Manufacturing Order Demand Subtask

Use this subtask to view details about the manufacturing order that created the demand for the part selected on the Demand subtask.

Access this subtask whenever you need details about the MO that uses the selected part as a component.


Field Description

This field displays the part ID shown on the main screen.


This field displays the revision of the part ID.


This field displays the description for the part ID.


This field displays the unit of measure assigned to the part ID.

Manufacturing Order

This field displays the ID of the manufacturing order for which the component is required.


This field displays the type of MO, either Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.


This field displays the status of the MO, either Firm Planned, Released, or In Shop.

Requirement Line

This field displays the line number of this component part requirement in the associated MO.

Required Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the component part that is required for the MO.

Issued Qty

This field displays the quantity of the component part that has already been issued for the MO.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the associated inventory abbreviation of the requirement line for the part in the MO. The name of the inventory abbreviation is displayed in the adjacent unlabeled field.


This field displays the ID of the warehouse where the MO is placed.


This field displays the ID of the planner responsible for the MO.


This field displays the project ID associated with the inventory abbreviation on the line. The project name is displayed on the adjacent unlabeled field.

Prj Abbrev

This field displays the abbreviation of the project ID.


This field displays the Defense Priority Acquisition System (DPAS) priority code for the project associated with the inventory abbreviation.

Component Need Date

This field displays the date on which this component part requirement is needed for the MO.

MO Dates

This field displays dates associated with this manufacturing order.

Field Description
Order Date

This field displays the date on which the MO was created.

Due Date

This field displays the date on which the MO is due to be completed.

Need Date

This field displays the date on which the MO needs to be completed.

MO Expediting Notes

This field displays the expediting notes associated with this MO.