input File does not exist in the Organization table (the Manage Organization Elements screen).
Contains segments that are too long. The Organization in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The Organization in the Input File has too many delimiters.
ID / Abbreviation mismatch. The Organization and Org Abbreviation supplied in the Input File do not match in the Organization table (the Manage Organization Elements screen).
Invalid base segment. The Organization in the Input File has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Organization table (the Manage Organization Elements screen).
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the application tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
Not found in Org table. The Organization from the Input File does not exist in the Organization table (the Manage Organization Elements screen).
Organization was not found. Because neither the Organization nor the Org Abbrev was supplied in the Input File, the program attempted to look up the Owning Organization set up on the Manage Project User Flow screen as the default organization.

The lookup failed for one of the following reasons:

  • A project was not supplied.
  • The project was supplied but did not exist in the Project table.
  • The project was found, but the Default to Owning Org check box was not selected for the project on the Manage Project User Flow screen in Project Setup.
Reformatted to match defined structure. The Organization in the Input File does not match the input mask for the top-level organization. It has been padded with spaces or zeros to match the input mask.
Too long for the defined structure. The Organization in the Input File is longer than the specified length for the top-level organization.

Pay Address Code

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must also supply a Pay Vendor. An Address Code was supplied without a pay vendor.

Pay Vendor/Address Code

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not a PAY address code. The Pay Vendor and Address Code in the Input File exist in the Vendor Address table, but the Pmt Addr pay code was not type D (Default) or Y (Yes) (as set on the Manage Vendor screen).
Not found in Vendor Address table. The Pay Vendor and Address Code in the Input File do not exist in the Vendor Address table (the Manage Vendor screen).

Pay Vendor ID

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Vendor table. The Pay Vendor in the Input File does not exist in the Vendor table (Manage Vendor screen).
WARNING: No default Pay Addr Code found. The Pay Vendor did not have a payment address code set up with a Pmt Addr of type D (Default) on the Manage Vendor screen.
WARNING: Pay Vendor on hold. The Pay Vendor is on Hold Payments status in the Vendor table (the Hold Payments check box is selected in the Manage Vendor screen).

Pay When Paid Flag

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be Y, N, or blank. The Pay When Paid Flag in the Input File is not Y, N, or blank.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not numeric. The Period Number in the Input File is not numeric and is not blank.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Bill Lab Cat table. The Project Labor Category (PLC) in the input file does not exist in the Billing Labor Category table.
PLC requires a Project. You entered a PLC but not a project.
Project requires a PLC. You entered a project but not a PLC.

Proj / Vend / PLC

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Proj/Vend/PLC Work force combo does not exist. The workforce project/Vendor ID/ PLC combination does not exist.

Project / Acct

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Combo not valid in ACCT_GRP_SETUP. The project/account combination is not valid.

Project / PLC

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
PLC not authorized for Project. The Project/PLC combination does not exist.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Abbreviation not found. The project abbreviation from the Input File does not exist in the Project table.
Contains segments that are too long. The project in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
Contains too many segments. The project in the Input File has too many delimiters.
ID / Abbreviation mismatch. The project and project abbreviation supplied in the Input File do not match in the Project table.
Invalid base segment. The project in the Input File has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Project table.
Not active. The Active check box was not selected on the Manage Project User Flow screen in Project Setup.
Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when the application tried to check the input mask format. Please call Technical Support.
Not found in Project Master table. The project in the Input File does not exist in the Project table.  
Not found in Proj/Vendor Workforce table. The project requires a workforce, but the project and vendor combination does not exist in the Project Vendor table (the Manage Vendor Workforce screen).
Reformatted to match defined structure. The project in the Input File does not match the input mask for the top-level project. It has been padded with spaces or zeros to match the input mask.
Too long for the defined structure. The project in the Input File is longer than the specified length for the top-level project.

Project Account Abbrev

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Required when Account is not supplied. The account was not supplied in the Input File. Therefore, the project account abbreviation is required in the Input File to look up a default account.
Requires a Project. The project account abbreviation was supplied in the Input File, but a valid project was not found.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not active. Active is not selected in the Project Organization Account table.
Not found in Proj/Org/Acct table. The Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box was not selected on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen and the combination of project and account does not exist in the Project Organization Account table.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Project Labor Category table. The project in the Input File does not require a workforce. The project existed in the PLC table, but the Project/PLC combination in the Input File does not exist in the PLC table.

Project/Proj Acct Abbrev

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Account Group Setup table. The project and project account abbreviation combination supplied in the Input File does not exist in the Account Group Setup table (Manage Project Account Groups screen).


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not active. The project/organization/account is not Active in the Project Organization Account table.
Not found in Proj/Org/Acct table. The Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box is selected on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen and the combination of project, organization, and does not exist in the Project Organization Account table.

Project /Vendor/PLC

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not in Proj Vend Lab Cat table. The project in the Input File requires a workforce, but the workforce project/Vendor ID/ PLC combination does not exist in the Project Vendor Labor Category table.

Record Type

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not H, D or V. The Record Type field in the Input File is not a valid type (H, D, or V).

Reference Number 1

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Reference table. The Ref No 1 field in the Input File is not blank and does not exist in the Reference Structure table (the Manage Reference Structures screen).
May not be used in data entry. The Ref No 1 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table, but the Use in Data Entry check box is not selected on the Manage Reference Structures screen.
This entry is not valid as a reference 1. The Ref No 1 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table (the Manage Reference Structures screen), but the Reference Entry Code was not set to Reference 1.

Reference Number 2

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Reference table. The Ref No 2 field in the Input File is not blank and does not exist in the Reference Structure table (the Manage Reference Structures screen).
May not be used in data entry. The Ref No 2 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table, but the Use in Data Entry check box is not selected in the Manage Reference Structures screen.
This entry is not valid as a reference 2. The Ref No 2 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table (the Manage Reference Structures screen), but the Reference Entry Code was not set to Reference 2.

Retainage Rate

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not Numeric. The Retainage Rate in the Input File is not numeric.

Sales Tax Amt

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Sales Tax Amount field in the Input File is blank.
Must be zero. Taxable Code is NOT S. The Taxable Code is not S; therefore, the Sales Tax Amount field in the Input File must be zero.
Not numeric. The Sales Tax Amount field in the Input File is not numeric.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not numeric. The Subperiod in the Input File is not numeric and is not blank.

Tax Code

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be blank because Taxable Code is N. The Taxable Code is N; therefore, the Tax Code field in the Input File must be blank.
Not found in Tax Code table. The Tax Code field in the Input File does not exist in the Sales Tax table (the Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes screen).
Required because Taxable Code is S or U. The Taxable Code is S or U; therefore, the Tax Code field in the Input File cannot be blank.

Taxable Code

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Taxable Code field in the Input File is blank.
Not S, U or N. The Taxable Code field in the Input File is not S, U, or N.


Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not found in Vendor Terms table. The Terms field in the Input File does not exist in the Vendor Terms table (the Manage Vendor Terms screen).

Total Bef Disc Amt, Sum

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Voucher Line Amt must = Sum of Vend Amt. The sum of the Vendor Amount field on all Vendor Labor records in the Input File for this Voucher Number, Voucher Line Number, and Fiscal Year combination does not match the Total Before Discount Amount on the corresponding Voucher Detail record.

Use Tax Amt

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Must be in Input File. The Use Tax Amount field in the Input File is blank.
Must be zero. Taxable Code is NOT U. The Taxable Code is not U; therefore, the Use Tax Amount field in the Input File must be zero.
Not numeric. The Use Tax Amount field in the Input File is not numeric.

Vend / Vend Empl

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not in Vend Empl table. The combination of the Vendor ID from the input Header record and the Vendor Employee ID from the input Vendor Labor record does not exist in the Vendor Employee table (the Vendor Employee Details block of the Manage Vendors screen).

Vendor Amount

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not numeric. The Vendor Amount field in the Input File is not numeric.

Vendor Hours

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Not numeric. The Vendor Hours field in the Input File is not numeric.

Vendor Labor Record

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
No Matching Voucher Detail Record. No detail record was found that matches this Vendor Labor Record input, Voucher Number, Voucher Line Number, and Fiscal Year combination.

Vendor/Pay Vendor

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Different pay vendor is not allowed. The Pay Vendor is different than the vendor in the Input File, yet the Allow Different Pay Vendor check box is not selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen.
Edits to pay vendor on voucher are not allowed. The Pay Vendor is different than the vendor in the Input File. The Allow Different Pay Vendor check box is selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen, but the Allow Edits to Pay Vendor on Voucher check box is not selected on the Defaults tab of the Manage Vendor screen.

Vendor ID

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Flagged as a PR Vendor. The PR Vendor check box is selected on the Manage Vendor screen for the Vendor in the Input File. You cannot use this vendor in the Multicurrency A/P Voucher preprocessor.
Inactive in the Manage Vendors Screen. The Vendor in the Input File has a status of Inactive on the Manage Vendors screen.
Must be in Input File. The Vendor field in the Input File is blank.
Not found in Vendor table. The Vendor in the Input File does not exist in the Vendor table (the Manage Vendors screen).
WARNING: Vendor on hold. The Vendor in the Input File is on Hold Payments status in the Vendor table (the Hold Payments check box is selected on the Manage Vendors screen).
WARNING: Vendor on warning status. The Vendor in the Input File is on Warning status (the Give Warning option is selected on the Manage Vendors screen).

Voucher Detail Record

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
No Matching Voucher Header Record. No Header record is found that matches this Detail record's input Voucher Number and Fiscal Year.

Voucher Header Record

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
No Matching Voucher Detail Record. No Detail record was found that matched this Header record's input Voucher Number and Fiscal Year.

Voucher Number/FY

Costpoint performs this validation only if input voucher numbers are used to import vouchers to the Costpoint tables.

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Voucher Num/FY already in VCHR Header. A voucher entry already exists in the Voucher Header table (the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen) with the same input Voucher Number and Fiscal Year.
Voucher Num/FY already in VCHR Header HS. A voucher entry already exists in the Voucher Header History table (the Print Voucher Register Report screen) with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year from the Input File.
Voucher Num/FY already in Comp Exp Header. A voucher entry already exists in the Company Expense Header table with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year from the Input File.
Voucher Num/FY already in Trav Adv Header. A voucher entry already exists in the Travel Advance Header table with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year from the Input File.
Voucher Num/FY already in Trav Exp Header. A voucher entry already exists in the Travel Expense Header table with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year from the Input File.

Screen Error Messages

The following error messages may display on the screen.

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Errors have occurred that may need correcting. Do you want to continue? This message displays if errors are discovered during processing. You should review the Error Report. There are two options available at this point:
  • Import the records that have been validated, make any changes needed in the Error File, rename the Error File, and then process the errors
  • Make any corrections needed to the original Input File and process again
File does not exist. The Input File entered could not be found. The Input File must be in your working directory. Check your working directory.
In order to select "Use Last System Voucher Number," Costpoint-wide setting for Voucher Numbering Method must be "System." You selected the Use Last System Voucher Number option on the Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers screen, but the System option is not selected as the Costpoint system-wide setting on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
No records found in temporary voucher tables. Please process file before importing or printing. You selected the Process AP Input File option or the Import Vouchers option on the Action menu and there are no rows in the temporary table.
No records have been selected to transfer. All records in the Input File were rejected with errors.
Range of assigned Voucher numbers:  XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX This message displays the range of voucher numbers assigned by the application if the Use Last System Voucher Number option is selected in the Voucher Numbering Method group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
Range of assigned Voucher numbers based on the Beginning Voucher Number:   XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX This message displays the range of voucher numbers assigned by the application if the Supply Beginning Voucher Number option is selected in the Voucher Numbering Method group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
Records that have not been imported exist in the temporary voucher tables. Do you want to continue? You selected the Process AP Input File option on the Action menu but there are still rows in the temporary tables that were not imported.
  • Select Yes to continue, and all the rows in the temporary tables will be deleted.
  • Select Cancel to import the existing rows in the temporary tables or if you need to investigate the rows in the temporary tables.
Screen parameters have changed since the Process step was performed. Either set parameters back to what they were when the Process step was run or Process the Input File again with the new screen parameters. You selected the Import Vouchers option on the Action menu, but screen parameters were changed since you processed the screen. You can either reprocess with the new parameters before importing, or set the parameters back to the original settings before you continue.
The Beginning Voucher Number must be greater than zero. The Beginning Voucher Number cannot be zero.
The Beginning Voucher Number supplied already exists in Costpoint. Do you want to allow the program to renumber? You selected the Import Vouchers option on the Action menu and selected the Supply Beginning Voucher Number option in the Voucher Numbering Method group box (on the Import Accounts Payable Vouchers screen). 

The Fiscal Year and Beginning Voucher Number already exist in the Costpoint Voucher Header or Voucher Header History table.

  • Select Yes to have Costpoint find the next available voucher number to use as the beginning voucher number and continue the import process.
  • Select No to stop the import. No rows will be imported to Costpoint from the temporary voucher tables. You can process again and supply a different beginning voucher number.
The database is unable to process the records required for the requested activity. Possible reasons are: another user is using a record you wish to update, database error or hardware malfunction. When this error occurs, note what was being done and at what point the application stopped and call Technical Support.
Vouchers to be imported already exist in the Voucher Header table. This condition must be corrected before importing. A voucher with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year already exists in the Voucher Header table. This indicates that vouchers have been added to Costpoint sometime between the processing of the Input File and the import of the temporary tables. If this message displays, the temporary tables are not imported to the Costpoint voucher tables in order to prevent uploading duplicate records.
Vouchers to be imported already exist in the Voucher Header History table. This condition must be corrected before importing. A voucher with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year already exists in the Voucher Header History table. This indicates that vouchers were added and/or posted in Costpoint sometime between the processing of the Input File and the import of the temporary tables. If this message displays, the temporary tables will not be imported to the Costpoint voucher tables in order to prevent uploading duplicate records.
Vouchers to be imported already exist in the Company Expense Header table. This condition must be corrected before importing. A voucher with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year already exists in the Company Expense Header table. This indicates that vouchers were added and/or posted in Costpoint sometime between the processing of the Input File and the import of the temporary tables. If this message displays, the temporary tables will not be imported to the Costpoint voucher tables in order to prevent uploading duplicate records.
Vouchers to be imported already exist in the Travel Advance Header table. This condition must be corrected before importing. A voucher with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year already exists in the Travel Advance Header table. This indicates that vouchers were added and/or posted in Costpoint sometime between the processing of the Input File and the import of the temporary tables. If this message displays, the temporary tables are not imported to the Costpoint voucher tables in order to prevent uploading duplicate records.
Vouchers to be imported already exist in the Travel Expense Header table. This condition must be corrected before importing. A voucher with the same Voucher Number and Fiscal Year already exists in the Travel Expense Header table. This indicates that vouchers were added and/or posted in Costpoint sometime between the processing of the Input File and the import of the temporary tables. If this message displays, the temporary tables are not imported to the Costpoint voucher tables in order to prevent uploading duplicate records.