Print Payroll Edit Report

Print this report after computing payroll and before printing paychecks to check whether the wages, deductions, and contributions that have been computed are correct.

You can correct any amounts that must be modified on the Manage Payroll Records screen before printing paychecks.

Print this report after you compute payroll in a pay period, when you are ready to begin reviewing amounts that are paid to employees. Review the report for accuracy before you print paychecks.

Multi-state functionality allows the proper calculation of withholdings for employees who work in multiple states in a single pay period. Since the new tables are needed for this functionality, the Print Payroll Edit Report application looks to a new table, EMPL_PR_STATE, that can hold multiple state taxes for one paycheck.


This report is an essential element in the payroll process and must be printed each time a payroll is processed. However, because it is an Edit Report, it is not part of the Costpoint audit trail. You may want to retain the report anyway as documentation that the payroll amounts and deductions were reviewed.