Processing Details

The Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense screen processes values from the input file and multiple sources to create timesheet records in Costpoint.

Processing Details

  • The program checks the temporary table to determine whether any rows were not imported. If there are any such rows, Costpoint displays a message on the screen and you can continue or to cancel the process. If you continue, the temporary table is cleared.
  • Records from the input file are read and inserted into the temporary table.
  • The program applies defaults to any fields that are blank in the input file.
  • Validations are performed.
  • After the validations are completed, timesheets for employees with errors (but not warnings) are written to the error file. If there is an error on one line of the timesheet, the program rejects all lines and writes them to the error file. These rows are then deleted from the temporary table. The temporary table now has only valid rows in it.
  • Costpoint calculates the charge hours and labor cost (if blank).
  • If you selected the Auto-Adjust Salaried Employees checkbox, the program auto-adjusts all timesheets for salaried employees in the temporary table. If you selected the Auto-Adjust Hourly Employees checkbox, all the timesheets for hourly employees are auto-adjusted.
  • Costpoint prints the Error Report. If there are errors, a message displays to notify you of this fact. If there are no errors, the Error Report indicates that no records were found.

Import Details

  • The program checks the dates of the rows in the temporary table to verify that they fall within the range of dates entered on the screen.
  • The timesheet line key is set.
  • The program checks the Timesheet Header table again to be sure that the timesheets being imported do not already exist. If duplicates exist, Costpoint displays a message and the import halts.
  • The program inserts rows from the temporary table into the Timesheet Header and Timesheet Line tables.
  • The temporary table is cleared to prevent duplicate uploads.

Timesheet Header Table

The Timesheet Header table is filled as follows:

Field Description
Timesheet Date (TS_DT)
  • The timesheet date is taken from the input file or the screen.
  • The default value is the ending date from the screen.
  • The validations are as follows:
    • The date must be a valid date.
    • The date must be in an open timesheet period based on the employee's timesheet period.
    • The date must be within the period of performance of the project, if a project is entered.
Employee ID (EMPL_ID)
  • The Employee ID is taken from the input file.
  • The validations are as follows:
    • The Employee ID is a required field and must exist in the input file.
    • The employee must be in the Employee table.
    • The employee must be active.
    • The employee cannot be terminated.
Timesheet Type Code (S_TS_TYPE_CD)
  • The timesheet type is taken from the input file or the screen.
  • The default value is the timesheet type from the screen.
  • The validation is as follows:
    • The timesheet type must be R (Regular), L (Labor), B (Bonus), or C (Correcting).
Timesheet Header Sequence Number (TS_HDR_SEQ_NO)
  • The sequence number is set to the sequence number specified in the input file.
  • If no sequence number is specified in the input file and the timesheet type is R (Regular), L (Labor Only), or B (Bonus), a value of 1 defaults.
  • If no sequence number is specified in the input file, and the input file timesheet type is C (Correcting), D (Replacement), or N (Reversal), and a C type timesheet already exists in the Timesheet Header or Timesheet Header History table for the same employee and date, Costpoint automatically increases the sequence number by one (up to a sequence number of 99).
  • If no sequence number is specified in the input file, the timesheet type is C (Correcting), D (Replacement), or N (Reversal), and a C type timesheet does not already exist in Costpoint for the same employee and timesheet date, a value of 1 defaults.

Costpoint sets the user ID to the current user.

Posting Sequence Number (POST_SEQ_NO)

Costpoint leaves the posting sequence number blank.

Payroll Posted Flag (PR_POSTED_FL)

Costpoint sets the payroll posting flag to N (No).

Leave Posted Flag (LV_POSTED_FL)

Costpoint sets the leave posted flag to N (No).

Entry Date (ENTRY_DT)

Costpoint sets the entry date to the current system date.

Working State (WORK_STATE_CD)
  • The working state is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is the working state from the Manage Employee Salary Information table.
  • The validations are as follows:
    • The Working State is a required field and must be in the input file or defaulted from the Manage Employee Salary Information table.
    • The working state must be in the Manage Overtime Rules by State table.
Fiscal Year (FY_CD)
Period Number (PD_NO)
Subperiod Number (SUB_PD_NO)
  • The fiscal year, period, and subperiod are taken from the input file or the screen.
  • The default values are from the screen.
  • The validations are as follows:
    • The combination of all three must exist in the Subperiod table.
    • The combination must be open in the Subperiod table.
Note: This field is not used if you have a Costpoint Starter Edition license.

The value will default to 1 when this field is imported.

Journal Code (S_JNL_CD)

The application sets the journal code to LD (Labor Distribution).

Timesheet Batch ID (TS_BATCH_ID)

Costpoint leaves the timesheet batch ID blank.

Correcting Reference Date (CORRECTING_REF_DT)
  • The correcting reference date is taken from the input file.
  • The date must be a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Auto-Adjust Percentage Rate (AUTO_ADJ_PCT_RT)
  • The override auto-adjust percentage is taken from the screen.
  • If you did not specify an override percentage, the auto-adjust percentage rate is taken from the Default Auto-Adjust % on the Manage Timesheet Periods screen for the employee's timesheet cycle.
Timesheet Header Compute Code (S_TS_HDR_CMPUT_CD)

Costpoint sets the timesheet header compute code to O (Original).

Labor Group/Union Type (LAB_GRP_TYPE)

The labor group type is taken from the Salary Info and History table.

Pay Period (PAY_PD_CD)

Costpoint leaves the pay period code blank.

Pay Period Start Date (PAY_PD_START_DT)

Costpoint leaves the pay period start date blank.

Pay Period End Date (PAY_PD_END_DT)

Costpoint leaves the pay period end date blank.

Timesheet Period Code (TS_PD_CD)

The timesheet period code is taken from the Employee table.

Home Organization (EMPL_HOME_ORG_ID)

The home organization is taken from the Manage Employee Salary Information table.

Inter-Company Tracking Organization (IC_TRKNG_ORG_ID)

The Inter-company tracking organization is derived from the home organization based on the balance sheet level defined in the Organization table.

Home Reference Number 1 (EMPL_HOME_REF1_ID)

The home reference number 1 is taken from the Manage Employee Salary Information table.

Note: This field is not used if you have a Costpoint Starter Edition license.

Home Reference Number 2 (EMPL_HOME_REF2_ID)

The home reference number 2 is taken from the Manage Employee Salary Information table.


This field is not used if you have a Costpoint Starter Edition license.

Timesheet Line Table

The Timesheet Line table is filled as follows:

Field Description
Timesheet Date (TS_DT)

The timesheet date is set the same as in the timesheet header.

Employee ID (EMPL_ID)

The employee ID is set the same as in the timesheet header.

Timesheet Type (S_TS_TYPE_CD)

The timesheet type is set the same as in the timesheet header.

Timesheet Header Sequence Number (TS_HDR_SEQ_NO)

The timesheet header sequence number is set the same as the timesheet header.

Timesheet Line Number (TS_LN_NO)

Costpoint sets the timesheet line number sequentially.

Pay Type (PAY_TYPE)
  • The pay type is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Defaults table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Manage Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Manage Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee in the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Salary Information).
  • The Pay Type from the Configure Labor Settings screen is used.
  • The validations are as follows:
  • The > Pay Type > is a required field and must be in the input file or have a default value supplied.
  • The pay type must exist in the Pay Types table.
  • If the employee is exempt, you must select the Exempt checkbox on the Manage Pay Types screen.
  • If the employee is not exempt, you must select the Non-Exempt checkbox in the Manage Pay Types screen.
  • If the employee is salaried, you must select the Salaried checkbox on the Manage Pay Types screen.
  • The pay type cannot exist for the project, the labor location, and the employee's labor group type on the Manage Pay Type Restrictions screen.
  • If the employee is salaried and FLSA exempt, you must select the Allow Overtime for Salaried, FLSA Exempt Employees checkbox on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen in order to use a pay type that is flagged as an overtime pay type.
General Labor Category (GEN_LAB_CAT_CD)
  • The general labor category is taken from the input file. If you did not select the Allow Edit of GLC checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen, the general labor category in the input file is ignored and a default is used.
  • The default value is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee in the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Salary Information screen).
  • The validations are as follows:
  • The general labor category is a required field and must be in the input file or have a default supplied.
  • The general labor category must be in the General Labor Category table.
Timesheet Line Type (S_TS_LN_TYPE_CD)
  • The timesheet line type is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is A.
  • The validations are as follows:
  • The timesheet line type must be A, B, L, M, or S.
  • Lines assigned to type L cannot have a labor cost.
  • Lines assigned to type L must have hours.
  • The account for line type L must be assigned as either the accrual or expense account on a leave type for which the Use as FMLA Leave Type checkbox is selected on the Manage Leave Types screen.
  • The account for a line type B must be assigned as either the accrual or expense account on a leave type that has a related FMLA leave type.
Labor Cost Amount (LAB_CST_AMT)
  • The labor cost is taken from the input file.
  • If the timesheet line's Project, Labor Location, Labor Category, and Labor Group meet the criteria for Wage Determination, the formula to calculate labor cost is as follows:
  • If the Wage Determination record's Hourly Rate Method is Override on the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen, the formula is (Entered hours * Wage Determination Rate).
  • If the Wage Determination record's Hourly Rate Method is Use if Higher on the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen and the wage determination rate is greater than the employee's hourly rate, the formula is (entered hours * wage determination rate). If the Wage Determination record's Hourly Rate Method is Use if Higher and the wage determination rate is less than the employee's hourly rate, the formula is (entered hours * employee's hourly rate).
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Add Pay Type Amount to Timesheet Line for the pay type, the formula is (entered hours * hourly rate * pay type factor) + pay type amount. (Pay type code is A.)
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Multiply Hours times Pay Type Amount for the pay type, the formula is (entered hours * hourly rate * pay type factor) + (pay type amount * entered hours). (Pay type code is B.)
  • If you selected the Enable Union Functionality checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen and the employee is flagged as a union employee, the formula is (entered hours * union profile rate)
  • If neither wage determination rates nor union rates apply, labor cost is calculated using the hourly rate and the pay type. The formula used to calculate labor cost is as follows:
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Add Pay Type Amount to Timesheet Line for the pay type, the formula is (entered hours * hourly rate * pay type factor) + pay type amount. (Pay type code is A.)
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Multiply Hours times Pay Type Amount for the pay type, the formula is (entered hours * hourly rate * pay type factor) + (pay type amount * entered hours). (Pay type code is B.)
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Multiply Hours times Pay Type Amount times Factor for the pay type, the formula is (entered hour * hourly rate * pay type factor) + (pay type amount * entered hours * pay type factor). (Pay type code is C.)
  • The validations are as follows:
  • The labor cost must be numeric.
  • The labor cost must be zero if the line type is L.
  • The labor cost must be positive if the entered hours are positive, and the labor cost must be negative if the entered hours are negative.
Entered Hours (ENTERED_HRS)
  • The entered hours are taken from the input file.
  • The validations are as follows:
  • The entered hours must be numeric.
  • The entered hours cannot be zero if the line type is L.
Worker's Comp Code (WORK_COMP_CD)
  • The workers' comp code is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee in the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Salary Information screen).
  • The Pay Type from the Configure Labor Settings screen is used.
  • The validations are as follows:
  • Workers' comp code is a required field and must be in the input file or have a default value supplied.
  • The workers' comp code must exist in the Workers' Comp table.
Labor Location/Local Code (LAB_LOC_CD)
  • The labor location is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee in the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Salary Information screen).
  • The validations are as follows:
  • If you selected the Require Labor Location on Timesheet checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen, a labor location is required and must be in the Labor Location/Local table.
  • The labor location must exist in the Labor Location/Local table.
Compute Method (S_COMPUT_MTHD_CD)

Costpoint sets the compute method. Compute method is a combination of a code indicating the source of the hourly rate and a code indicating the pay type calculation to be used. See "Hourly Rate" and "Labor Cost." In addition to the codes listed under hourly rate, the program uses Z if the Entered Hours field is zero.

Charge Hours (CHG_HRS)
  • Costpoint sets the charge hours.
  • Set equal to entered hours if the pay type is not Cost Only.
  • Set to zero if the pay type is Cost Only.
Hourly Rate (HRLY_AMT)

The application sets the hourly rate. The hourly rate to be used is as follows:

  • If the employee is salaried/fixed and Enable is selected in the Use Standard Rates group box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, the standard rate from the Salary Info and History table is used. (Hourly rate code is S.)
  • If you selected the Enable Wage Determination Feature checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen and the employee is hourly and non-exempt, the project, labor location code, general labor category, and labor group type is looked up in the Wage Determination table.
  • If a match is found and the Hourly Rate Method is set to Override on the Wage Determination Rates screen, the rate from the Wage Determination table is used. (Hourly rate code is O.)
  • If the Hourly Rate Method on the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen is set to Use if Higher and the rate in the Wage Determination table is greater than the employee's hourly rate, the rate from the Wage Determination table is used. (Hourly rate code is W.)
  • In all other cases, the employee's hourly rate from the Salary Info and History table is used. (Hourly rate code is E.)
Organization (ORG_ID)
  • The organization is taken from the input file.
  • The default value for non-M (manufacturing order) type timesheets is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee in the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Salary Information screen).
  • The default value for M (manufacturing order)type timesheets is assigned as follows:
  • The default value for M (manufacturing order)type timesheets is assigned as follows:
  • If the timesheet line type is M (Manufacturing order) and the Organization Default Method is Employee Home Org on the Configure Labor Settings screen, the timesheet line Organization field is populated with the employee's home organization.
  • If the Organization Default Method is MO Org, and the Account is the manufacturing order's WIP Labor Account, the timesheet line Organization field is populated with the manufacturing order's WIP Direct Labor Organization.
  • If the Organization Default Method is MO Org, and the Account is the manufacturing order's WIP Misc 1 Account, the timesheet line Organization field is populated with the manufacturing order's WIP Direct Misc 1 Organization.
  • If the Organization Default Method is MO Org, and the Account is the manufacturing order's WIP Misc 2 Account, the timesheet line Organization field is populated with the manufacturing order's WIP Direct Misc 2 Organization.
  • The validations are as follows:
  • Organization is a required field and must be in the input file or have a default value supplied.
  • The organization must exist in the Organization table.
Account (ACCT_ID)
  • The account is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee in the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Salary Information screen).
  • The validations are as follows:
  • Account is a required field and must exist in the input file or have a default value supplied.
  • The account must exist in the Account table.
  • The account must be a detail account.
  • The account must be available for use in timesheet entry.
Organization Abbreviation (ORG_ABBRV_CD)

Costpoint leaves the organization abbreviation blank.

Project (PROJ_ID)
  • Project is taken from the input file.
  • The validations are as follows:
  • If you selected the Project Required checkbox for this account on the Manage Accounts screen, Project is a required field and must exist in the input file.
  • The project must exist in the Project table.
  • The project must be active.
Project Abbreviation (PROJ_ABBRV_CD)

Costpoint leaves the project abbreviation blank.

Project Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT_CD)
  • The project labor category is taken from the input file.
  • Costpoint first uses the transaction project's setup to determine which project is used to default the PLC. If the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox is selected for the transaction project on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, Costpoint uses the transaction project's top level.

    If you did not select the transaction project's Use Top Level Work Force checkbox, Costpoint then determines whether a source project is assigned to the transaction project. If a source project exists in the first row of the Define Rate Sequence table, the program uses that source project to determine the PLC default value.

    If you did not select the Use Top Level Work Force checkbox and no source project exists for the transaction project, the program uses the transaction project to determine the PLC default value.

    The default value is assigned as follows:

  • The first level of PLC default is the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask of the Project Employee Work Force screen. If the project and employee exist in this screen, the PLC with a Defaults value of Y is inserted into the transaction. This screen is used as a basis for default whether or not you have selected the Project Work Force Required checkbox on the Basic Info tab of the Project User Flow. If a PLC default value is found, the search ends here. If not, the process continues.
  • Costpoint then determines whether the project's Project Work Force Required checkbox is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Project User Flow. If so, the search for a PLC default value ends here. If the checkbox is not selected, the process searches non-work force related screens for a PLC default value.
  • If the transaction project, the employee, and a PLC default value exist on the Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults screen, the PLC in this screen is inserted into the transaction and the default process ends here. If no PLC default exists in this screen, the process continues.
  • If the transaction project's account group, the employee, and a PLC default value exist on the Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults screen, the PLC in this screen is inserted into the transaction and the default process ends here. If no PLC default exists in this screen, the process continues.
  • If the transaction project's account group, the employee's labor group, and a PLC default value exist on the Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults screen, the PLC from this screen is inserted into the transaction and the default process ends here. If no PLC default exists in this screen, the process continues.
  • If the transaction project and a PLC default value exist on the Manage Project Timesheet Defaults screen, the PLC in this screen is inserted into the transaction and the default process ends here. If no PLC default exists in this screen, the process continues.
  • If the top level/source/transaction project, the transaction GLC, and a PLC default value exist on the Link GLC to Project PLC subtask of the > Link Project Labor Categories to Projects > screen, the PLC in this screen is inserted into the transaction and the default process ends here. If no PLC default exists in this screen, the process continues.
  • If the transaction GLC and a PLC default value exist on the Manage General Labor Categories screen, the PLC in this screen is inserted into the transaction. This is the last level of PLC default.
  • Costpoint determines whether a PLC is required for the transaction. If no project exists on the transaction, a PLC is not required and the validation process ends without error. If a PLC does exist on the transaction but no project is specified, an error message prints. If a project exists and no error occurred, the validation process continues to step b.
  • If you selected the Project Work Force Required checkbox for the project on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, the work force validations are performed. Costpoint uses the appropriate project (top level, source, or transaction) to validate the employee against the work force. If the employee is not assigned to the appropriate work force, an error message prints. If the employee is assigned to the appropriate work force, the validation process continues to the next step.
  • If the top level/source/transaction project does not exist on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, the validation process ends without error. If the project does not exist on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, it means that all PLCs are linked to that project. If the project does exist on the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects screen, the validation process continues to the next step.
  • If the PLC field is blank, Costpoint determines the project/account combination's Project Account Group function. If the function is Labor, an error message prints to inform you that the PLC is required. If the function is not Labor, the validation process ends without error. If the PLC field is not blank, the validation process continues to the next step.
  • If the PLC field is not blank, the next step depends on the project's Project Work Force Required checkbox on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
  • If you selected the Project Work Force Required checkbox for the project, the project/employee/PLC combination is validated against the Assign PLC to Employee Work Force table. If the combination exists there, the validation process ends here without error. If the combination does not exist in this table, an error message prints.
  • If you did not select the Project Work Force Required checkbox for the project, the project/PLC combination is validated against the Assign PLC to Projects table. If the combination exists there, the validation process ends here without error. If the combination does not exist in this table, an error message prints.
Notes (NOTES)

Notes are taken from the input file. If the Notes field in the input file is all spaces, Costpoint sets it to a single space.

Reference Number 1 (REF_STRUC_1_ID)
  • Reference number 1 is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee on the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Information screen).
  • The validations are as follows:
  • The reference number must exist in the Reference Structure table as a reference number 1.
  • The employee must have a home reference number 1 (warning only).
  • If the employee has no home reference number 1, there is no reference number 1 (warning only).
Note: This field is not used if you have a Costpoint Starter Edition license.
Reference Number 2 (REF_STRUCT_2_ID)
  • Reference number 2 is taken from the input file.
  • The default value is assigned as follows:
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project in the Employee Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee ID and the project's account group code in the Employee Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee's labor group type and the project's account group code in the Labor Account Group Default table.
  • The program looks up the project in the Project Timesheet Default table.
  • The program looks up the employee in the Default Regular Timesheet table (Manage Employee Information screen).
  • The validations are as follows:
  • The reference number must exist in the Reference Structure table as a reference number 2.
  • The employee must have a home reference number 2 (warning only).
  • If the employee has no home reference number 2, there is no reference number 2 (warning only).
Note: This field is not used if you have a Costpoint Starter Edition license.
Salary Info and History Effective Date (ELI_EFFECT_DT)

Costpoint sets this column to the effective date of the most recent record for the employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

Wage Determination Effective Date (WD_EFFECT_DT)

Costpoint sets this column to the effective date of the Wage Determination record used to calculate the labor cost (this column is populated only if wage determination applies to the timesheet line).

Project Account Abbreviation (PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD)

The abbreviation code is taken from the input file.

Costpoint defaults this value based on the timesheet line's Project and Account.

Recast Line Flag (RECAST_LN)

Costpoint leaves the recast line column blank.

Allocated Comp OT Flag (ALLOC_LN)

Costpoint leaves the allocated comp OT column blank.

Retroactive Pay Flag (RETRO_LN)

Costpoint leaves the retroactive pay column blank.

Allowance Flag (ALLOW_LN)

Costpoint leaves the allowance line column blank.

Withholding State (WH_STATE_CD)

If you are using Deltek Time & Expense 7.x to 8.1.1, the file layout does not include the Withholding State field.

You must be using Time & Expense 8.1.2 and above and the employee's Enable > Multi-State Tax Withholding checkbox must be selected on the Manage Pay Periods screen. If the Enable Multi-State Tax Withholding checkbox is not selected, this field is blank.

  • The withholding state is taken from the input file.
  • Costpoint obtains the default withholding state using the following levels of default:
  • Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Project Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Employee Taxes
Withholding Locality (WH_LOCAL_CD)

Costpoint leaves the withholding locality column blank.

Union Fringe Code (FRINGE_CD)

Costpoint leaves the fringe code column blank.


This field is used only if the Enable union functionality checkbox is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen.

Effective Bill Date (EFFECT_BILL_DT)
  • The Effective Bill Date is taken from the input file.
  • If a PLC exists on the timesheet line and no effective bill date is specified in the input file, the effective bill date is set to the last day of the specified accounting period.
  • If you are processing a C Type (Correcting) timesheet, and a PLC exists on the timesheet line and no effective bill date is specified in the input file, and the Use Reference Date in Correcting Timesheets checkbox is selected in the Effective Bill Date Options group box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, the ref date from the input file defaults.
  • If you do not select the Use Reference Date in Correcting Timesheets checkbox or you are processing an R Type (Regular) or B Type (Bonus) timesheet, the Effective Bill Date Options Default Method from the Configure Labor Settings screen is used to determine the effective bill date default. If the Effective Bill Date Options Default Method is Subperiod End Date, the last day of the timesheet header subperiod defaults when you enter a valid PLC. Otherwise, if the Effective Bill Date Options Default Method is Timesheet Date, the timesheet date defaults when you enter a valid PLC. You can edit the date, but it is not validated. This field is required if a PLC is specified on the timesheet line.

Timesheet Line Manufacturing (MO) Table

The timesheet line table is filled as follows:

Field Description
Timesheet Date (TS_DT)

The timesheet date is set the same as in the Timesheet Header.

Employee ID (EMPL_ID)

The employee ID is set the same as in the Timesheet Header.

Timesheet Type (S_TS_TYPE_CD)

The timesheet type is set the same as in the Timesheet Header.

Timesheet Header Sequence Number (TS_HDR_SEQ_NO)

The timesheet header sequence number is set the same as the Timesheet Header.

Timesheet Line Number (TS_LN_NO)

Costpoint sets the timesheet line number sequentially.

Manufacturing Order ID (MO_ID)

The MO ID is taken from the input file.

Manufacturing Order Operating Sequence Number (MO_OPER_SEQ_NO)

The MO operating sequence number is taken from the input file.

Manufacturing Order Operation Setup Number (MO_OPER_STEP_NO)

The MO operating step number is taken from the input file.

Manufacturing Order Work Center ID (WC_ID)

The MO work center ID is taken from the input file.

Charge Hours (CHG_HRS)

Costpoint sets the charge hours.

  • Set equal to entered hours if the pay type is not Cost Only.
  • Set to zero if the pay type is Cost Only.
Labor Cost Amount (LAB_CST_AMT)
  • The labor cost is taken from the input file.
  • The program calculates labor cost using the hourly rate and the pay type. The formula used to calculate labor cost is as follows:
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Add Pay Type Amount to Timesheet Line for the pay type, the formula is (entered hours * hourly rate * pay type factor) + pay type amount. (Pay type code is A.)
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Multiply Hours times Pay Type Amount for the pay type, the formula is (entered hours * hourly rate * pay type factor) + (pay type amount * entered hours). (Pay type code is B.)
  • If the Additional Calculations Based on an Amount group box on the Manage Pay Types screen is set to Multiply Hours times Pay Type Amount times Factor for the pay type, the formula is (entered hour * hourly rate * pay type factor) + (pay type amount * entered hours * pay type factor). (Pay type code is C.)
Fiscal Year (FY_CD)

The fiscal year is set the same as in the Timesheet Header.

Period Number (PD_NO)

The period number is set the same as in the Timesheet Header.

Subperiod Number (SUB_PD_NO)

The subperiod number is set the same as in the Timesheet Header.


This field is not used if you have a Costpoint Starter Edition license.

Cost Element Code (S_COST_ELEMENT_CD)
  • If the timesheet line's account matches the manufacturing order's WIP Direct Labor Account, the cost element code is set to L.
  • If the timesheet line's account matches the manufacturing order's WIP Miscellaneous 1 Account, the cost element code is set to 1.
  • If the timesheet line's account matches the manufacturing order's WIP Miscellaneous 2 Account, the cost element code is set to 2.
Activity Type (S_ACTIVITY_TYPE)

The Activity Type is taken from the input file.