Delete Timesheet Payroll Computed Flags

Use this screen to clear the Payroll Computed check box on the Manage Timesheets screen for timesheets that have been processed to payroll.

When payroll is created, a check box is selected on each timesheet to indicate that it has been processed to payroll.

At times, due to a procedural problem, a batch of timesheets could be processed in error, and you would then need to change the flags so that the errors could be corrected on the timesheets and the timesheets could be reprocessed. This assumes that the timesheets were not previously computed for leave, and that the timesheet labor distribution was not posted to the General Ledger. After a timesheet is computed for leave or posted to the G/L, you cannot modify it.

Do not run this program for any range of timesheets for which paychecks were printed and posted through the Payroll Journal.

You usually run this program, if required, after timesheets are processed to payroll with major errors, such as serious miscoding of timesheets with incorrect account numbers. If paychecks are already printed, but not posted through the Payroll Journal, you must then either zero out the paycheck numbers on the Manage Payroll Records screen or reset the paycheck numbers on the Void/Replace Posted Paychecks and/or Delete Payment Advices from Payroll Edit Table screens. You cannot reprocess timesheets if a paycheck number has already been assigned for the employee on the Manage Payroll Records screen.