Salary History Subtask

Managers use this tab to view the salary history table of their direct/indirect reports.

Managers use this tab to view the salary history table of their direct/indirect reports. If you are a manager, you can also add new salary records by clicking the New button and then entering an Effective Date that falls after the previous record's date. When you tab out of the Effective Date field, the previous record's information will default into the new record.
Warning: Managers may not insert a new salary record between existing salary records or copy data from an older record on this tab.


Field Description
Effective Date

This field displays the date for the data displayed.

Annual Salary

This field displays the employee's annual amount earned.

Hourly Rate

This field displays the employee's hourly amount earned.

Rate Type

This field displays the category of the employee's rate.

Yearly Hours

This field displays the estimated number of wok hours in the year for the employee.

FLSA Classification

This field displays if the employee is exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Employee Class

This field displays the class description in which the employee is included.

Job Title

This field displays the employee's title.


This field displays the employee's manager.

Supervisor This field displays the supervisor from the employee's salary information.

This field displays the employee's labor location.

Home Org

This field displays the employee's home organization.

HR Org

This field displays the employee's human resource organization.

Security Org

This field displays the employee's security organization.

Personal Action 1

This field any personnel action for the employee.

Personal Action 2

This field any personnel action for the employee.

Personal Action 3

This field any personnel action for the employee.