Health Insurance Coverage Subtask

Use this subtask to view details concerning the support-ordered medical insurance coverage the employee must provide through his employer's health benefits.


Field Description
Transaction Type

This field displays the transaction type from the main screen. The types are:

  • A: Add transaction
  • D: Delete transaction
  • U: Update transaction
Modified By

This field displays the ID of the user who modified this row.

Date Modified

This field displays the date on which this row was modified. The format for a date is MM/DD/YYYY.


This field displays the employee ID.

Employee Name

This field displays the employee name.

Garnishment ID

This field displays the garnishment ID.


This field displays the deduction code that is being used to provide coverage to the children specified on the Medical Support Notice.

Deduction Description

This field automatically displays the description of the Deduction code.

Total Premium Amount

This field automatically displays the rate assigned to the specified Deduction on the Manage Employee Deductions screen.

Cost of Child Coverage

This field displays the portion of the premium that pays for the cost of the children's medical coverage.

Must Deduct Entire Amount

If this non-editable check box is selected, the state requires that no money be withheld for medical support if the employee does not have sufficient wages to cover 100% of the Cost of Child Coverage.

Transaction Notes

This non-editable field displays the reason for the creation of the Manage Employee Garnishments audit record.