Contents of the Manage State Taxes Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage State Taxes screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the state ID that identifies the state. State IDs in this field are validated against Costpoint's State table. The state name associated with the entered state ID code also displays in the field to the right.

State Setup

Field Description
Withholding Account

Enter, or click to select, the general ledger account to be used for the employee's state withholding amount. The organization at the Balance Sheet Level (see the Manage Organization Structures screen) for the employee's home organization is used, and validation from the G/L for account and organization linkage is performed when posting the payroll journal.

SUTA Accrual Account

Enter, or click to select, the general ledger account to be used for the employer's state unemployment accrual amounts. The organization at the Balance Sheet Level (see the Manage Organization Structures screen) for the employee's home organization is used, and validation from the G/L for account and organization linkage is performed when posting the payroll journal.

SUTA Expense Account

Enter, or click to select, the general ledger account to be used for the employer's state unemployment expense amount. The home organization of the employee is used, and validation from the G/L for account and organization linkage is performed when posting the payroll journals

SUTA Expense (Direct Charge) Expense Account

Enter, or click to select, the SUTA expense account number to be used for direct charge of employer fringes. This field is enabled when you select the Direct Charge Employer Fringes > check box on the Direct Charge Options subtask of the Configure Payroll Settings screen, and all group boxes are populated. This field is disabled if you do not select the Accrue SUTA by State > check box, and the SUTA > Accrual and SUTA > Expense fields are populated on the Configure Payroll Settings screen.

Default Multi State Withholding Rate

Enter the rate for calculating state withholding tax when the state for which the tax needs to be calculated is not set up for an employee on the Manage Employee Taxes screen.

Override low withholding (Nebraska)

Select this check box to override Nebraska's low income tax withholding with the following amounts:

  • 50% of the withholding for a single employee with one allowance.
  • 50% of the withholding for a married employee with two allowances.
Enable Age/Blind Exemption

Select this box to enable the fields for entering the number of age 65 or over exemptions, and the number of blindness exemptions for the withholding state. Currently, this check box is selected if withholding state is Virginia.

If you select this check box for the withholding state, you must set up records on the Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments screen to specify the exemption amount for the state.

To set up the state exemption amount for age 65 or over, complete the following steps:
  1. Enter the withholding state.
  2. Select Age 65 or Over Exemption from the Type drop-down list.
  3. Enter the effective date of this exemption amount for the state.
  4. Select the appropriate filing status.
  5. Ensure that the details in the Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments screen have the following values:
    • Wage Type: Gross Wages
    • For Annualized Wage Over/Wage Basis: 0.00
    • Number or Exemptions or Credits: 0
    • Base Amount: 0.00
    • Amount per Credit/Exemption: Enter the annual exemption amount for age 65 or over
    • Exemption Threshold: 0
    • Percent of Excess: 0.00%
    • 1st Exempt Override: Not selected
    • 1st Exempt Override Amount: 0.00
    • Other Amount 1: 0.00
    • Other Amount 2: 0.00
    • Other Rate 1: 0.0000%
To set up the state exemption amount for blindness, perform the following steps:
  1. Enter the withholding state.
  2. Select Blindness Exemption from the Type drop-down list.
  3. Enter the effective date of this exemption amount for the state.
  4. Select the appropriate filing status.
  5. Ensure that the details on the Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments screen have the following values:
    • Wage Type: Gross Wages
    • For Annualized Wage Over/Wage Basis: 0.00
    • Number or Exemptions or Credits: 0
    • Base Amount: 0.00
    • Amount per Credit/Exemption: Enter the annual exemption amount for blindness
    • Exemption Threshold: 0
    • Percent of Excess: 0.00%
    • 1st Exempt Override: Not selected
    • 1st Exempt Override Amount: 0.00
    • Other Amount 1: 0.00
    • Other Amount 2: 0.00
    • Other Rate 1: 0.0000%

Pay Checks and Advices

Field Description
Include Hourly Rates for Non-Exempt Employees

Select this check box if the State requires that the pay rate be included on the paystub for FLSA non-exempt employees. If you select this check box, a non-exempt employee's pay rate is included on his paystub if the State matches his SUTA state. If the employee has an FLSA status of Non-exempt and this check box is selected for the employee’s SUTA state, the Print Paychecks and Print Payment Advices screens print a breakdown of the pay type, hours, and hourly rate on the paystub. If you do not select this check box, no pay rates are included on paystubs when the SUTA State matches the State.

Include Rate Type for Non-Exempt Employees

Select this check box to print the employee's rate type of either Hourly or Salaried on the paystub. You can only include the employee's rate type on paystubs if you select the Include Hourly Rates for Non-Exempt Employees check box.

Include Salary Amount for Exempt Employees

Select this check box if the state requires the salary on the paystub for FLSA-exempt employees.

Include Tax ID

Select this option to print the Tax ID on the paystub. Select the tax ID to be the EIN (Federal Tax ID) or the State Tax ID

Federal Tax ID (EIN)

Select this option to print the Federal Tax Identification Number or the EIN on the paystub.

State Tax ID

Select this option to print the State Tax ID on the paystub.

Payroll Tax Interface

Field Description
Withholding Code

Enter the tax code which identifies the state withholding tax in your payroll tax service system. If you enter a value in this field, it will be included when you export the state's withholding amounts to the payroll tax service provider.


Enter the tax code which identifies the SUTA tax in your payroll tax service system. If you enter a value in this field, it will be included when you export SUTA tax amounts to the payroll tax service provider

State Tax Details

Field Description
Effective Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which the tax becomes effective. The Costpoint format for date is MM/DD/YYYY. Pay Periods having a pay cycle end date the same as, or later than, the Effective Date use the related tax table rates.

Tax Based On

Use the drop-down list to make a selection. Valid options are:

  • Gross Pay: Select this option if the state tax table is computed based on gross pay.
  • Federal Taxes Withheld: Select this option if the state tax table is computed on the employee's Federal tax withheld.
  • None

If this state does not have an income tax, leave this field blank.

Supplemental Tax Rate

Enter the state tax withholding percentage that is used for supplemental earnings (bonus paychecks).

Exemption Amount Married

Enter the state's exemption allowance (used as a deduction from income) for Married status. The state exemption allowance is used in the computation of the amount of state income tax withheld from each employee's paycheck.

Exemption Amount Single

Enter the state's exemption allowance (used as a deduction from income) for Single status. The state exemption allowance is used in the computation of the amount of state income tax withheld from each employee's paycheck.

Exemption Amount Other

Enter the state's exemption allowance (used as a deduction from income) for any status that is not classified as married or single. The state exemption allowance is used in the computation of the amount of state income tax withheld from each employee's paycheck.

Dependent Credit Amount

If the state allows a credit (reduction in the tax) based upon the number of dependents, enter the credit amount here.

Credit Amount

If the state allows a credit (reduction in the tax) based upon the number of credits claimed, enter the credit amount here.

For example, California allows a credit amount, and the amount of the credit is updated every year.

Federal W/H Credit Limit

If this state allows a credit against the state withholding tax liability based upon Federal Taxes withheld, enter the maximum amount (the limit) of the credit here.

FICA W/H Credit Limit

If this state allows a credit against the state withholding tax liability based upon FICA Taxes withheld, enter the maximum amount (the limit) of the credit here.

Territory Tax based on Federal Tax

The screen selects this check box if the U.S. territory income tax system mirrors the federal income tax system. Currently, the screen selects this check box if the state is Guam or Virgin Islands.

This check box is not editable.

Round W/H Amount

Select this check box if the employee's tax withholding must be rounded to the nearest dollar.

No Standard Deduction if Zero Exemptions

Select this check box so that standard deduction will not be calculated regardless of filing status if no exemptions are claimed. This field is enabled only if the state is South Carolina (SC).

Apply Federal Supplemental Tax Rate to Bonus Checks

Select this check box to apply Federal supplemental tax rate to the state withholding. This field is enabled only if the state is Vermont (VT).

For example, Vermont withholding for supplemental tax is 24.0% of the Federal withholding

Unemployment Limit

Enter the unemployment limit that is in effect as of the effective date of this table. If you have installed the state tables that Deltek supplies, you can click and view the data that has been provided for this state.

Unemployment Rate

Enter the appropriate state unemployment rate that has been assigned to you from this state. Enter a rate only for those states that require you to pay unemployment taxes. You can enter up to six positions to the right of the decimal. This information is used when making payroll tax accruals in the Payroll Journal each pay period, and at the end of each quarter in the Payroll Quarterly report.

Low W/H Rate

This field displays the rate used for low withholding tax calculation. This field is enabled only if the state is Nebraska (NE).

The minimum Nebraska income tax withholding amount is calculated as follows and compared to the actual Nebraska income tax withholding.

  • Single Filers: 50% of a single person with one withholding allowance
  • Married Filers: 50% of a married person with two allowances
Nonresident Alien Additional Amount

This field displays the nonresident alien adjustment amount for the state. This field is enabled only if state is Maine (ME).

For example, the nonresident alien additional amount is 6,300 for 2015.


Subtask Description
Tax ID/Reference Numbers/ Vendor Information Click this link to open the Tax ID/Reference Numbers/Vendor Information subtask for the current record.