Labor Locations

In Deltek Talent Management, labor locations are tied to companies.

The following table provides information on how Costpoint data is mapped to Talent Management.

Talent Management Destination Description Required (Y/N) Costpoint Source
location_name Name of the location Y LAB_LOCATION.LAB_LOC_DESC
location_code Unique code for that location Y LAB_LOCATION.LAB_LOC_CD + "_COMPANY_" + company_id
company_code Company that is tied to the location N Default to LAB_LOCATION_COMPANY.company_ID if available, else if LAB_SETTINGS_CORP.dflt_company = Y use the LAB_SETTINGS.company_id for that record, else create a Labor Location record for each company ID in LAB_SETTINGS table.

Format: Top Level (Company)

Populate with “COMPANY_” + ORG.company_id

time_zone_code Time zone N N/A
location_currency_code Currency N N/A
location_address_one Address line 1 N LAB_LOCATION.ln_1_adr
location_address_two Address line 1 N LAB_LOCATION.ln_2_adr
location_address_three Address line 1 N LAB_LOCATION.ln_3_adr
location_city Location city N LAB_LOCATION.city_name
state_abbreviation State abbreviation N LAB_LOCATION.mail_state_dc
location_zip Zip code N LAB_LOCATION.postal_cd
country_abbreviation Two letter code for the country Y LAB_LOCATION.country_cd
location_phone Phone N LAB_LOCATION.phone_id
Location_fax Fax N LAB_LOCATION.fax_id
location_active Active/inactive flag N LAB_LOCATION.active_fl
location_group_code Code of the location group to be assigned to the location N N/A