Contents of the Configure Workers' Compensation State Rates Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Workers' Compensation State Rates screen.


Field Description
State Code

Enter, or click to select, the two-character state code. All state codes are validated against the State table. The field to the right displays the state name.

Workers' Compensation State

Field Description
SUTA State 

Select this option to use the state on the Manage Employee Taxes screen.

Overtime State 

Select this option to use the default Overtime State from the TS Defaults tab of the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.


Workers' Compensation Policy

Field Description
Policy Number

Enter the policy number assigned to you by the state or by your insurance company.

Policy Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the start date of your workers' compensation policy. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY.

Policy End Date

Enter, or click to select, the end date of your workers' compensation policy. The format for date is MM/DD/YYYY.

Workers' Compensation Wages

Field Description
Exclude Premium Portion of Overtime Wages

Select this check box to exclude the premium portion of overtime in the workers' compensation premium calculation.

WC Wage Modify Code

Enter, or click to select, the workers' compensation modify code (for pay types other than overtime premium) for exclusion in the premium calculation.

Wage Ceiling Amount

Enter the wage ceiling amount. This is the wage at which workers' compensation calculations stop.

Workers' Compensation Premium

Field Description
Experience Modifier

Enter your company's experience modifier related to this state and your policy. This experience modifier is given to you by the state or by your insurance company. You can enter a maximum of five places to the right of the decimal, but Costpoint rounds your entry to two places to the right of the decimal when you tab from the field.

Workers' Compensation Rates

Click to add a new row to the table.

Field Description
Workers' Compensation

Enter, or click to select, the workers' compensation code you want to include for this policy. Workers' compensation codes are established on the Manage Workers' Compensation Codes screen, and the value in this field is validated against the Workers' Comp table.

Workers' Compensation Description

The description of the entered workers' compensation code is displayed.


Enter the rate (percentage) associated with the designated workers' compensation code. This rate is multiplied by the associated payroll dollars and the Experience Modifier to arrive at the premium. You can enter four places to the right of the decimal and two places to the left of the decimal (00.0000).