Organization Levels

Talent Management Organization levels directly relate to Costpoint’s Company and Organization structure.

Below is how the data is mapped to Talent Management:

Talent Management Destination Description Required (Y/N) Costpoint Source
org_level_code Unique Identifier for HRIS system N Top Level (Company): Populate with the COMPANY_ + ORG.company_id

Lower Level(s) – Organization: Populate with the Organization’s Name (ORG.org_id)

org_level_name Name of division Y Top Level (Company): Populate with the GL_CONFIG.company_name

Lower Level(s) – Organization: Populate with the Organization’s Name (ORG.org_name) + (ORG.org_id)

org_level_parent_code Direct parent of child N Top Level (Company): Populate with 'top_level'

Lower Level(s) – Organization:

IF the Organization is a top level organization (ORG.org_top_fl = 'Y')

THEN populate with COMPANY_+ ORG.company_id

(Example: If the ORG_ID is 1 and it's linked to

company AAA, then send ‘COMPANY_AAA')

ELSE (IF the Organization is not a top level organization (ORG.org_top_fl = 'N'))

THEN populate with the Organization's parent

ORG.org_id (Example: If the ORG_ID is 1.2.3, then

send '1.2')


org_level_parent_name Direct parent of child's name N N/A