Local Subtask

Use this subtask to view and edit the locality information for the selected W-2.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the locality code for this line. Establish locality codes on the Manage Local Taxes screen.

Locality Name (Box 20)

When you populate the Locality field, this field displays the assigned locality name from the Localities subtask of the Manage Employee Earnings History screen. 

Local Wages, Tips, Etc. (Box 18)

This field displays the sum of all local taxable amounts from the Manage Employee Earnings History screen. Any SDI information is also printed in this box.

Note: All SDI withholdings must be set up as a local tax with a Y method.
Local Income Tax (Box 19)

This field displays the sum of all locality withheld amounts from the Localities subtask of the Manage Employee Earnings History screen.


Use this field to add text to your W-2.