Error Messages

Errors are either fatal or non-fatal.

  • A fatal error on an input file prevents all records from processing or only allows valid records to process depending on your selection in the Input Error Handling drop down list box on the Import Purchase Order Vouchers screen. Input file records that are not processed because of one or more fatal errors are written to a separate ASCII error suspense file that is similar in format to the input file. The error file contains rows that are not processed and that are moved to the error file in the same format in which they were originally saved.
  • A non-fatal error, such as a discrepancy error, causes a message to display on the error report and may affect the status of the voucher, but Costpoint still creates the voucher.

The error file is in the same path as the input file and named PVMMDDYY.ERR (with MMDDYY the date on which the process ran).

  • If that file already exists, Costpoint appends the new errors to the file.
  • If that file does not exist, Costpoint creates the file.

You can modify the problem data with a text editor.

Some error messages display only if you selected the Print error messages for vouchers that are discrepant, but not over discrepancy limit check box on the Import Purchase Order Vouchers screen. These are indicated in the Notes column in the tables below.

Note: After you run this preprocessor, you must make any changes to these vouchers in the source system.

The following tables outline the error conditions and messages that can display.

All Input Files

Column Error Condition Fatal Message Notes
All Required Fields Required field is not supplied in the input file. Y The XXXXXXXXXXXX field must be entered.
Line Type The Line Type is not equal to A, H, L, V or T. Y Input File Line Type must be A, H, L, V. or T.

PO Voucher Header Input File

Column Error Condition Fatal Message Notes
Invoice Header Two header rows with no line rows in between. Y (first header record) You must enter at least one PO Voucher Line Input record for each Header Input record.
Invoice Invoice already exists for this vendor in Voucher Header or Voucher Header History with the same Purchase Order Number/Purchase Order Release Number combination, and the Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers flag is selected for the voucher. N This invoice number already exists for this vendor on another voucher for the same PO.
Invoice Invoice already exists for this vendor in Voucher Header, Voucher Header History, or Company Paid Expense Header, and the Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers flag is not selected. Y Invoice number already exists for this vendor.
Invoice Invoice already exists for this vendor in Voucher Header or Voucher Header History with a different Purchase Order/Purchase Order Release Number combination, and the Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers flag is selected. N This invoice number already exists for this vendor on another voucher for a different PO.
Invoice Invoice already exists for this vendor in Voucher Header, Voucher Header History, or Company Paid Expense Header; the Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers flag is selected; and the voucher type is not a purchase order. N This invoice number already exists for this vendor on another non-PO voucher.

Invoice Number/PO Number/PO Release must be unique within the input file.

Voucher Voucher number is not null and already exists in Voucher Header or Voucher Header History. Y This voucher number already exists.
Voucher Voucher number is null, Starting Voucher Number is blank on preprocessor screen (or null in saved parameters), and VCHR_SETTINGS.S_VCHR_NO_MTHD_CD = M. Y A voucher number is required.
Voucher Voucher number is null, Starting Voucher Number is blank on preprocessor screen (or null in saved parameters), VCHR_SETTINGS.S_VCHR_NO_MTHD_CD = S, and VCHR_SETTINGS.LAST_VCHR_NO = 999999999. Y System is not able to auto-assign a voucher number beyond the maximum allowed limit of 999999999.

Voucher number cannot exceed 999999999.

PO ID/ Release PO ID/Release does not exist. Y The PO ID/Release does not exist. Validate for user's company ID.
PO ID/ Release PO type is Blanket. Y This is a Blanket PO and cannot be invoiced.
PO ID/ Release PO header status is P (Pending). Y This PO's status is Pending.
PO ID/ Release PO header status is V (Void). Y This PO's status is Void.
PO ID/ Release Pay vendor does not have cash account. Y No cash account has been designated for this pay vendor. Validate for user's company ID.
PO ID/ Release Pay vendor does not have A/P account. Y No accounts payable account has been designated for this pay vendor. Validate for user's company ID.
PO ID/ Release Pay vendor does not have default Pay To (or only one address row with a Pay Address of Y). Y No default Pay-To address has been set up for this pay vendor. Validate for user's company ID.
FY/PD/SBPD If input file value is not valid. Y The supplied Fiscal Year/ Period/Sub period is not valid.
FY/PD/SBPD If input file value is not open for AP. Y The supplied Fiscal Year/ Period/Subperiod is not open for AP transactions.
Invoice Date If the FY/PD/SBPD is not entered in the input file or screen parameters, and the FY/PD/SBPD derived from the invoice date is not open for AP. Y The supplied Invoice Date's Fiscal Year/Period/Subperiod is not open for AP transactions.

Year must be between 1901 and 2078.

Invoice Amount Does not match sum of calculated invoice amounts from line records for this invoice (including sales tax but excluding discounts). Y The invoice amount does not match the sum of invoice amounts for the voucher lines.
PO ID/Release Pay vendor has hold payment. N Warning: this vendor is on Payment Hold. Validate for user's company ID.
PO ID/Release PO Type is Subcontractor Agreement Blanket (PO_HDR.S_PO_TYPE = K) Y PO Type cannot be Subcontractor Agreement Blanket
Invoice Amount Creates PO Total over the PO Total Discrepancy Limit. N Warning: the total amount invoiced against this PO exceeds the PO Total amount by more than the PO Total Amount Discrepancy. Validate for user's company ID. This validation does not apply to negative quantities/amounts since they are always considered as non-discrepant.
Invoice Amount Creates PO Total discrepancy under the PO Total Discrepancy Limit, but greater than zero. N Warning: the total amount invoiced against this PO exceeds the PO Total amount by less than the PO Total Amount Discrepancy. Print only if the Print error messages for vouchers that are discrepant, but not over discrepancy limit check box is selected. Validate for user's company ID. This validation does not apply to negative quantities/amounts since they are always considered as non-discrepant.
Warehouse Warehouse is Inactive (New Receipts) Y This Warehouse is not active. No new receipts with inactive warehouse can be created via import voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - with Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip, but no Receipt ID or Warehouse, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - with Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip and Receipt ID, but no Warehouse, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID/RECPT_ID combination for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip/Receipt ID combination does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - with Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip, Receipt ID, and Warehouse, but there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID/RECPT_ID/WHSE_ID combination for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip/Receipt ID/Warehouse combination does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - with Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip and Warehouse, but no Receipt ID, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID/WHSE_ID combination for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip/Warehouse combination does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - with Inventory license Voucher header input file has Receipt ID, but no Warehouse or Packing Slip, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching RECPT_ID for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Receipt ID does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - with Inventory license Voucher header input file has Receipt ID and Warehouse, but no Packing Slip, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching RECPT_ID/WHSE_ID combination for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Receipt ID/Warehouse combination does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - with Inventory license Voucher header input file has Warehouse, but no Receipt ID or Packing Slip, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Receipt ID and/or Packing Slip is required.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - without Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip, but no Receipt ID or Warehouse, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - without Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip and Receipt ID but no Warehouse, but there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID/RECPT_ID combination for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip/Receipt ID combination does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - without Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip, Receipt ID, and Warehouse, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching RECPT_ID for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip/Receipt ID combination does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher. Ignore Warehouse from input file.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - without Inventory license Voucher header input file has Packing Slip and Warehouse, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Packing Slip does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher. Ignore Warehouse from input file.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - without Inventory license Voucher header input file has Receipt ID but not Warehouse or Packing Slip, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Receipt ID does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher.
Warehouse, Receipt ID, & Packing Slip - without Inventory license Voucher header in put file has Receipt ID and Warehouse but no Packing Slip, and there are no RECPT_HDR rows with matching PS_ID for the PO referenced in the voucher (VCHR_HDR.PO_ID and VCHR_HDR.PO_RLSE_NO). At least one voucher line is associated with a PO line that has a match type of 3-way and a match option of Individual. Y Receipt ID does not exist in receipts for the purchase order associated with the voucher. Ignore Warehouse from input file.
Receipt ID At least one receipt line has a discrepancy, and it is over the discrepancy quantity percent threshold for your company. N Warning: Discrepancy is greater than the discrepancy quantity percent threshold.
Receipt ID At least one receipt line has a discrepancy, but all discrepancies are less than the discrepancy quantity percent threshold for your company. N Warning: Discrepancy exists, but is not greater than the discrepancy quantity percent threshold.
Debit Memo PO Voucher Header input file Debit Memo is not blank, Y, or N. N Debit Memo Flag must be either "Y" or "N", if entered.

PO Voucher Line Input File

Column Error Condition Fatal Message Notes
Invoice ID Does not match invoice ID of last header input record processed. Y The voucher line's input file record's invoice number does not match the invoice number of the last header record processed.
PO Line PO line number is not null but does not exist for voucher header's PO/Release. Y This PO line does not exist for the designated PO ID/Release. Validate for user's company ID.
PO Line PO line status is V (Void). Y The status of this PO line is Void.
PO Line PO line status is P (Pending). Y The status of this PO line is Pending.
PO Line/Line Charge Both null/space. Y A purchase order voucher line input file must include a PO line number or a line charge code.
Line Charge PO line number is null but is not a valid line charge type. Y This is not a valid line charge code. Validate for user's company ID.
Line Charge PO line number is null but does not have a proper default account. Y A default account must be set up for line charge codes in order to be processed into a voucher.
Line Charge PO line number is null but line charge account is not valid with selected PO project and org. Y The default account for this line charge is not valid for the first PO line's proj/org.
Qty/Extended Cost Quantity is zero/null and extended cost is zero/null. Y Either a quantity or an extended cost must be entered on every voucher line input record.
Quantity The PO line number is not null, the input file quantity is greater than zero, but the PO line quantity is zero. Y Invoice quantities are not allowed for PO lines with no order quantities.
Quantity Quantity is negative. If this is added to PO_LN.VCHRD_QTY, the new quantity will be negative. Y This negative voucher quantity would cause the total vouchered quantity for this PO line to go negative.
Unit Cost PO line number is null, input file Qty is greater than zero, but Unit Cost is 0. Y A unit cost is required for invoice line records with a quantity but no PO line.
Unit Cost Unit Cost is less than 0. Y Negative invoice unit costs are not allowed.
Extended Cost Extended amount is negative. If this amount (in functional currency) is added to PO_LN.VCHRD_AMT, the new amount will be negative. Y This negative voucher amount would cause the total vouchered amount for this PO line to go negative.
Invalid PAO Perform standard validation on all derived voucher line account row combinations. Y
Lien Waiver Validation One or more projects for this voucher have a Project Lien Waiver Document not equal to space/null, and there is more than one project ID (PROJ_ID) in the voucher line account (VCHR_LN_ACCT) rows for this voucher. Y Multiple projects cannot be charged on a voucher when one or more of the projects have been assigned a Lien Waiver Document code.
Lien Waiver Validation Project for this voucher line account has a Project Lien Waiver Document not equal to space/null, and there is no row on the Maintain Project Waiver Information screen for this project. Use Costpoint Accounts Payable to look up the Waiver Type Code and Pay Vendor ID to find the Vendor ID in the Customer table. Y This voucher's project has been assigned a Lien Waiver Document code, but the pay vendor has not been linked to the project in the Maintain Project Waiver Information screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable. Validate for user's company ID.
Qty/Unit Price/ Extended Price Quantity/Unit Price/Extended Price not zero or null, but quantity * unit price does not equal extended price. N Warning: the extended cost does not match the supplied invoice line quantity * unit price. Extended price is ignored.
PO Line Status is C (Closed), and 2-way matching is used. N Warning: this PO line has already been closed.
Invoice Unit Price Creates PO Unit Price Percent discrepancy. N Warning: the invoice unit price exceeds the PO line unit price by a percentage more than the Unit Price Percentage Discrepancy limit. Validate for user's company ID.
Invoice Unit Price Creates PO Unit Price Percent discrepancy under PO Line Discrepancy Limit, but greater than zero. N Warning: the invoice unit price exceeds the PO line unit price by a percentage less than the Unit Price Percentage Discrepancy limit. Print only if the Print error messages for vouchers that are discrepant, but not over discrepancy limit check box is selected. Validate for user's company ID.
Invoice Unit Price Creates PO Unit Price Amount discrepancy. N Warning: the invoice unit price exceeds the PO line unit price by more than the Unit Price Discrepancy limit. Validate for user's company ID.
Invoice Unit Price Creates PO Unit Price Amount discrepancy under PO Line Discrepancy Limit, but greater than zero. N Warning: the invoice unit price exceeds the PO line unit price by less than the Unit Price Discrepancy limit. Print only if the Print error messages for vouchers that are discrepant, but not over discrepancy limit check box is selected. Validate for user's company ID.
Invoice Quantity Creates Quantity discrepancy. N Warning: the invoice quantity exceeds the PO line quantity by more than the Quantity Discrepancy limit. Validate for user's company ID.
Invoice Quantity Creates Quantity discrepancy under PO Line Discrepancy Limit, but greater than zero. N Warning: the invoice quantity exceeds the PO line quantity by less than the Quantity Discrepancy limit. Print only if the Print error messages for vouchers that are discrepant, but not over discrepancy limit check box is selected. Validate for user's company ID.
Invoice Line Amount Creates PO Line discrepancy. N Warning: the total amount invoiced against this PO line exceeds the PO line amount by more than the PO Line Amount Discrepancy limit. Validate for user's company ID.
Invoice Line Amount Creates PO Line discrepancy under PO Line Discrepancy Limit, but greater than zero. N Warning: the total amount invoiced against this PO line exceeds the PO line amount by less than the PO Line Amount Discrepancy limit. Print only if the Print error messages for vouchers that are discrepant, but not over discrepancy limit check box is selected. Validate for user's company ID.
Reference 1 & Reference 2 The reference field contains a value that has not been defined. Y Reference [#] value does not exist.
Reference 1 & Reference 2 The reference field contains a reference value that is not selected for use in data entry. Y Reference [#] may not be used in data entry.
Taxable Code Taxable Code is not blank, N, S, or U. Y Taxable Code must be either N (Not Taxable), S (Sales Tax) or U (Use Tax).
Tax Amount Voucher line is not taxable, but it has a non-zero tax amount. Y Voucher Line cannot have a non-zero tax amount if non-taxable.

Voucher Line Account Record Input File

Column Error Condition Fatal Message Notes
Invoice Number Invoice Number does not match that of the last header input record processed. Y The input file record's invoice number does not match the invoice number of the voucher line account last header record.
Invoice Number & Invoice Line Number The Invoice ID and Invoice Line Number do not match those of the last line input record processed. Y The voucher line account input file record's invoice and line number does not match the last line record processed.
Account Line Number More than one line account row exists in the input file with same combination of Invoice ID, Invoice Line Number, and Account Line Number. Y Account line numbers should be unique for a given Invoice ID / Invoice Line Number combination.
Allocation Allocation value =<0.0000, or >1.0000 Y Allocation value must be greater than zero and not exceed 1 (100%).
Allocation If at least one allocation value is greater than zero for a given invoice line, the sum of allocation values for all account line rows associated with a particular Invoice ID and Invoice Line Number is not 1. Y The total of Allocation values for all account lines associated with a particular Invoice ID/Invoice Line Number must equal 1 (100%).
Allocation & Amount Row does not have either an Amount or an Allocation value. Y Either Amount or Allocation value must be provided.
Allocation & Amount Multiple input file rows exist with the same Invoice Number and Invoice Line combination, but some rows have Amount values while others have Allocation values. Y Either Amount (only) or Allocation (only) must be used consistently in all the account lines associated with a particular voucher line.
Amount If at least one amount is greater than zero for a given invoice line, the sum of amounts for all account line rows associated with a particular Invoice ID and Invoice Line Number is not equal to the corresponding Invoice Line Amount. Y The total of Amount values for all rows associated with a particular Invoice ID / Invoice Line Number must equal the total amount for the invoice line.
Account Account is not blank, but value is not defined, or it exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. Y This account does not exist or is inactive.
Organization Organization is not blank, but value is not defined, or it exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. Y This organization does not exist or is inactive.
Project Project is not blank, but value is not defined, or it exists but ACTIVE_FL = N. Y This project does not exist or is inactive.
Project Account requires Project (ACCT.PROJ_REQD_FL = Y, but Project is not in the same input file row. Y This account requires a project.
Reference 1 & Reference 2 The reference field contains a value that has not been defined. Y Reference [#] does not exist.
Reference 1 & Reference 2 The reference field contains a reference value that is not selected for use in data entry. Y Reference [#] may not be used in data entry.

PO Voucher Vendor Labor Input File

Column Error Condition Fatal Message Notes
Invoice ID Does not match Invoice ID of last header input record processed. Y The vendor labor's input file record's invoice number does not match the invoice number of the last header record processed.
Invoice ID / Line Number Does not match Invoice ID/Line No of last line input record processed. Y The vendor labor's input file record's invoice and line number does not match the last line record processed.
Subline Number Number must be sequential (starting with 1) or not sequential (beginning with 1). Y The Vendor Subline Number field in the Input File is not sequential, starting with the number "1," for each unique Invoice and Invoice Line Number.
GLC GLC is not blank, but it does not exist in GENL_LAB_CAT for your company. Y Invalid General Labor Category Code.
GLC & Vendor Employee ID Input file row does not have either a GLC or Vendor Employee ID. Y GLC or Vendor Employee ID is required.
GLC & Vendor Employee ID Input file row has no GLC. It has a Vendor Employee ID, but there is no matching row in VEND_EMPL, or else a row exists in VEND_EMPL but without a value in VEND_EMPL.DF_GENL_LAB_CAT_CD. Y A default Vendor Employee GLC does not exist for the vendor employee associated with this PO voucher line.
PLC Not null and does not exist in Billing Labor Category table. Y The PLC does not exist in the Billing Labor Category table. Validate for user's company.
PLC Not null, but no project on the PO line (PO_LN_ACCT). Y A PLC was entered, but no Project is on the PO line.
PLC Null, but project exists on the PO line (PO_LN_ACCT). Y A Project is referenced on the PO line, but a PLC was not entered.
PLC PLC is not null, but Proj/PLC combination does not exist. Y The Project/PLC combination does not exist.
PLC Project Workforce is required on Project, but Proj/PLC/Vendor combination does not exist. Y The work force project/Vendor/ PLC combination does not exist.
PLC More than one PO line account row exists for the selected PO line. Costpoint displays an error if there are multiple account distribution rows, whether the PLC is entered or not. Y More than one P/A/O combination exists for this PO line.
Vendor/ Employee PO Vendor and Employee do not exist in the Vendor Employee (VEND_EMPL) table. Y The combination of the Vendor and the Vendor Employee does not exist in the Vendor Employee table. Validate for user's company.
Vendor Amount Not numeric. Y The Vendor Amount field is not numeric.
Vendor Hours Not numeric. Y The Vendor Hours field is not numeric.
Vendor Amount Sales Tax Included in Vendor Labor Amounts check box is selected; derived value of VCHR_LN.TAXABLE_FL = Y with VCHR_LN.S_SALES_TAX_CD = S; and the sum of the vendor labor file rows' Vendor Amount is NOT equal to the associated voucher line row's extended cost (that is, VCHR_LAB_VEND.TRN_VEND_AMT is not equal to VCHR_LN.TRN_EXT_CST_AMT). Y The sum of the Vendor Labor Amounts does not equal the invoice extended cost amount.
Transaction/ Pay Currency Voucher header has a CIS code, but Transaction and/or Pay Currency is not GBP. Y Transaction and Pay Currencies must be GBP if a CIS code exists in the voucher header.
Check Amount The Check Amount in the Payment Info subtask is not equal to the sum of all voucher lines' voucher line net amount processed in the batch. Y Check Amount (XXXXXX) is not equal to the Total Vouchered Net Amount for all the voucher lines processed in this batch (XXXXXX).
Check Number The input file has multiple vouchers, and not all vouchers are associated with the same Pay Vendor. The Check Number field on the Payment Info subtask is populated, but no Pay Vendor is entered. Y If Check Number is entered on the input screen, all vouchers processed must be associated with the same Pay Vendor.
Check Number The Pay Vendor is entered in the Payment Info subtask. N Warning: The Pay Vendor information entered applies to all the vouchers processed in this batch.
Check Number The Check Number is entered in the Payment Info subtask. N Warning: The Check information entered applies to all the vouchers processed in this batch.
PO ID/Release On the Manage Vendor screen, the On Hold or Inactive option is selected in the Pay Vendor group box. Y WARNING: This pay vendor has a status of inactive on the Manage Vendors screen.
PO ID/Release The PO Vendor does not allow edits to the Pay Vendor on PO vouchers (the Allow Different Pay Vendor check box is not selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen), and the Pay Vendor on the Payment Info subtask is different from the pay vendor associated with the PO vendor. Y The Pay Vendor entered in the input screen is different from that associated with the PO Vendor, which has been set up to not allow changes to the associated Pay Vendor.
PO ID/Release On the Manage Vendors screen, the On Hold or Inactive option is selected in the Pay Vendor group box. N WARNING: This PO vendor has a status of inactive on the Manage Vendors screen.
Vendor Vendor approvals are required in Configure Accounts Payable Settings and the PO vendor has an approval status of Not Approved or Pending (VEND.VEND_APPRVL_CD = N or P). Y The vendor on the PO voucher must be approved.
Effective Bill Date Value is not blank, but it is not a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Y Effective Billing Date is invalid.
Effective Bill Date Value is not within the start and end dates for a workforce/PLC. Y This Vendor Employee/Transaction Project/PLC combination not valid as of Effective Billing Date.