Contents of the Address Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Address screen.


Field Description
First Name

This field displays the first name of the selected employee.

Last Name

This field displays the last name of the selected employee.

Employee ID

This field displays the code that uniquely identifies the employee.


This field displays the title of the selected employee.

Home Org

This field displays the home organization assigned to the employee.

Status This field displays the employee's status.

This check box displays as selected if the employee is a contractor.

Mailing Address

Field Description
Line 1

This field displays the first line of the employee's home address.

Line 2

This field displays the second line of the employee's home address.

Line 3

This field displays the third line of the employee's home address.


This field displays the city of the employee's home address.


This field displays the state or province of the employee's home address.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code of the employee's home address.


This field displays the country of the employee's home address.

Change Request Information

Field Description
Status This field displays status for the change request, if applicable.
Status Date This field displays the change request status date.
Notes This field displays the comments made by the human resources manager and manager.


Subtask Description
Other Addresses Click this link to view additional addresses and contact information of the employee.