Non-Contiguous Paychecks

Use the subtask to enter non-contiguous ranges of paychecks for processing.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the employee to be processed. The employee's name displays in the adjacent, unlabeled field.

Employee Name

This field displays the display name assigned to the specified employee.

Record Type
From the drop-down list, select the type of paycheck record to be voided. The options are:
  • R
  • B
  • X
  • Y
Only one type can be processed at a time. This field is only editable if the Selection Method is Selection Ranges.
Check Date

Enter, or click to select, the date of the paycheck to be processed.

The format for this field is MM/DD/YYYY.

Check Number

Enter, or click to select, the check number to be processed.

Taxable Entity

This field displays the taxable entity assigned to the specified paycheck.

Pay Cycle

This field displays the pay cycle assigned to the specified paycheck.

Pay Cycle End Date

This field displays the pay cycle end date assigned to the specified paycheck.