Global File Menu

The Global File Menu contains items to manipulate database tables and records, including creating new records, saving and deleting them, and logging out.

The table below describes Global File Menu functions, including available shortcut keystrokes. Note that not all menu and toolbar functions are available for all features.

Menu Option Function
Execute (F3) Select this option to populate the table window. Costpoint uses the filtering conditions you entered on the top screen. If you have not yet entered data (for example, when you have just opened the application), you can click Execute to retrieve all available database rows permitted by the business rules.

Click to launch Execute from the Global Toolbar.

Clone Record (F4) Click Clone Record to create a new record that retains information from an existing record.

After you create a new record by cloning an existing record, you can edit the data in the new record.

Use the Toggle View option on the Application Toolbar to switch back and forth between the new record and the existing record.

Clone is not available for all functions.

Save (F5) Select this option to save your data to the database.

Click to use this feature from the Global Toolbar.

Save & Continue (F6) This menu option saves your input without clearing the screen, which allows you to continue working on the current record.

Click to use this feature from the Global Toolbar.

Refresh Select this item to display a submenu with four Refresh options. These options allow you to refresh all or part of an application. Generally, refreshing an application returns it to the state it was in when you opened it, reversing any changes you have made to records on the screen and restoring those records to the state they were in when you first loaded them from the database.
  • Clear All: Use this option to do the following:
    • Cancel all edits you made since opening the application, and
    • Restart the application.

    Costpoint deletes all the changes you made to your queried data since opening the application and then restarts your session.

  • Refresh All: Use this option to do the following:
    • Cancel all edits made in the current application, and
    • Re-execute all current queries for all currently opened screens within the application.

    Costpoint only re-executes a query if you previously executed one in the current session.

  • Refresh Subtask: Use this option to refresh the current subtask. Costpoint deletes all edits for a single document that you have made both under that subtask and its subordinate subtasks, if any. Data on the header record and on other subtasks do not refresh. This option is available only within a subtask.
  • Refresh Document: Use this option to refresh the currently selected document. Costpoint refreshes the data on the current header row and all its supporting details. Costpoint removes all previous edits. This option applies to documents (header records) only. You cannot refresh a new row since it does not yet exist in database.

    This option enables only for the top level, at the root of the document. This option is disabled for subtasks.

Click to open this feature from Global Toolbar.

Print Options (CTRL+ALT+P) Select this item to display the Print Options dialog box, where you can review and modify your printer options. Choose the destination for your output (for instance, system or local printer, file, email, download, or archive), select specific pages for printing, number of copies, and more.

Click to open this feature from the Global Toolbar.

Page Setup Select this item to display the Page Setup dialog box, where you can specify your report's layout. You can choose the font, layout (landscape or portrait), paper size, margins, and whether to include your company logo and name.

Click to open this feature from the Global Toolbar.

Preview Default Report (CTRL+SHIFT+V) Select this item to display a preview of the current report. Most report applications (such as the Project Status Report), include only the option to print the report. Some applications include an option to print in batch mode.

For most non-report applications, three options are available to print the records:

  • Current Record Information - Vertical Layout
  • Current Record Information - Horizontal Layout
  • Queried Records Information - Horizontal Layout

Click to open this feature from the Global Toolbar.

Print Default Report (CTRL+SHIFT+P) Select this item to print the current report. Costpoint prints the report using the selections you made on the Page Setup and Print Options dialog boxes.

Most report applications (such as the Project Status Report), include only the option to print the report. Some applications include an option to print in batch mode.

For most non-report applications, three options are available to print the records:

  • Current Record Information - Vertical Layout
  • Current Record Information - Horizontal Layout
  • Queried Records Information - Horizontal Layout

Click to open this feature from the Global Toolbar.

Export to Excel (CTRL+SHIFT+E) Select this item to export the current report to Microsoft Excel. Costpoint prints the report using the selections you made on the Page Setup and Print Options dialog boxes, except the report output is automatically set to Excel format.
Close Application (CTRL+W) Select Close to exit the current Costpoint application. When you click Close Application from the Global Menu, Navigation Menu (in Open Applications ) or Application Toolbar will not exit Costpoint.

Click to close the current application from the Application Toolbar.

Log Out (CTRL+SHIFT+F12) Select this option to exit Costpoint, including all currently active Costpoint applications. If you have unsaved changes, you will have the opportunity to cancel and save your new data before you exit Costpoint.

Click to log out of Costpoint from the Navigation Toolbar.